In principle, you can practice your favorite sport during your pregnancy, since his practice is moderate and is not violent. For pregnant women, the sport is even more beneficial. Indeed, several studies have shown that pregnant women who regularly engaged in a sporting activity seemed less pain in childbirth, and therefore less use of analgesics. In addition, they took less weight during pregnancy, and more easily lose excess weight after childbirth. Paying less prone to stretch and venous complications caused by pregnancy, the sport is also essential for the oxygenation of the mother and baby.
When should I practice exercises?
I advise you to be very vigilant when you practice exercises, you should always seek the advice of your doctor. Indeed, in your early months of pregnancy, changes in the body of the mother affect its ability to make the sport she used to practice. Some of theme are:
-*- an increase in heart rate tension,
-*- an increased oxygen need,
-*- faster hypoglycaemia,
-*- more difficult thermoregulation,
-*- a change in the balance,
-*- an increase in blood volume,
Recommended Sports for pregnant women
An excellent sport for the back and the circulation of blood to the heart and joints.
There are gymnastics classes specially designed for pregnant women. The strengths of these meetings revolve around exercises Basin and strengthening the abdominal muscles, relaxation and the training to the perception of his own body.
The aqua
The benefits of water and gymnastics in one! It is strongly recommended for pregnant women because it strengthens the abdominal and back muscles and stimulates blood circulation.
It is good for the body and good for the heart.
To the extent that you do not make sudden movements or contortions.
Some positions, suited to pregnant women, help the body and mind to relax.
You still need to monitor !
-*- Gradually reduce the effort, monitoring the supply of the body in carbohydrates, especially in a sport of endurance, avoid a sudden increase in body temperature
-*- Be extremely careful not to practice a sport where you could get injured. Indeed, the consequences of an injury (radio, anesthesia ...) and the convalescent period that follows could seriously increase the risk for your pregnancy!
-*- Sport is also strongly not recommended for women with diabetes, women who have already suffered a miscarriage, having heart problems or where there is a risk of premature birth.
When shouldn't I practice exercises?
All violent sports should be excluded during pregnancy. In effect, they increase the risk of premature birth. The hormones secreted by the body during intense efforts cause contractions.
Some of the sports listed below may have even cause more serious problems, be very careful!
Team sports
Volleyball, basketball, etc...
Combat sports
Judo, fencing
Sports at risk of falling
Such as water skiing, surfing, the tackle, Roller skating.
Sports over 2000mètres altitude.
Sports asking too much of endurance or strength.
Marathon, body-building,
And of course any type sport parachuting, bungee jumping, boxing, diving, etc...
Whatever sport you want to practice during your pregnancy, consult your doctor, because he alone is able to determine what sport are suited for you.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Exercise During Pregnancy: When and Why Should I Practice?
pregnancy exercises,