We congratulate on your second pregnancy! So you are going to become mum in second time! The motherhood is really surprising feeling., Likely, it is now very interesting to you, as your second pregnancy will differ from the first.
Now, when your body became more senior, you, possibly, are disturbed by possibility of occurrence of complications. We suggest you to get acquainted that it is possible to expect in the second pregnancy, and some safety measures which are necessary for undertaking that all has passed safely.
Changes in an organism and the body, distinct from changes in the first pregnancy.
You can have less intensive toxicosis though it did not correct. Possibly, you again will face expansion of veins, a hemorrhoids and a bladder incontience.
This time you can get tired. You, probably, cannot have a rest this time also as for the first time as it is necessary for you still cares of the first child. Joints can be ill more strongly. Now it is necessary for you to watch more attentively own bearing, and during a dream to lay on one side.
Probably, the stomach will appear earlier, than in previous time. Last time at you womb walls so muscles are this time more elastic were already stretched. Sometimes, pregnancy signs in second time appear to the second trimester, approximately for the eighth-tenth week of pregnancy.
For the first time, childbirth can last till 12-14 o'clock, or in some cases even till 20 o'clock. However, in second time time of sorts, often, much more shortly. Muscles of a neck of a uterus extend faster, approximately on 1,5 centimetres at an o'clock, against 1,2 centimetres in case of the first pregnancy. However if for the first time you gave birth by means of section in second time duration of sorts will not change.
This time, in the first some days after sorts the woman can feel stronger uterine reductions. Such uterine reductions are an indicator of that your uterus comes back in a condition in which it was during pregnancy. But a pain connected with it. Can be so strong, that soothing medicines can be necessary for you.
Emotional reorganisation of and families
In the second pregnancy, mother often are not so keen on own pregnancy, as for the first time. It is necessary for them to look after their first-born who by this time can run or go to preparatory school already quickly. Besides, now, when they already have an experience, they worry less. But sometimes mothers consider, that they insufficiently well care of the future child and feel in this occasion guilty. Do not worry, in the second pregnancy, the obligatory quantity of checks in comparison with the first pregnancy is reduced. Besides, you will have enough possibilities to take care of the child after its birth.
Guilt attacks can arise also because of inability to spend as much time with the first child and the husband, as to pregnancy. To you can seem, that you ignore your senior child. Relax; consider it as possibility the senior child to learn to care of itself independently.
The question on can disturb you also when to tell about the second pregnancy to your first child. It is recommended to tell it about it as soon as possible to give them enough time will adapt to thought. Try to spend with them qualitative time, connect the senior child or senior children to process of planning and preparation for occurrence in a family of the newborn. Necessarily explain to the child, that it at all does not become for you less important of that soon there will be a second child. Try to give to the child sensation of that you hope that he/it will take care of the/its to the little sister or the brother. If the child move to other room or on other bed do not wait before the sorts, the child can have a feeling, that it is replaced. Also, think of that the child was present nearby in the course of sorts, being in an expectation room.
Possible complications
Raises risk of complications weight increase between the first and second pregnancy, it concerns both mothers, and the child. Researches have shown, what even additional 3 - 6 kgs can lead to the raised blood pressure and a diabetes at pregnancy.
Preeklampsia is more probable, if the first child was born small or if mother suffers a diabetes or a chronic hypertension. Fibers concern symptoms in urine and excessive deduction of a liquid the raised blood pressure caused by pregnancy. At worst it can stop blood inflow to a placenta. Thus, the more for a long time having rummaged between the first and second pregnancy, the above risk of occurrence of these problems.
In the second pregnancy one more factor with high risk is gemolitik illness of newborns. Such takes place, when during the first pregnancy at mother a negative Rhesus factor, and at the kid in a womb of mother the positive. Some red blood cages of a fruit can get to time of sorts in blood of mother. They activate certain antibodies which in hibernation stay further in blood of mother. In the subsequent pregnancy, these Rhesus factors-antibodies can cross a placenta and damage blood cages of a fruit with fatal consequences. To prevent it it is possible, having made mother after childbirth of the first child, a special injection. They destroy any red blood little bodies getting to blood of mother, and prevent formation of Rhesus factors-antibodies.
All women, preparing to become mother in second time, I hope, your first experience will give the chance to you to worry this time much less excitements. In second time you already know about much more it is necessary for you to adhere to what food allowance, it is necessary for you to do what exercises to avoid all risks in the second pregnancy. Consult with the accoucheur, try to remain in a course of any new tests or medicines which could appear in the market. Think of again to resemble courses of future mothers as, probably, you have forgotten partially the majority of exercises. Communicate and discuss your sensations to other mothers who have two or more children, from your circle, is also will allow you to relax a little. So sit down, relax, rejoice to motherhood and happily meet in a family of the new kid.