Tuesday, July 13, 2010

How to Identify the Early Signs of Pregnancy

Early Signs of Pregnancy
Early Signs of Pregnancy
Early Signs of Pregnancy

How to Identify the Early Signs of Pregnancy

Pregnancy and birth of the child is very responsible stage in a life of the woman. Accoucheurs-gynecologists try to impart to women thought, that pregnancy should be planned in advance to prepare an organism for this uneasy period: to treat chronic diseases, caries, to reveal and treat the latent infections transferred sexual by. At last, that is important, to be prepared psychologically for a birth How to Identify the Early Signs of Pregnancy of the child. Whether it is possible to make all it, if to you only 16 years?

Changes in an organism of the woman during pregnancy

In an organism of the woman during pregnancy there are numerous difficult changes which create conditions for pre-natal development of a fruit, prepare an organism for sorts and chest feeding of the newborn.

With the pregnancy beginning in an active mode all glands of internal secretion which provide development of a fruit and change in an organism of mother work. The metabolism and oxygen consumption that creates additional loading on internal bodies increase. The organism accumulates nitrogen (for fiber synthesis), fats (go on formation of fabrics of a fruit), iron for cardiac muscle work, magnesium, cobalt, copper and other microcells. Accumulation of microcells promotes a water delay - one more element of additional loading on internal bodies.

The big loading is maintained during pregnancy by cardiovascular system that is connected with increase in volume of circulating blood and increase in volume of a uterus which has the powerful blood circulation. Great volume of blood forces to work in the raised mode of a kidney and a liver.

But genitals of the woman are exposed to the greatest changes. The uterus increases at the expense of growth of muscular How to Identify the Early Signs of Pregnancy fibres (in them the substances providing power of reduction of muscles in sorts) collect, in its mucous membrane glands expand, blood both lymphatic vessels and elements of pregnancy stages
morning sickness
weight gain
week by week
due date
first trimester
1st trimester
by the week
second trimester
third trimester of
13 weeks
nervous system.

All these processes difficult enough pass even in an organism of the adult healthy woman. What to speak about the girl, at which else fabric and bodies are not completely generated?

At what age pregnancy is considered early

There are age frameworks when childbirth can be dangerous to not strong organism. Certainly, it dares individually, after all each girl develops in own way. Nevertheless, as early pregnancy understand pregnancy in 15-17 years. This age is transitive of the childhood during an adult life.

Than early pregnancy comes to an end

The statistics says that not planned teenage pregnancy comes to an end with abortions more often. So, on 100 pregnancy at girls-teenagers 70 abortions, 15 sorts and 15 spontaneous abortions are necessary. And interruption of pregnancy at teenagers in 25 % of cases occurs on terms 22 - 27 weeks (abortions are resolved till 12 weeks of pregnancy), that exclusively negatively affects on health of the girl.

As is known, abortions (especially the first) cause barreness which is caused by occurrence of chronic gynecologic diseases. Therefore accoucheurs-gynecologists try to propagandise methods of prevention of not planned pregnancy whenever possible.

Unfortunately, even today, when restrictions are removed from all kinds of propagation, teenagers a little that know about contraception means, as affects on their health.

In what early pregnancy can result

Early pregnancy when girls still physiologically are not ready to motherhood, leads to heavy complications How to Identify the Early Signs of Pregnancy at sorts and is the reason of annual destruction not less than one million newborns all over the world, especially in developing countries. For this reason pregnancy and childbirth in the countries of the third world are the leading reason of death rate of young women.

Among industrially developed countries most of all mothers-teenagers is in the USA, in Russia and in New Zealand, least - in South Korea, Japan and the Netherlands.

Pregnancy at teenagers creates especially high risk for health, than they are younger (it is especially considerable for 13-16-летних). Such pregnancy influences frequency signs, as at early age it in 2,5 times above, than at women of genital age. At them placentary insufficiency, threat of interruption of pregnancy, a toxicosis and an anaemia is more often develops. At sorts at teenagers the raised level of parent death rate is marked.

