How to Feel Sexy During Pregnancy
During pregnancy the relation to sex changes a little. Some future parents, being afraid to harm the kid, try to avoid sex, or continue to be engaged in it, but do it extremely seldom. Such conclusions are how much true? Whether it is possible to make love in such responsible time, as pregnancy.
The answer is simple - it is not possible, and even it is necessary.
Employment by love during pregnancy bring a lot of advantage.
Why during pregnancy it is necessary to continue employment by sex:
The good mood is necessary for future mother, and employment by love brings many positive emotions.
In turn at employment by sex hormones of pleasure which so are useful to development of the child are developed. And if the woman long abstains there is an accumulation of negative emotions. Besides it substances which are in sperm are useful to the pregnant woman.
On late terms presence in sperm renders an important role for opening of a neck of a uterus. Employment by sex during pregnancy do not require protection. The truth it concerns partners which had long monogamous relations. The pregnant woman is sexual and attractive for the man,
During employment by love there is a training of muscles of a uterus, and it by all means is useful during sorts, and can play an important role in preventive maintenance of weakness of patrimonial activity.
Many are afraid to injure the child, making love. The nature has taken care of that to the child it was comfortable. Besides the kid the layer, a muscular and fatty fabric, the fruit and water cover protects, smoothing all fluctuations. Therefore such fears.
By the way, contrary to a popular belief, also does not render negative influence on the kid.
Also it is not necessary to forget, that influence on a sexual inclination of the woman plays the level of sexual hormones changing during pregnancy, both in big, and in the smaller party.
As the condition of the pregnant woman depending on pregnancy term changes:
In the pregnancy beginning (the first trimester) the general state of health of the woman worsens a little. Many complain of a nausea, vomiting dizziness and other displays of an early toxicosis. Besides it, the woman becomes emotionally labilna - sharp differences of mood for pleasure to grief. Proceeding from the aforesaid, it is possible to understand, as the sexual desire of the woman weakens at this time a little.
The second trimester brings many the pleasant moments. As a rule there passes an early toxicosis, the state of health of the woman improves, as well as its emotional condition is normalised. The hormonal background promotes occurrence of a sexual inclination. Sometimes the second trimester of pregnancy name «the second honeymoon»
The tummy which slightly is seen - does not deliver unpleasant sensations, or any other problems at employment by love. The man, as a rule, too gets used to thought, that it becomes fast the father, and at it the sexual desire increases.
In the third trimester the tummy that can bring some inconveniences considerably increases.
To some women there can be unpleasant sensations during time employment by sex. But, nevertheless even this time is not to contra-indications to employment by love.
Some positions become not so convenient - in that case it is necessary to pick up an individual position - for example laying on one side. Also it is necessary to consider that fact, that it is not desirable for woman to lay on a back, therefore it is more preferable, that the woman was from above. It is necessary to remember, that during this period it is desirable to show small care, gentle caresses are shown.
To whom employment by traditional sex are counter-indicative:
Conditions at which are counter-indicative employment by sex fortunately, it is a little.
Bleedings from female sexual ways.
Threat of interruption of pregnancy, especially it concerns repeated in which anamnesis earlier met the habitual.
Pregnancy twins and more
Low arrangement or placenta prelying
Various pathological conditions of pregnant women at which the confinement to bed is shown.
The infections transferred sexual by - for example a herpes in an aggravation
Infringement of integrity of covers of waters.
It is not recommended to have also the intercourse those days when there would be a menstruation if there has not come pregnancy.
If employment by traditional sex are counter-indicative to you:
What to do, if in your case there are contra-indications for employment by traditional sex? First of all it is not necessary to be afflicted.
There are many techniques, capable to replace traditional sexual relations. Such, for example as:
Vestibular sexual intercourse - when the woman densely reduces hips, and the man's penis is only on the threshold of a vagina.
Femoral sexual intercourse - occurs exclusively between the shown hips of the woman
Sexual intercourse - between mammary glands of the woman. It is necessary to remind, that during pregnancy mammary glands increase, that supplements sensations.
It is not necessary to forget and about petting, as about possibility to cause pleasure.
Well and certainly oral sex cannot damage during pregnancy in any way.
However, if you have any doubts or there are guarding symptoms - it is necessary to address to the doctor.
Certainly, remarkably, when the parabola of sexuality of the pregnant woman coincides with a parabola of sexuality of the partner but if all the same there is a discrepancy of desires between partners, it can lead to quarrels each other. Be to each other, and love each other, as very soon on light there will be a miracle - your child.