Approximately 30 % of smoking women continue to smoke during pregnancy. Cigarettes influence blood circulation of mother, that in turn influences the child. The child in a womb of mother completely is necessary on giving of oxygen by mother, on a food and on a conclusion it of dangerous chemicals.
- The placenta (a children's place) is a saving cable between mother and the child. When the pregnant woman smokes, oxygen in its blood is replaced with carbonic oxide. Carbonic oxide is poisonous gas which deprives of a muscle, a brain and fabrics of an organism of oxygen that complicates work of heart of the child. If the child does not have not enough oxygen, he will suffer from this phenomenon which is called as oxygen starvation. Gipoksia influences the long period of time. The instant effect consists that movements of the child in a uterus are slowed down, and the warm rhythm is accelerated, as the child tries to receive more oxygen. Movements of the child are slowed down about thirty minutes after mother will smoke at least one cigarette.
- The placenta supplies the child with nutrients; smoking increases chances of that the child will be born the smaller size, than it is expected (the child with insufficient weight). Researches show, that some women consider insufficient weight of the child as advantage, however, there is a set of the certificates speaking about the opposite. If the child is less on the size, than should be at a birth, it will be less and at the further development. To children who were born with insufficient weight, intensive therapy most likely is required.

- The placenta is a barrier/filter to certain substances. Unfortunately, it cannot keep all from them, and many of them get inside. Nicotine, carbonic oxide and other chemicals containing in a tobacco smoke, are transferred to the child. In cigarettes contains about four thousand chemicals from which more than thirty are known as carcinogens. German researches have shown traces nitroaminokitons, containing in nicotine which is the strongest substance causing a cancer. It has been found at 22 babies from 31 at mothers who smoked during pregnancy.
Nicotine influence
Nicotine through blood circulation gets to a brain, and then and in other parts of an organism. Eighty percent of nicotine decay on kotinin the enzymes containing in a liver. Kotinin can operate on a uterus, causing fights or childbirth. Many chemical substances, including nicotine, can instantly get from blood circulation of mother to blood to a fruit. (That is why doctors are so disturbed by reception by pregnant women of the medicines which are released under the recipe and without it). If you smoke during pregnancy, your child is subject approximately to the same quantity of nicotine, as you. It means, that as soon as it or she will be born, and will intravenously not receive any more nicotine, symptoms of shortage of nicotine will be shown.
Clinical researches have shown, that concentration of nicotine in a placenta, amniotis liquids to whey were accordingly above, than values of parent whey at measurements at various stages during all pregnancy.
Nicotine changes a blood pressure of the smoker, a warm rhythm and even its metabolism. Nicotine gets at once to small blood vessels, forcing them to be narrowed, that leads to blood-groove decrease in a uterus, and, accordingly, to the child. Nicotine can detain development of strong vasodilating means and interfering a congestion trombs, in arteries. Researches have shown, that nicotine promotes increase uterus vascular resistance and to blood-groove decrease in a uterus, is possible as a result of action kateholamins. Smoking sharply and chronically reduces a blood-groove in a uterus, apparently, as a result of nicotine action.
There are certificates, that nicotine weakens growth of a fruit and can lead to the raised risk of the sudden premature termination of pregnancy and premature birth. The possible reason of delay of growth of a fruit is the fruit ischemia (the lowered blood-groove) and an oxygen lack, as a result of influence of nicotine on placentary blood circulation.
The nicotine arriving from cigarettes or replaceable therapy, makes adverse impact on health of the person. Researches among women-smokers show, that 74 percent would like to refuse smoking, but, despite these attempts, the majority of women remain dependent on nicotine and face complexities of overcoming of their predilection for this narcotic.
Pregnant women who smoke, frequently happen very much to motive to stop to smoke, especially at an early stage of pregnancy, but many of them continue to smoke. Smoking among future mothers is at surprisingly high level of 23 % and only 3 % of women stop to smoke, relying only on own will power.
There is a raised risk when future mother smokes. Risk of an abortion above on 27 % among smokers. Death rate during sorts (defined as a birth of a dead fruit or death of the newborn within the first week of a life) increases by one third among children of smoking women. Risk of a birth of the child with insufficient weight above three times. Moreover, the more cigarettes the woman smokes during pregnancy, the above possible weight reduction at a birth.
Recent researches have shown, that cigarettes can lower a blood-groove in a placenta that limits quantity of the nutrients getting to a fruit. There are 35 % of increase in cases of sudden death of babies in a dream, connected with smoking during pregnancy. Smoking of mother is connected with the raised risk of development of a cancer at the child. Babies of smoking parents twice are subject to risk of serious air-drop infections, than babies of non-smoking parents more. Smoking during pregnancy also increases risk of occurrence of an asthma at small children.
Smoking during pregnancy is connected with infringements of behaviour and an attention lack. Women who smoked more packs of cigarettes in day, have been much more subject to occurrence of children with behaviour infringements. Abusing harmful substances above among children at women who smoked during pregnancy, and also above risk of bad behaviour. Smoking during pregnancy also can influence physical growth and intellectual development of the child in the long-term period. It has been noticed, that at children of smoking women the lowered growth in comparison with non-smoking, and also lower progress in reading and the mathematician up to age of sixteen years, and even higher qualification received by twenty three years was observed.
On the average, at smokers the premature branch of a placenta and premature rupture of membranes is observed more complications during pregnancy and sorts which bleedings during pregnancy can concern. Some researches also have shown communication presence between smoking both extra-uterine pregnancy and congenital defects at children of smoking women. Women feel a nausea, infections of uric ways, the milkwoman more often, badly itself feel and is more often visit hospital. Exist also that certificate, that smoking breaks hormonal balance of the woman during pregnancy and that it can render consequences on reproductive bodies of their children.