Pregnancy Body Pillow
At inspection of the pregnant woman some stages of development of a fruit which demand the control are Pregnancy Body Pillow allocated. Healthy pregnant women should be observed by the accoucheur-gynecologist under the certain scheme. If the woman adheres to the scheme of supervision recommended to it the risk of a birth of the sick child is reduced to a minimum.
Pregnancy definition
On pregnancy the woman usually spends the very first analysis itself, in house conditions by means of special test systems which are on sale in drugstores. Laboratory methods of diagnostics of pregnancy are based on definition in urine or blood of the woman of Pregnancy Body Pillow ganadotropin of the person (HGCH) - a hormone which appears only at pregnancy. Synthesis HGCH begins with the first days of pregnancy and proceeds before sorts. By means of test systems HGCH it is defined in urine about 3-5 days after conception.
After the test for pregnancy has appeared positive, it is necessary to visit female consultation to confirm the diagnosis even if you disturbs nothing. It is necessary to give birth to the healthy kid, first of all. Those women who in due time do not get registered, as a rule, have further many problems.
Now to diagnostics of early terms of pregnancy apply the methods based on ability of an organism to develop an antibody, capable to neutralise alien particles (antigenes) intruded in an Pregnancy Body Pillow organism. For carrying out of such reaction standard whey for the laboratory researches, containing antibodies to HGCH bearing on itself antigene HGCH undertakes. If to them to add the urine of the pregnant woman containing HGCH it will take an antigene place remain not changed, at addition of urine of not pregnant woman will stick together in antibodies.
Analyses during I trimester of pregnancy (from the beginning till 12 weeks)
To be assured in the health and Pregnancy Body Pillow health of the future child, the woman should spend a number of researches:
* the blood analysis on hormones (HGCH, a progesterone, etc.). This research is spent with 8 for 13 week of pregnancy; decrease in whey of blood of these hormones specifies in risk on risk of a birth of the child with developmental anomaly or with genetic frustration;
* research of dabs on the latent infection (on hlamids, mycoplasmas), and as general dab on flora for an exception of inflammatory process and bacterial (a vagina dysbacteriosis when the normal microflora of a vagina is destroyed and expands pathogenic, without inflammation signs) any infection can cause;
* blood on pre-natal and as Pregnancy Body Pillow blood on a HIV, hepatitises In and With, a syphilis.
* group and Rhesus factor definition; these indicators can cause incompatibility of blood of mother and the child; they are necessary for knowing in time to help to avoid troubles;
* the general analysis of blood; in blood at pregnancy there are certain changes (for example, the number of leukocytes increases, it is accelerated SOE); at the same time the general analysis of blood can reveal proceeding disease is hidden.
Analyses during II trimester of pregnancy (with 12 till 24 weeks)
On 15-21 week of pregnancy the Pregnancy Body Pillow threefold hormonal test consisting of three hormones is carried out.
These analyses allow to reveal risk of genetic diseases. Low level AFP, and (or) high level HGCH can specify in high risk of a birth of the child with genetic infringements. The alpha-fetoproteina specifies high level in possible developmental anomaly of nervous Pregnancy Body Pillow system and a forward belly wall. At lowered AFP, high figures AFP, high figures HGCH consultation genetics is appointed.
The general analysis of blood for the purpose of revealing of various diseases of the pregnant woman is besides, carried out.
Analyses during III trimester of pregnancy (since 24 weeks before sorts)
At correct and timely supervision of the pregnant woman in female consultation in III trimester of pregnancy of analyses it is not required (except the general analysis of blood). Thus the risk of that the child can be born the patient, is very low, but nevertheless it is, therefore the control over its condition should be. But it is carried out by means of Pregnancy Body Pillow ultrasonic research (in 32-34 weeks).
Directly ahead of sorts repeatedly to hand over analyses blood on an infection (a HIV, viruses of a hepatitis And and With, the syphilis) is an obligatory condition for stay in maternity hospital.
If you during pregnancy in due time carried out all analyses appointed the doctor and ultrasonic researches it is possible to be quite assured that the child will be born the healthy.
