Wednesday, January 20, 2010

How to Control Pregnancy Weight Gain

pregnancy weight gain calendar

Control Pregnancy Weight Gain

How to Control Pregnancy Weight Gain

Future mum needs to show consideration for the health especially. In an ideal, even in pregnancy planning it is desirable to be Control Pregnancy Weight Gain checked up on sexual infections and to hand over blood on antibodies to hlamids, a herpes, a cytomegalovirus. The matter is that these infections, as a rule, proceed imperceptibly, and the woman can not know that is sick. However at pregnancy microbes make fatal impact on a fruit, causing developmental anomalies and other infringements. For this reason it is important to reveal and treat these illnesses in early pregnancy weight gain advance.

One more infection which it is necessary to be afraid especially to pregnant women,-. At the women who have caught a virus in the first trimester of pregnancy, the risk of a birth of the child with plural developmental anomalies, and also an abortion considerably increases. To secure itself against this infection, it is desirable to inoculate from a Control Pregnancy Weight Gain minimum 3 months prior to planned pregnancy.

In case of not planned pregnancy to the woman also will appoint analyses to the sexual and "latent" infections. Do not panic, if what or from tests disease presence reveals. Competently picked up treatment will lower risk of infection of a fruit, and attentive supervision over its condition (by means of the threefold test, ultrasonic) will early pregnancy weight gain allow to reveal possible problems on early terms of pregnancy.

Fruitless it is considered marriage in which, despite a regular sexual life without application of contraceptive means, pregnancy at the woman does not arise within a year. Today every fifth family Control Pregnancy Weight Gain faces this problem approximately.

The majority of cases of man's and female barreness the married couple gives birth to the child natural by. Unfortunately, happens and so, that the barreness reason is found, but to eliminate it it is not possible by means of medicines, even surgical by.

Nevertheless, such pairs nevertheless have chance to conceive the child. To make it it is possible, having addressed in the specialised clinics, engaged in artificial fertilisation.

Now following techniques of artificial fertilisation are applied:

Egg fertilisation in a test tube and its premise is direct in a uterus cavity;
Use of the improved sperm of the man;
Artificial (it is applied at Control Pregnancy Weight Gain sexual weakness at the man, insufficient quantity or activity of spermatozoas in natural conditions, allergic reaction of an organism of the woman to sperm components;
Sperm donor service;
donor eggs
Donor eggs use of a donor egg).

If also these techniques appear unsuccessful, the unique chance to get «genetically» the child - to take advantage of the of services of substitute mother. To steams for which this method is unacceptable for ethical and other reasons, it is not necessary to Pregnancy Weight Gain despair. To learn pleasure of paternity and motherhood it is possible, having adopted the child who has remained without parents.
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