Tuesday, July 19, 2011

How to Deal With Pregnancy Stress

Pregnancy Stress

How to Deal With Pregnancy Stress

How to Deal With Pregnancy Stress

At the women testing financial and other problems during pregnancy, the risk of a birth of children with predisposition How to Deal With Pregnancy Stress to various kinds of an allergy and an asthma is raised, the American scientists consider.

According to scientists, the stress of mother during pregnancy can have negative consequences for the child in the future. Stresses promote changes in immune system of the child even in pregnancy. Level of antibody E changes even at small stresses, scientists have informed.

For this reason much more probability, that the women testing stress during pregnancy, will give birth to babies with predisposition to an allergy. Scientists have carried out research on animals in which result it was found out, that the intense condition of mother influences development of immune system of its posterity. Experts from Harward have assumed, that at people the same tendency develops.

Then researchers have measured level of antibodies E in the blood taken from an umbilical cord at 387 newborns. There were, that babies of those mothers who were exposed to stresses during pregnancy, had high enough indicator of antibodies E even if mothers is minimum contacted to allergens.

This law was traced irrespective of race of mother, the social status, formation and presence of bad habits, such as smoking. Thus - the stress during pregnancy is more dangerous, than smoking!

If depression is quite normal and an everyday how to manage stress during pregnancy occurrence during pregnancy the stress forces to prick up the ears, reflect on its influence on a current of pregnancy and, in general, for a human life.

The stress can be for the person a good condition which induces to any best and more effective How to Deal With Pregnancy Stress decisions. And can be and bad, in case of loss of forces both moral, and physical, it is accompanied by control loss over the condition and behaviour. All it depends on human ability with it to struggle, resist, and also abilities to react to it.

If the stress raises your productivity, and also promotes improvement of labour or any other activity, will mobilise and makes active you it is possible to consider, that threat for your pregnancy does not exist. In such situation the stress acts as a certain stimulator.

But if the stress causes in you feeling of anxiety, nights become sleepless, there is a depression or a condition close to it it definitely can harm to your pregnancy. Such stress also is accompanied by headaches, painful sensations in a back, appetite loss. Harm of such stress consists that it can lead you to a mental exhaustion.
Thanks to changeable and variable mood during pregnancy occurrence of negative reaction to a stressful condition is possible. This negative reaction usually looks in the form of loss of appetite, a wrong food, a sleeplessness that health and state of health if, of course, you do not how to stay stress free during pregnancy prevent it on the second and third trimester of pregnancy can fine affect yours. If the stress all the same has overtaken you, it is necessary for you to learn correctly on it to react, struggle and win it. After all for the child whom you expect, your behaviour is very important and how to handle stress during pregnancy significant.

Some specified recommendations to some extent can help you with overcoming of stressful situations and struggle against stress.

The most best way of disposal of stress is possibility to splash out it outside. The anxiety should not be present constantly in you. Talk to the family. It is necessary for you to find the attentive listener to be uttered. Cheerful and easy time of forwarding will allow to facilitate your nervous intense condition. If shifts are insignificant or to be absent at all, address to the doctor, can be and to the expert.

It is necessary for you to understand (one or together with the husband or other members of a family), that was the reason for the stress, what factors have promoted occurrence of a stressful condition. Solve, what measures need to be undertaken to change a situation and to exclude stress from your ability to live. Try to plan actions and how to reduce stress during pregnancy circumstances which will help to supervise vital chaos and will not admit stress in your life.

The dream is the best medicine in struggle against stress. Pressure and feeling of anxiety can be caused an infrequent dream. Therefore have more a rest, and with employment itself any active, interesting and useful business the dream will be for you an expected pleasant relaxation and rest.

Warm, but not a hot bath or a shower - an excellent way of a relaxation. Acceptance of a bath in the evening (for the night) also promotes a healthy dream.

The active way of life will help to exclude stressful situations. Activity to some extent removes stress: playing sports (in coordination with the doctor), walks, reading, a photo, cookery and other hobbies will help to distract, and can and forget about the unpleasant moments, leave from stress.

Try to search in all a positive. All in your hands! Remember that you are responsible for How to Deal With Pregnancy Stress the future new life!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Pregnancy it is important

For all women pregnancy is improbable time which has sensation of certain magic. Simultaneously in an organism there are notable changes which prepare it for the long period of growth of your tiny miracle. There is an intention to give to the kid everything, that it is necessary for it and to make an error very terribly. You can find the list of a practical advice which it is required to adhere during pregnancy in this article.

One of the most basic pledges of health of the kid is a competent food. However, it does not mean, that you can eat for a two. If the woman in pregnancy is much anything good will not occur, postnatal depression when scales will show many unnecessary tens kg only will amplify. All products which you use in food are obliged to contain set of nutrients and vitamins that the child received all necessary for development and growth. It is required to exclude products which contain unsafe for health chemical additives from a food. And, naturally, completely to exclude the nicotine and alcohol use.

Try to have a rest more time. In that case if you go for work by all means inform the heads on your condition. Under the law on work your employer is obliged to provide to you the facilitated operating mode and to exclude additional hours. If you work at office and the basic operating time to you is necessary to sit, try to arrange periodically to itself breaks during which to go. Long sitting leads to stagnation of blood in a small basin that is capable to harm to your child.

The life of the modern person is full of efforts on work and houses. We seldom spend time on fresh air, and it is rather necessary for health of the child, therefore try to find every day time at least for simple walk before a dream. Useful influence of fresh air is useful both for the child, and for his mother. Walking on fresh air leads to saturation of blood by oxygen which in considerable doses arrives to the kid. Walks on fresh air give the chance to look, receive remarkably a healthy flush and to keep themselves in shape.

One of the paramount moments in the course of pregnancy - health of the most future mum. The pregnant woman feels the big loadings. During this period chronic diseases can become aggravated. Self-treatment in pregnancy can put an irreparable harm to the child. At any undesirable changes of your state of health it is necessary to address immediately to the doctor who will define a way of treatment. Most cautiously it is necessary to concern reception of preparations, preliminary necessarily consult to the doctor. Remember that for this day cases when treatment of easy cold by Paracetamol in pregnancy led to death of the child are already known.

The main rule is strict observance of councils of the doctor then the positive result will be reached.
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