At an early stage of pregnancy, your body sends signals in reply to cardinal hormonal changes. Substantial growth of level of a hormone conducts to some appreciable symptoms. Usually these symptoms are not shown until the menstruation delay will not be found out in you. Through one or couple of weeks these symptoms start to say that you have become pregnant. However the fruit remains imperceptible about Pregnancy Body Pillow sixteen weeks after conception.
The basic symptoms of pregnancy.
The most widespread the symptoms observed within three-ten weeks after conception, are spasms in the bottom part of a tummy, bent for to certain food, the nausea or feeling of vomiting, morning indispositions, the weariness, the raised palpitation and locks - breasts become sensitive, swelled up and inflamed. Many notice, that the area round nipples becomes more and more darkly. Experts suggest to keep account a Pregnancy Body Pillow menstrual cycle to define its infringement. If at an initial stage of pregnancy you start to feel the changes listed more low, you should carry out the test for pregnancy.
Approximately in eleven or twelve days after implantation of eggs the small bleeding can begin. For this reason this symptom is called as a bleeding. Usually this bleeding grows out of fertilisation of eggs and their attachment to a uterus. During implantation the embryo is pasted to a uterus wall, that in turn causes a small bleeding which is absolutely normal symptom. Such bleeding is more light, than a usual bleeding.
As the pregnancy sign, during absence of a menstruation at you can be observed small rise in temperature in the bottom area of a body.
Presence of some hormones in your organism in pregnancy can cause intestines relaxation therefore digestion process is slowed down, causing the locks which are one of signs of pregnancy.
In process of uterus development, it starts to press on an artery of your feet therefore the blood pressure decreases, and you feel giddy. At an early stage of pregnancy you can feel Pregnancy Body Pillow some slackness if some time abstained from food intake. Slackness at an early stage of pregnancy is caused by the low maintenance of sugar in blood which is the embryo power supply. For maintenance of level of sugar in blood regularly use in food the lungs useful to health of a dish.
Other distinct sign of pregnancy is the strengthened sense of smell. The asthma can cause even a smell of your favourite spirits. Smells of gas, an oblique grass, various kinds of food, cigarettes can cause in you nausea attacks that grows out of a by-effect of Pregnancy Body Pillow movement of hormones of an estrogen in your organism.
Pregnancy definition
On pregnancy the woman usually spends the very first analysis itself, in house conditions by means of special test systems which are on sale in drugstores. Laboratory methods of diagnostics of pregnancy are based on definition in urine or blood of the woman of Pregnancy Body Pillow ganadotropin of the person (HGCH) - a hormone which appears only at pregnancy. Synthesis HGCH begins with the first days of pregnancy and proceeds before sorts. By means of test systems HGCH it is defined in urine about 3-5 days after conception.
After the test for pregnancy has appeared positive, it is necessary to visit female consultation to confirm the diagnosis even if you disturbs nothing. It is necessary to give birth to the healthy kid, first of all. Those women who in due time do not get registered, as a rule, have further many problems.
Now to diagnostics of early terms of pregnancy apply the methods based on ability of an organism to develop an antibody, capable to neutralise alien particles (antigenes) intruded in an Pregnancy Body Pillow organism. For carrying out of such reaction standard whey for the laboratory researches, containing antibodies to HGCH bearing on itself antigene HGCH undertakes. If to them to add the urine of the pregnant woman containing HGCH it will take an antigene place remain not changed, at addition of urine of not pregnant woman will stick together in antibodies.
Analyses during I trimester of pregnancy (from the beginning till 12 weeks)
To be assured in the health and Pregnancy Body Pillow health of the future child, the woman should spend a number of researches:
* the blood analysis on hormones (HGCH, a progesterone, etc.). This research is spent with 8 for 13 week of pregnancy; decrease in whey of blood of these hormones specifies in risk on risk of a birth of the child with developmental anomaly or with genetic frustration;
* research of dabs on the latent infection (on hlamids, mycoplasmas), and as general dab on flora for an exception of inflammatory process and bacterial (a vagina dysbacteriosis when the normal microflora of a vagina is destroyed and expands pathogenic, without inflammation signs) any infection can cause;
* blood on pre-natal and as Pregnancy Body Pillow blood on a HIV, hepatitises In and With, a syphilis.
