Saturday, March 13, 2010

Overcoming Difficulties Sleep Tips During Pregnancy

As gestational age increases, so a comfortable sleeping difficulties will become a frequent complaint in pregnant women. This is caused by several factors namely because of the expanding belly, the baby in the womb movement, discomfort solar plexus area, and so on. All this causes difficulties for pregnant women to sleep comfortably at night.

When you feel you can not sleep well then you are thinking what about the baby in your womb? Do not worry! --- The experts stated that although the rest as much as possible is the most ideal thing, but the lack of sleep during pregnancy will not harm your baby.

Some tips you can try to help you sleep more comfortably:

* Find a comfortable sleeping position for you.

The most important factor to be able to sleep comfortably is to find the best sleeping position for you. The best sleeping position is recommended during pregnancy is a side sleeping position to your left side, this may help to optimize blood flow of oxygen and nutrients to the placenta. (Read the article: Various Positions and Your Baby Sleep & What influence?)

* Washing with warm water.

Wash your body with warm water bath (not too hot) with the scented soap and fresh taste will help you be ready to sleep.

* Avoid eating too much at bedtime.

When you are pregnant often feel like eating anything at night but the heart - careful because if the desire to eat that come at night because it may affect your sleep. Try to avoid eating a lot or too full saaat bedtime. You can mengantinya with a light snack or a glass of warm milk.

This is to reduce the discomfort at the solar plexus / stomach you will also affect your sleep. (Read the article: The symptoms and complaints during your pregnancy)

* Drink a cup of warm milk

Drinking a glass of warm milk will help you to be able to sleep this is based milk contains amino acid tryptophan which increases serotonin levels in the brain that will help you to be able to sleep.
* Music ... music ...

Listen to music that can provide a sense of calmness and relaxation to you. Pick any important music can give peace to you. With a calm and relaxed will be easy for you to sleep more comfortably.

* Sex?

Sex with your partner also can be one good way to provide relaxation and leisure for you. But if you feel 'Do not Want to "do this, ask your partner to gently massage so you will feel more relaxed and feeling happy because the note / pampered.

* Exercise draw breath.

Interesting exercise in the regular breathing can help reduce muscle tension and help you to sleep better.

Carilh a comfortable position for you, sit, stand or lie down, then take a deep breath through your nose slowly and then hold the breath for 1-2 seconds and exhale slowly through your mouth to do several times.

* Sleep while you can.

Always rest while there is a chance to rest.

Here are some tips for you to be able to help you sleep more comfortable night. Remember that sleep disturbance is a common complaint during pregnancy. Be patient and make as one of the wonderful experience of your pregnancy and all will be paid off with the birth of the baby.

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