The weight of your uterus is now 1 kg more than the beginning of your pregnancy, it contains 1 liter of amniotic fluid.
You can experience again a frequent desire to urinate because your baby is down and press again your bladder.
Your breasts are heavy and start to take volume.
The ligaments of your pelvis relax, so you can feel some small twinges.
Your baby
It measures 42 cm and weighs 2.1 kg.
His immune system and brain are mature, it could come now, but it should be put in incubators because it is still fragile.
He swallows a lot of amniotic fluid.
He accumulates meconium in his intestines that will be quickly removed at birth.
Good to know
If you work, you must leave at the end of this week for your maternity.
Remember to send your social security certificate to your work in order to receive your benefits.