Pregnancy is not only most creative and basic period of feminity, but it also process which learns women to be more responsible and careful is direct to to itself, especially concerning pregnancy diet and a food. In pregnancy your child whom you create the flesh and blood, is still a part of your body, and for this purpose you require a considerable quantity of consumption of food. During pregnancy food requirements increase, simultaneously for maintenance of fast growth of a germ and for maintenance of requirements of your changing structure of a body.
Plan the pregnancy diet so that you were a unique source of satisfaction of requirements for food of the future child. Your preferences in meal define a state of health of your child. The bad meal or unhealthy enough attachments in meal can adversely mention your diet and food therefore there can be such diseases as: an anaemia, a late toxicosis of pregnant women, a mood swing, weariness, spasms of feet, locks.
Pregnancy: celebrate this event with salutary pregnancy diet

During pregnancy each number of used units of food is considered. Regardless of the fact that the pregnant woman eats, or, on the contrary very much does not wish to eat, it directly mentions its child. According to recent research, besides physical development, the reason of the child and its/its mental faculties depend in many respects from pregnancy diet and the food used by mother during pregnancy.
In the first trimester of pregnancy in essence nobody requires additional calories. However, it is necessary to possess high level of fiber, calcium, vitamins, such as B12, B6, iron, vitamin D, zinc and folic acid (it has been proved after uncountable researches, what even the simple tablet of folic acid prevents serious neurologic frustration head and a spinal cord). Besides, minerals, fat acids and nutritious calories are very important for a germ all-around development and consequently should be obligatory components pregnancy diet.
In due course pregnancy process develops, it is necessary to start to include more fibers in a diet. The pregnant woman requires approximately additional 300 calories. In first three months of pregnancy your increase in weight should make 3-5 pounds a month, but last 6 months you should not type more than 3 pounds a month. Yours pregnancy diet and the food diagramme should be developed according to these comprehensible increase in weight.
The products included in pregnancy diet
You should include new easy useful products in the diet in pregnancy in the name of porridge (useful minerals and a natural fibre); dairy products (calcium). Eat red vegetables, such as: carrots and tomatoes (carotin), red and orange fruit, such as: apples and oranges (a vitamin B complex). Walnuts, almonds and raisin (vitamins and useful minerals); the vegetables covered with foliage in the form of cabbage, spinach, a broccoli (calcium and iron); crude rice, crude palm sugar, a stalk of a lotus (iron); sprouts, lentil and pulse (fiber), the cottage cheese, the pressed fresh cheese and, of course, it is a lot of milk (calcium) are the important components pregnancy diet.
During pregnancy do five small food intakes in day instead of three heavy. Besides, reduce consumption of fat, sugar and salt. Do not play about a gluttony during pregnancy because if you overeat, you will feel not comfortably that will be transferred naturally to the child.
One key rule to remain healthy is to drink a lot of water (will prevent dehydration and will lower body toxins) as soon as you wake up in the morning and after your after-dinner dream. It helps to clear your digestive system also. You can be afraid, that you will pull on vomiting if will drink a lot of water when you will have a nausea which basically is normal in pregnancy. But it not so is terrible, as water washes out an organism and washes away toxins.
During pregnancy strictly avoid unhealthy food, because she only creates to you empty calories (and additional pounds), thus you lose nutrients of more healthy products. Also avoid some caffeine and fats, alcohol, oil food, additives and not pasteurised food.
All need to be discussed and planned it on consultations of your doctor. You can be engaged in yoga and do other easy physical exercises under skilled medical supervision. Last, but not the least important council: try to be in a quiet beholding condition, in your pregnancy try to be near to All-powerful. It definitely "will throw" you and your child positive energy.
So, be unperturbable, relax, celebrate the pregnancy and be responsible and careful future mum with counterbalanced pregnancy diet and eutrophy. A diet in pregnancy - the most important factor of care of your child. The diet and a food are important, because not only it holds you healthy and suitable for pregnancy, but also gives the chance to your kid to develop correctly.