One of the most basic pledges of health of the kid is a competent food. However, it does not mean, that you can eat for a two. If the woman in pregnancy is much anything good will not occur, postnatal depression when scales will show many unnecessary tens kg only will amplify. All products which you use in food are obliged to contain set of nutrients and vitamins that the child received all necessary for development and growth. It is required to exclude products which contain unsafe for health chemical additives from a food. And, naturally, completely to exclude the nicotine and alcohol use.
Try to have a rest more time. In that case if you go for work by all means inform the heads on your condition. Under the law on work your employer is obliged to provide to you the facilitated operating mode and to exclude additional hours. If you work at office and the basic operating time to you is necessary to sit, try to arrange periodically to itself breaks during which to go. Long sitting leads to stagnation of blood in a small basin that is capable to harm to your child.
The life of the modern person is full of efforts on work and houses. We seldom spend time on fresh air, and it is rather necessary for health of the child, therefore try to find every day time at least for simple walk before a dream. Useful influence of fresh air is useful both for the child, and for his mother. Walking on fresh air leads to saturation of blood by oxygen which in considerable doses arrives to the kid. Walks on fresh air give the chance to look, receive remarkably a healthy flush and to keep themselves in shape.
One of the paramount moments in the course of pregnancy - health of the most future mum. The pregnant woman feels the big loadings. During this period chronic diseases can become aggravated. Self-treatment in pregnancy can put an irreparable harm to the child. At any undesirable changes of your state of health it is necessary to address immediately to the doctor who will define a way of treatment. Most cautiously it is necessary to concern reception of preparations, preliminary necessarily consult to the doctor. Remember that for this day cases when treatment of easy cold by Paracetamol in pregnancy led to death of the child are already known.
The main rule is strict observance of councils of the doctor then the positive result will be reached.