- Regularly be engaged in physical exercises to avoid excessive completeness.
- Avoid too fast set of weight. The gradual set of necessary weight will help to prevent a superfluous stretching.
- Correctly eat, receiving with food all necessary substances, especially vitamin C and fibers who help to form strong collagenic fibres. The skin and a hypodermic are one of those places where the organism accumulates stocks of nutrients, including the squirrel. If in your diet the squirrel is not enough, the skin lacks this substance, and the collagenic fibres deprived of fiber become less strong.
- Oils and medical products cannot prevent formation of strips of a stretching, and also accelerate their disappearance. Nevertheless they will help to cope with two widespread problems: dryness and an itch. Besides, there are certificates, that daily application of softening means which humidify a skin and help to restore its elasticity, can reduce intensity of formation of strips of a stretching, and continuation of massage within three months after sorts reduces quantity of the remained hems.
The majority of strips of a stretching gradually disappears in due course. In some months after sorts they turn to strips of the refined skin which have an easy silvery or nacreous shade and are practically imperceptible against a surrounding fabric. At weak illumination they in general are imperceptible. Some strips of a stretching up to the end and do not disappear. Consider these «motherhood labels» as a small payment for your achievements and try to understand, that they are visible to another much less, than to you.