The reasons of occurrence of a toxicosis.
If we hear about a toxicosis, at once, in mind there is an image of the pregnant woman inclined over a bowl. A nausea, vomiting - the words defining the given diagnosis. Physicians to the above described signs add also other differences. Therefore, in textbooks on obstetrics a toxicosis describe as the every possible pathological changes occurring in the first trimester of pregnancy in an organism of the woman. It means, that besides the above described signs of a toxicosis exist also others.
To understand the reason of occurrence of a toxicosis at pregnant women various researches have been carried out. The exact answer till now it is not found, though there are some hypotheses.
The first hypothesis - "new" in an organism to the woman.
Some scientists consider, that the developing kid in a womb of mother represents an "extraneous" organism. It completely differs on the antigene structure from an organism of future mum because of what irritates on which as counter reaction of a female organism, antibodies are developed. So there is at the pregnant woman a toxicosis.
The second hypothesis - "about what you think that and you receive".
More probable reason of occurrence of a toxicosis, the nervously-reflex theory on which as the important factors causing toxic changes in an organism are considered interaction of the central nervous system with internal bodies is considered. Probably, all noticed, that pregnant women differ from not pregnant women the "nervously-irritable" behaviour. From what it occurs? As soon as there was a conception, the woman starts not only to feel all on another, but also to think. The most "untouched" parts of a brain, namely subcrustal structures while at the simple person of the most active the brain bark is considered are activated even. It appears, in a subcrustal zone of a brain a quantity of protective reflexes reacting on all "alien", as "security guards" of the pregnant woman is located. One of them, the sense of smell connected with allocation of a saliva, internal bodies - heart, lungs, a stomach. Therefore, vomiting is preceded by a nausea, the speeded up pulse, breath, pallor.
In process of fruit development, the placenta developing in an organism hormones, operating as "signalmen" between the child and the woman grows also. That is, there is some kind of new "managing director" who is perceived by nervous system of the pregnant woman and its internal bodies negatively and in the answer there is an emission of toxins.
The conclusion can be made one, under what theory there would be no toxicosis is a natural protective reaction of an organism of the woman in the "position", allowing to protect the child from various menacing dangers.
Toxicosis - learn «in the person»
To predict possibility of occurrence of a toxicosis not probably. But to assume about its occurrence it is possible. The women having problems with a gastroenteric path, a liver get To risk group, suffering various chronic diseases. Such factors, as nervous overloads, susceptibility to stresses, an unbalanced food are not excluded also.
To understand, where the woman can supervise itself a situation and where the help of medical workers is necessary, it is necessary to understand toxicosis displays.
Pregnancy symptoms
If within day the woman feels short-term desires of a nausea accompanied by vomiting, but no more than five times a day is an easy toxicosis. It is clear, that the pregnant woman it is bad", but thus there are no more difficult displays (loss of weight of a body). Accordingly and treatment it is possible to spend in house conditions.
Toxicosis, with heavy signs it is considered - if the woman is tormented by vomiting to 20 times a day. Thus, there is a strong current of a saliva, there is a weakness, the dizziness, full apathy. With each vomiting the woman loses certain quantity of a liquid that operates on an organism negatively. The vodno-salt balance is broken, the skin loses the beauty, there are locks, certainly there is a lack of many vitamins.
At an easy toxicosis, the pregnant woman, the doctor necessarily directs on inspection. Such analyses, as the general by birth, urine on acetone surrender. After the received results treatment which it is possible to pass the at home is appointed. At heavy forms of a toxicosis consults to be treated and observed in a hospital.
Rare, but meeting forms of display of a toxicosis
Though the toxicosis associates with a nausea and vomiting, there are also its other displays. Can there will be a cold. Seldom, but there is a good-quality jaundice of pregnant women.
The pregnant woman notices at itself on a skin red stains and feels an unpleasant itch these are signs ekzema pregnant women. Treatment is appointed two doctors - the accoucheur-gynecologist. The accent becomes on a food. Such products, as citrus, chocolate, various exotic fruit are excluded from a diet;
The appeared cold can be caused in pregnant women both a virus infection, and toxins. To treatment apply antiallergenic medicines;
Yellow complexion of the pregnant woman - reaction of a liver, a bilious bubble, a pancreas. Urgent medical examination is necessary;
The toxicosis though is the unpleasant phenomenon, but carries a temporality. The organism pregnant, reaction of a toxicosis, as though prompts about existing "blanks" which mums for the further well-being and the kid are important for eliminating.