Although the birth process is different on every woman but the signs of labor are the same. By knowing the signs of labor you will understand when it is appropriate to go to the hospital and what can be done if the signs are there in your labor.
Signs of labor:
Mucus mixed with blood
Expenditure mucus mixed with blood. Occurs due to blockage of the thick cervical mucus despite causing a reddish color because of mixed blood.
What to do:
Expenditure of blood and mucus may occur several days before delivery, so wait until you get regular contractions or rupture of amniotic fluid, before you go to the hospital.
You should contact your doctor if there is severe bleeding.
Rupture of amniotic sac Water
The amniotic sac that surrounds the baby breaks so that the amniotic fluid out (Normal amniotic fluid is a liquid that is clean, clear and odorless.)
What to do:
Contact your doctor immediately to the hospital, even if you do not feel the contractions, because it becomes the risk of infection. While the journey can use a sanitary napkin to absorb your amniotic fluid.
Contraction of the Organized
Unlike Braxton Hick contractions, contractions occur regularly, at first contraction for a short while and then grow old and growing stronger, and contraction occurs symmetrically on both sides starting from the upper stomach near the oviduct throughout the uterus, and the pain does not disappear / less with rest or persuasion.
What to do:
When the contraction appears regularly, begin to calculate the time.
Record the length of time between a contraction with contraction follows, and duration of the contraction lasts. Delivery only occurs when contractions become closer another 40 seconds between contractions. First deliveries will take place 12-14 hours so you better wait at home while at rest to collect energy for labor. So if your contractions are every 5 minutes once or very sick you can go to the hospital. Do not forget to bring a bag that you have prepared.