The analysis found that six percent of respondents thought a mother's unfulfilled food cravings could have an adverse effect on a foetus and five percent believed a pregnant woman's exposure to a scary sight could hurt her unborn baby. The folkloric beliefs the participants considered included whether a pregnant woman's stress, bad mood, viewing of upsetting TV programs or attending upsetting events, excessive exercise, unfulfilled food cravings, or exposure to ugly or frightening sights could have a negative effect on her unborn baby.
“Women with less education were more likely to think problems were a mother's fault. This isn't necessarily because women learn more about pregnancy during formal education, but reflects that women who have pursued higher education might read more and rely on more stringent sources for information about what they choose to believe. The best rule of thumb is to get in great shape before you get pregnant.
No increased incidence of labor based on the weather or the phase of the moon. While believers may never be convinced otherwise, never mind that even if this were true, there’s nothing you could do about it! In fact, labor is triggered by a complex series of hormonal signals with no known connection to atmospheric conditions or the weather. If you raise your arms above your head while pregnant, the baby will get the cord wrapped around its neck.
Even so fetal activity may be the more important factor, and in any case, this is not something a pregnant woman can control. If the weather is stormy or the moon is full, you are more likely to go into labor, even if you are weeks away from your due date, labor is triggered by a complex series of hormonal signals with no known connection to atmospheric conditions or the weather. Don’t touch your cat while pregnant.
Feeding or petting your cat and allowing it to sit in your lap are perfectly acceptable while pregnant. And the risk of getting toxoplasmosis from your cat can be lowered. Avoid sleeping on your back, Avoid bumpy car rides they can trigger labor, The uterus and surrounding fluid provide ample cushioning and protection from minor trauma. To keep your unborn child safe, avoid sex and exercise during pregnancy.