Sunday, August 29, 2010

Unusual early Pregnancy symptoms

Unusual early Pregnancy symptomsUnusual early Pregnancy symptoms

You, probably, heard about extended Pregnancy symptoms and, should be, were mentally prepared for them. But whether you are ready to one of those extremely strange early Pregnancy symptoms? Sometimes Pregnancy symptoms can strongly differ and can be unpredictable. Similar symptoms cause extreme degree of anxiety and confusion, thereby, complicating definition of pregnancy in women. The majority of pregnant women also are puzzled by, whether specify these symptoms in complications or not while some women forget even to notify the doctors who are not suspecting about their pregnancy. Hence, the awareness about strange early Pregnancy symptoms is extremely necessary for all pregnant women.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Dizzinesses and faints at pregnancy

Dizzinesses and faints at pregnancy
Dizzinesses and faints at pregnant women
Dizzinesses and faints at pregnancy
Dizzinesses and faints at pregnant women

In the second trimester, and sometimes and earlier you will have from time to time dizzinesses. These pregnancy symptoms - the normal phenomenon during pregnancy, and they do not bear in themselves any danger to mother or the child if attacks do not become more frequent and strong.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Influence of smoking during pregnancy

Influence of smoking during pregnancy

Influence of smoking during pregnancy

Approximately 30 % of smoking women continue to smoke during pregnancy. Cigarettes influence blood circulation of mother, that in turn influences the child. The child in a womb of mother completely is necessary on giving of oxygen by mother, on a food and on a conclusion it of dangerous chemicals.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Early toxicosis of pregnant women

The woman feels unpleasant sensations - nausea, sharp sensation of smells which become the reason of occurrence of desires to vomiting. Some kinds of food "turn back" literally, cause disgust. Often visited place for the pregnant woman becomes - a toilet. What it for the phenomenon? One of pregnancy symptoms - a toxicosis, same "popular" as well as bent for sour, sweet... How to avoid a toxicosis, its origin, the reasons?
The reasons of occurrence of a toxicosis.
If we hear about a toxicosis, at once, in mind there is an image of the pregnant woman inclined over a bowl. A nausea, vomiting - the words defining the given diagnosis. Physicians to the above described signs add also other differences. Therefore, in textbooks on obstetrics a toxicosis describe as the every possible pathological changes occurring in the first trimester of pregnancy in an organism of the woman. It means, that besides the above described signs of a toxicosis exist also others.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Good Pregnancy diet

Pregnancy diet

Pregnancy diet

Pregnancy is not only most creative and basic period of feminity, but it also process which learns women to be more responsible and careful is direct to to itself, especially concerning pregnancy diet and a food. In pregnancy your child whom you create the flesh and blood, is still a part of your body, and for this purpose you require a considerable quantity of consumption of food. During pregnancy food requirements increase, simultaneously for maintenance of fast growth of a germ and for maintenance of requirements of your changing structure of a body.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Career and pregnancy

Career and pregnancy

Career and pregnancy

Career and pregnancy

For many women the first trimester of pregnancy is the most difficult time for work. You thus try to cope with weariness and a nausea, or try to hide it from employees and colleagues. That it is easier to overcome these months, you can undertake some practical measures.

Sensation of comfort on work

The beginning of a morning nausea and weariness which accompany early months of pregnancy at many women, can disseminate pleasure of the fact of own pregnancy some. Such takes place in those situations when you try to keep self-control on work, especially, if nobody knows, that you are pregnant.

Comfortably to feel on work, to be as it is possible more movably and during too time not to forget about the child growing in you, it is possible to undertake some measures.
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