Proper Way Of Sex During Pregnancy
Sex will in no way harm your little one. Your baby is protected from any thrusting that takes place during sex by both your abdomen and the amniotic sac You bet your pregnant belly sex during pregnancy! Couples are often reluctant to engage in sexual intercourse during pregnancy for fear that it will hurt their baby. The mucus plug, which closes off the opening of your cervix, also helps to keep her safe from infections.
When to Avoid Sex During Pregnancy It is highly unlikely that you will have to stop having sexual intercourse at any point during your pregnancy. The complications could include: miscarriage, preeclampsia, placenta previa. Getting into Position Now that your body is changing, you may find that sexual intercourse isn’t always as comfortable as it used to be.
The missionary position with you on the bottom and your partner on top may become increasingly awkward as your pregnant belly begins to grow.
You and your partner may have to participate in some interesting gymnastic maneuvers in order to find the position that is most comfortable for you. Here are some tried and tested sexual positions that you might want to try during your pregnancy. Woman on Top This position has you straddling your partner, while he lies down on the bed. This is a great position as it takes all the pressure off of your abdomen and allows you to control the depth and frequency of thrusting.
It also gives your partner a great view! Woman on Back This position is like the missionary position only without any added pressure to your abdomen or uterus. You lie on your back and raise your knees up towards your chest. Your partner then kneels between your legs and enters from the front. You can even rest your feet on your partner’s chest for support. Place a pillow under your bottom for added comfort.
This position isn’t recommended after the fourth month – you should avoid lying on your back for extended periods after this point in your pregnancy, as the weight of your uterus could block blood vessels that supply your uterus and legs. SidewaysThis position has you and your partner lying on your sides facing one another. It keeps weight off of your abdomen while supporting your uterus at the same time. People often forget that sexual intercourse can also be performed in a sitting position.