Late pregnancy happens desired more often. Last years the age of the introduction into marriage and a Treat Bronchitis During Pregnancy birth of the first child has considerably increased. It often creates difficulties of the child, and at its birth. It is better to give birth nevertheless to children in time, at that age in which it is intended by the nature. Ideal age for a birth of children - 20-30 years. But in last year this age lath has considerably moved towards increase. And here already in the USA the best social and physical age for a birth of the first-born name 34 years. It is not absolutely correct, as the nature all the same not so simply to deceive.
Certainly, the medicine has stepped far forward, nevertheless, the woman, decided to get the child after 35 years, has a number of problems:
not always it is possible to become pregnant and on it there are objective reasons: first reproductive ability of the Treat Bronchitis During Pregnancy woman Bronchitis falls in the course of time (that is not each menstrual cycle is accompanied by egg formation), and secondly the lived years, certainly, make the impact in the form of the numerous infections transferred (frequently imperceptibly) and inflammatory diseases of female sexual sphere, that often leads to barreness; at last, barreness the husband can suffer;
not always it is possible to take out the child: the quantity of spontaneous Miscarriages accrues with the years, hormonal change in an organism of the woman and various chronic diseases which she "has earned" during a life here affect;
during pregnancy the risk of occurrence (a toxicosis of second half of pregnancy) because of presence at the woman of various diseases (a hypertension, diseases of kidneys etc.) increases;
childbirth also Treat Bronchitis During Pregnancy proceeds more difficultly at women is more senior 35 years: patrimonial ways reveal more slowly, soft fabrics possess a smaller extensibility; often at such age resort to a Cesarean section;
at last, there can be problems with health of the child, various chromosomal diseases in the form of illness of Down first of all are dangerous, their quantity accrues with the years; on health of the child patrimonial traumas and a lack of oxygen during pregnancy and in sorts can be reflected.
How to overcome all difficulties and to give birth to the healthy child
To help the woman to give birth to the healthy child, there are special medical institutions - female consultations. The doctor of female consultation knows all reefs which can trap the pregnant Treat Bronchitis During Pregnancy woman and can warn in time her about it.
First of all, it is desirable, that late pregnancy was planned. It is necessary that both Bronchitis parents before conception were surveyed, have treated all centres of an infection or any hormonal shifts and have consulted at the doctor-genetics.
To get registered in female consultation it is better before as for revealing of some changes from mother and a fruit there is a number of researches which are spent on different terms of pregnancy. If the pregnant woman in due time does all these researches the risk of a birth, for Treat Bronchitis During Pregnancy example, the child with illness of Down comes practically to naught.
Miscarriages also have learnt to warn and treat at early stages - the main thing to distinguish their first signs, and the doctor can make it only.
In most cases the woman with late pregnancy hospitalise for sorts in advance to be Bronchitis defined with tactics of conducting sorts. It not reinsurance: modern methods of research of a condition of a fruit and mother allow to develop optimum tactics of conducting sorts, including with application of such operation, as a Cesarean section.
If to become pregnant in the natural way it is not possible
As it was already spoken, with the years the quantity of ripening eggs decreases and to become pregnant during 1-2 menstrual cycles begins very difficultly. But if pregnancy has not come during half a year after regular sexual contacts without contraception, it is Treat Bronchitis During Pregnancy necessary to address to the doctor to understand the reasons of this phenomenon.
The barreness reasons there can be a set, both from the woman, and from the man. To help to get the desired child, presently there are many techniques which allow to help practically to all women:
By sperm of the husband - it is applied at partial Treat Bronchitis During Pregnancy man's barreness if in sperm there are not enough spermatozoas;
By sperm Bronchitis of the donor - it is applied at full man's barreness;
Carrying over of gametes and zygotes - is applied in that case when the ripened egg cannot get to a pipe for fertilisation because of impassability of a pipe; in that case from an ovarie undertakes by means of a puncture egg follicles, incorporate in a test tube to spermatozoas and by means of the special device are transferred to pipes;
Fertilisation method - fertilisation of an egg out of an organism of the woman, in a test tube then the germ is transferred to a uterus cavity; indications are absence or impassability of pipes, barreness at hormonal infringements, an endometriosis, barreness of not clear origin, decrease in quality of sperm of the husband;
Method of fertilisation with use of a donor egg;
The method of an intraplasmatic injection of a spermatozoa undertakes one egg and under a microscope the Treat Bronchitis During Pregnancy spermatozoa then the egg is implanted into a uterus is entered into it.
If you have dared at late pregnancy know: the modern medicine can help you at each stage of a birth of the child.