* group and Rhesus factor definition; these indicators can cause incompatibility of blood of mother and the child; they are necessary for knowing in time to help to avoid troubles;
* the general analysis of blood; in blood at pregnancy there are certain changes (for example, the number of leukocytes increases, it is accelerated SOE); at the same time the general analysis of blood can reveal proceeding disease is hidden.
Analyses during II trimester of pregnancy (with 12 till 24 weeks)
On 15-21 week of pregnancy the Pregnancy Body Pillow threefold hormonal test consisting of three hormones is carried out.
These analyses allow to reveal risk of genetic diseases. Low level AFP, and (or) high level HGCH can specify in high risk of a birth of the child with genetic infringements. The alpha-fetoproteina specifies high level in possible developmental anomaly of nervous Pregnancy Body Pillow system and a forward belly wall. At lowered AFP, high figures AFP, high figures HGCH consultation genetics is appointed.
The general analysis of blood for the purpose of revealing of various diseases of the pregnant woman is besides, carried out.
Analyses during III trimester of pregnancy (since 24 weeks before sorts)
At correct and timely supervision of the pregnant woman in female consultation in III trimester of pregnancy of analyses it is not required (except the general analysis of blood). Thus the risk of that the child can be born the patient, is very low, but nevertheless it is, therefore the control over its condition should be. But it is carried out by means of Pregnancy Body Pillow ultrasonic research (in 32-34 weeks).
Directly ahead of sorts repeatedly to hand over analyses blood on an infection (a HIV, viruses of a hepatitis And and With, the syphilis) is an obligatory condition for stay in maternity hospital.
If you during pregnancy in due time carried out all analyses appointed the doctor and ultrasonic researches it is possible to be quite assured that the child will be born the healthy.
At an early stage of pregnancy, your body sends signals in reply to cardinal hormonal changes. Substantial growth of level of a hormone conducts to some appreciable symptoms. Usually these symptoms are not shown until the menstruation delay will not be found out in you. Through one or couple of weeks these symptoms start to say that you have become pregnant. However the fruit remains imperceptible about Pregnancy Body Pillow sixteen weeks after conception.
The basic symptoms of pregnancy.
The most widespread the symptoms observed within three-ten weeks after conception, are spasms in the bottom part of a tummy, bent for to certain food, the nausea or feeling of vomiting, morning indispositions, the weariness, the raised palpitation and locks - breasts become sensitive, swelled up and inflamed. Many notice, that the area round nipples becomes more and more darkly. Experts suggest to keep account a Pregnancy Body Pillow menstrual cycle to define its infringement. If at an initial stage of pregnancy you start to feel the changes listed more low, you should carry out the test for pregnancy.
Approximately in eleven or twelve days after implantation of eggs the small bleeding can begin. For this reason this symptom is called as a bleeding. Usually this bleeding grows out of fertilisation of eggs and their attachment to a uterus. During implantation the embryo is pasted to a uterus wall, that in turn causes a small bleeding which is absolutely normal symptom. Such bleeding is more light, than a usual bleeding.
As the pregnancy sign, during absence of a menstruation at you can be observed small rise in temperature in the bottom area of a body.
Presence of some hormones in your organism in pregnancy can cause intestines relaxation therefore digestion process is slowed down, causing the locks which are one of signs of pregnancy.
In process of uterus development, it starts to press on an artery of your feet therefore the blood pressure decreases, and you feel giddy. At an early stage of pregnancy you can feel Pregnancy Body Pillow some slackness if some time abstained from food intake. Slackness at an early stage of pregnancy is caused by the low maintenance of sugar in blood which is the embryo power supply. For maintenance of level of sugar in blood regularly use in food the lungs useful to health of a dish.
Other distinct sign of pregnancy is the strengthened sense of smell. The asthma can cause even a smell of your favourite spirits. Smells of gas, an oblique grass, various kinds of food, cigarettes can cause in you nausea attacks that grows out of a by-effect of Pregnancy Body Pillow movement of hormones of an estrogen in your organism.