Pregnancy signs
Simplification. After the twelfth week of pregnancy the probability of an abortion decreases practically to zero, and though possibility of a late abortion absolutely to exclude it is impossible, the fear to lose the child usually disappears. Besides, you feel simplification of that you are not tormented any more by a constant nausea and weariness, characteristic for the first months of pregnancy. Certainly, at some women these symptoms remain throughout next several months, but also in this case their intensity weakens.
pregnancy symptoms
Readiness to share news. Now, when your appearance confirms, that you have a biological basis of your sensations and actions, you, probably, will feel desire to tell about the pregnancy to friends and relatives. If earlier you hid the pregnancy now the secret left outside - in a literal sense. Depending on your constitution and pregnancy development at this stage your condition can be hardly appreciable, that forces surrounding to doubt. When pregnancy becomes obvious is a right moment to inform on it.
Pregnancy signs
The beginning of sensation of the communication with the child. Impossibility to hide changes occurring in your organism, possibility to hear palpitation of the child and to see its image on the screen of the ultrasonic device, and also suspicion, that you already feel pushes of the kid, - all it does pregnancy of more real. These signs strengthen sensation of communication with the child, and also understanding of that the tiny being in you is a part you.
When this month we with the husband have seen the image of the child on the screen of the ultrasonic device have been simply shaken. It was for us the present shock. Certainly, I knew, that is pregnant, but this image was such real and exciting. Some days I were at pleasure top.
Pregnancy signs. A duality of feelings. Even taking into account all positive emotions which you will test this month, in other days you will be visited by doubts. Certainly, you have with firmness transferred sufferings of first three months. But ahead six more. Some women feel fear Because of uncertainty in the future state of health. Nausea attacks are still fresh in their memory, and they with alarm expect approach of following stages of pregnancy when will cope with difficulties even more difficult. Other women complain, that they have already got tired to wait, that they have a sensation, that for the period of pregnancy their life has stopped. One our acquaintance told, that most of all it would like to become such what it was before. Fortunately, this bifurcation of feelings with increase in term of pregnancy usually passes.
Doubts. Now, when you really look how the pregnant woman looks, doubts which visited you in day of arrival of positive result of the test for pregnancy again emerge. It is absolutely normal. Whether you are ready to what you will have a child? Whether you are ready to changes in a way of life, career and marriage? Whether to become ready you someone's mother? At this stage when pregnancy became real, these feelings are quite natural. Serious changes in a life always cause questions and doubts. Pregnancy and motherhood certainly will lead to serious changes in your life, and it would be strange, if you though have not reflected a little, as you will adapt to them. Considering of these questions now will help you to adapt faster after sorts. It is better to see to it in advance. And what in general the anxiety can bring the good? If your alarms keep within the habitual scheme, find somebody (the reasonable girlfriend, the priest or the psychologist) to whom you could talk.
Pregnancy signs
Pride. Some women worry and even are indignant concerning the varying body, but the majority of future mums rejoice to the grown stout figure and even are proud of it. To carry in itself the child is a huge achievement, and now, having the visible proof of the success, you can feel unusual pride. You are simply obliged to be proud! Pregnancy is very important stage on a course of life of the woman, and he deserves glorification. You join mother, to her mother, to mother of her mother and so on in creation of a new life, and comprehension of such force causes exciting feeling. Let your representation about itself during pregnancy will be positive.
Sexuality. As your stomach comes to a normal condition, and forces come back, you, possibly, again will feel taste by a life. For many women this concept includes also sex. Probably - depending on a physical and emotional condition - sex will deliver you pleasure, than to pregnancy. If you have tested usual recession for the first trimester of sexual activity heightened interest to love games can become a pleasant surprise for your spouse, especially if you take the initiative on yourselves. (The section «Pleasure of sex during pregnancy» See.)
One of the most attractive parties of pregnancy is possibility to enjoy sex without fear to become pregnant.
Doubts concerning own appeal. Even if you feel the sexuality and are proud of the changing body, doubts can visit you, whether the husband divides your enthusiasm. And it is valid, some time is required to many men to get used to forms of the pregnant woman. Others consider a body of the wife during this period unusually sexual (the section «Pleasure of sex during pregnancy» See).
Irritability. Now, when your pregnancy already cannot be hidden, friends who during the first trimester persistently invited you to play in tennis, at last trust you when you say, that have got tired. Probably, the spouse becomes more attentive because now own eyes sees the reason of your sluggishness or strange behaviour. Certainly, you would like to obtain this recognition last month when to you was so badly.
Now you feel special attention from friends, members of a family and colleagues who simply should notice your grown stout figure, but you are not always ready and not always wish to accept this attention. Probably, it even irritates you. It is not necessary to forget, however, that associates, having got used to your pregnancy and your appearance, begin to pay less to them attention - if you do not encourage them. The more comfortably you feel in a new role, the easier to you to encourage or, on the contrary, to extinguish interest of associates to your grown stout body.