Friday, July 2, 2010

Handle a Fever During Pregnancy

How  Handle Fever During Pregnancy

How to Handle a Fever During Pregnancy

It is interesting to future mum to learn, how its organism varies. And, certainly, how grows and its kid within Fever During Pregnancy 40 weeks of pregnancy develops. When at remains heart starts to fight, eyes open, on what term formation of various bodies comes to an end? Whether he hears music and whether distinguishes smells?

All it occurs gradually. The first trimester of pregnancy - the most important. During this period there is a bookmark of bodies and systems of the Fever Pregnancy kid. In the second trimester - approximately by 15-16 week - it is possible to define a sex of future child. In the middle of pregnancy (approximately on 20 week) mum starts to feel a fruit. In the third trimester (from 28 weeks) the fruit considerably adds in weight, occurs its Fever During Pregnancy bodies. If the child is born after 28 weeks of pregnancy has chance to survive at special leaving. However normal childbirth attacks "in time" to 36-42 week of pregnancy.

The pregnancy calendar will be the true assistant throughout nine months, every week giving the helpful information on the future child and changes in your state of health.

The woman always remains the woman. It would like to look attractive life on any piece, including during pregnancy. And what young mum does not dream to return a figure as soon as Fever During Pregnancy possible?

Not the secret, that during pregnancy appearance of the woman varies. But if some changes are quite expected and pleasant (the approximated tummy tuck pregnancy , the increased breast) others give certain trouble. Most of all upset future mums of a problem with a skin - pigmentation strengthening on all body and especially on the person («a mask of pregnant women»), skin extensions. Many of these problems are caused genetically, therefore to cope with them uneasy. It is more reasonable to take Fever During Pregnancy preventive measures - to adjust a food allowance, to take advantage of special creams.

After a birth of the child the woman the excess weight, the appreciable tummy, the breast which has lost the ideal form can disturb, extensions. These problems can be reduced to a minimum if to start to care of Fever Pregnancy appearance in pregnancy. Struggle for a beautiful figure can be continued soon after sorts: young mum can adjust the food allowance, having excluded sweet, fat and fried and also to be engaged in strengthening of muscles of a tummy (in 1,5-2,5 months after sorts) and breasts. Long Fever During Pregnancy walks will go on advantage not only to the kid, but also your figure. Massage, a contrast shower, pool visiting will help to improve and fix a positive effect.

However it is not necessary to be upset, if to you not on forces to cope with any problem. Address for consultation to the doctor-cosmetician, and it necessarily will help. By means of achievements of modern medicine you can get rid of extensions, correct a figure, improve the breast form … But it is not necessary to take a great interest: have in view of, the overwhelming Fever During Pregnancy majority of men love the wives such what they are.

Future mum should concern medicines with the big care. The matter is that many preparations, especially at their application in the first trimester of pregnancy, can change rates of growth of cages, fabrics, bodies, causing developmental anomalies of a fruit. Besides, medicines can weaken a placenta blood-groove, break a metabolism between an organism of mother and the child, to provoke premature birth.

Before application of any preparation and even medicinal grasses the pregnant woman should consult to the doctor necessarily. As a last resort (if the medicine is necessary, and the doctor is inaccessible) it is necessary to study the summary attentively. Whether in it the preparation will be necessarily specified, resolved at pregnancy and feeding by a Fever During Pregnancy breast, and the list of contra-indications is resulted.

Unfortunately, to do without medicines within nine months to you hardly it will be possible. To avoid unpleasant unexpectedness, it is better to collect the first-aid set of future mum in advance. Besides special vitaminno-mineral complexes there it is necessary to include (preliminary having secured with the consent of the doctor) means against the most typical "pregnant" Fever Pregnancy problems: a heartburn, locks, a headache.
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