Thursday, December 30, 2010

Making the process easy for childbirth

Childbirth: making the process easy

Only then the pregnant womenfolk can experience the true joy it is to create life from within them. In an ideal setting, the goal should be to enjoy the experience and not endure. Now we know a number of approaches that can alleviate the excruciating pain and at times may also get completely rid of it. Though today, we are much better placed than what our grandmothers were, it still remains a daunting task, which could be passed by smoothly with a few simple aids and techniques. For some women, the trauma is short lived while it

Pregnancy and Smoking - Smoking When Pregnant

Pregnancy and Smoking - Smoking When Pregnant
Even the ones who make a conscious decision to stay away, passive smoking is something that leaves very little control in hands. Whether it is because of ignorance or the lack of self-control, the point still remains, that one should be aware of the dire effects that smoking could have on unborn as well as newborn babies. What is even more disheartening is the fact that many mothers to be still continue to smoke throughout or until a very late stage of pregnancy. That being said, it still is a personal choice, which slowly becomes more of an addiction. Still it is surprising the percentage of population that chooses to indulge in smoking. I doubt there would be anyone, who is unaware of the fact. Cigarette smoking is injurious to health.
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