Friday, June 11, 2010

Facts About Conception Pregnancy

Pregnancy Conception

Conception Pregnancy

Extra-uterine pregnancy - abnormal pregnancy which represents serious threat for a life of the woman and demands the conception pregnancy birth urgent help of the doctor-gynecologist. Instead of developing, as it is necessary, in a uterus, the impregnated egg develops behind its limits. More often (in 99 % of cases) it is fixed in a pipe, but it can appear both in ovaries, and in a belly cavity. Approximately 1-2 % of all Conception Pregnancy are extra-uterine.

Unfortunately, independently to define that developing pregnancy it is abnormal, it is impossible. As well as at normal pregnancy, at the extra-uterine there is a menstruation delay, changes in conception early pregnancy mammary glands are felt, at times there is an easy nausea, the aversion of some products or smells is possible. Meanwhile, complications of extra-uterine pregnancy (in particular a bleeding) represent real threat for a life of the woman.

Not to pass extra-uterine pregnancy, it is necessary to be registered at the gynecologist who will spend necessary inspection.

The risk of extra-uterine pregnancy raises with the years and is highest at women of 35-44 years. To themselves the women, suffering the chronic inflammatory diseases caused by an infection, a mycoplasma or an ureaplasma, and also those who passed treatment concerning trumpet and hormonal barreness should be especially attentive. Besides, the risk group includes women with an endometriosis, ovulation conception pregnancy congenital anomalies of a uterus and pipes. Use as spiral contraception as can provoke extra-uterine pregnancy.
The reasons

This dangerous condition arises, when the egg impregnated in a pipe cannot get to a uterus in time.

The main reason of extra-uterine pregnancy - corking of a pipe or infringement of its reductions.

It can happen at:

Inflammatory process in genitals (ovaries and pipes) - for example, after abortion;
Congenital underdevelopment of pipes;
Hormonal infringements;
Tumours of internal genitals.

If the oosperm has not got to a uterus, it is attached in that place where is, for example, to a pipe wall, and there starts to grow. However the pipe is not intended for fruit development: its thickness conception pregnancy calculator makes only from 1 millimetre to 1,5 centimetres, and the thin and gentle wall is not capable to be stretched, like a uterus. Therefore during any moment of a place for fruit development becomes insufficiently.

Approximately on 4-6th week of extra-uterine pregnancy of an external cover of an embryo sprout a pipe wall - it is broken off, and there is a bleeding in a belly cavity. Thus there is a sharp pain in the bottom of a tummy, faintness, dizziness, and is frequent also consciousness loss. If the large vessel is damaged, the woman can lose a blood considerable quantity that is mortally dangerous.

The pipe, and wall of egg which then is expelled in a belly cavity through the pipe end is sometimes broken off not. This case is called as trumpet abortion. It also is accompanied by a strong pain in the bottom of a tummy, weakness and dizziness, but these conception pregnancy due date symptoms develop, than at pipe rupture more slowly. After a while the pain abates, and at the woman the impression, that with it everything is all right is made. However the proceeding bleeding in a belly cavity can lead to the same heavy consequences, as well as at interrupted with rupture of a pipe of extra-uterine pregnancy.
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