Early pregnancy can have and such consequences for mother, as infringement of a structure of bones because of a calcium lack as in this case the organism of young mother competes to the child for the right of use of calcium for growth of bones.

Children born by teenagers, have small weight at a birth and almost in infancy, than children 20-30-летних women is twice more often die. At teenagers on 11 % above risk of a birth of the child with congenital anomalies.

Early pregnancy is more often tragedy, therefore it is necessary to make all that it to prevent.

by weeks
week one
week four
four weeks
morning sickness during
by week
week seven
week 3
weight gain during
cramping during
early symptoms
stages of
seven weeks
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week 39 of
week four of
29th week of
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week 26
week 4
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week 1 symptoms
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first symptoms
week five
week 10 of
week 13 of
week 15
symptoms week by week
and morning sickness
early ultrasound
signs early
first week of
week 10
12 weeks
early bleeding
16th week of
lower back pain early How to Identify the Early Signs of Pregnancy
symptoms week 5
19 week
week 12
week 18
bleeding during
spotting during
12 week of
week 13
10 weeks
4 weeks
5 weeks
early back pain
first stages of

The public opinion does not remain invariable: the modern society qualifies that throughout centuries was considered as norm - early marriages and early motherhood as anomaly; we will recollect, how mother speaks to Juliette: « Smaller years, than you, / Become in Verona mothers, / And I you and have given birth earlier … »to the Public stereotype, probably, it is possible to express so: the adult, mature woman, let even unmarried,« given birth for itself », has weighed the forces and possibilities and has taken up responsibility for education of the child; thirteen-shestnadtsatiletnjaja little girl"has flown"owing to the perversity, perversity and the child now strives to mount upon a neck to parents … Even if it and marries, divide with mother of care of the child a little that can to change readiness of the young father: unless the teenager is capable to contain a family! These some years of rupture between achievement of various degrees of a maturity - physical on the one hand and social and intellectual - with another, have for teenage sexuality (and as its private display - early pregnancy) hardly probable How to Identify the Early Signs of Pregnancy not more value, than notorious "degradation of morals", and a debt of a modern society - first of all to comprehend this phenomenon as the serious social problem demanding all-round studying and complex decisions. About the reasons of occurrence of teenage pregnancy, how to behave in this situation to children and parents, the doctor-psychotherapist, the psychoanalyst, the author of numerous publications on psychology, the author and the leader of a site argues.

In the social plan early pregnancy it is accepted to name the fact of expectation of the child the minor girl. (Therefore this phenomenon name pregnancy teenage is more often.) but a situation sharpness at all that future mum has not reached official majority! A trouble in other: such pregnancy is in most cases caused by those or other problems of the girl or that environment in which she lives, and, means, is not directed at all fortunately the future child.

It is considered to be, that tragedy of teenage pregnancy that all world (and first of all parents and a society) turns away from the young pregnant woman. But actually this "world" turns away from the girl much earlier, and if want, pregnancy often happens a consequence of it, instead of the reason!

Here the basic list of occasions to such situation (I result them not in a statistical order, and simply listing various variants)

1. RAPE. It is necessary to notice, that the most part of such rapes is made not by maniacs, and friends and acquaintances (sometimes mum's). But even if the girl-teenager became a victim of an attack of the stranger - that besides why it has appeared, for example, one in the street at late o'clock? It have turned out or she has run away from the «a house cosiness»? Or to parents the destiny of the daughter is initially indifferent, and they have not trained in its bases of safe behaviour? Besides after rape necessary preventive measures - in many respects have not been taken because the girl anyhow could not tell to parents that has occurred to it …

2. "RISKY" BEHAVIOUR. Girls who «contact the bad company» often become pregnant. But the teenager How to Identify the Early Signs of Pregnancy gets to such companies besides because, that, becoming in a family and a society lonely and rejected, starts to search, first, "understanding" where only it is possible, and secondly, unconsciously to choose the most risky (or as it is still spoken, directed) behaviour type. And the girl who is spending time in such companies, like already and not before preservation of the health and the life. Therefore she especially does not care of consequences of similar dialogue.

week 5 of
week five of
nausea during
bleeding during early
symptoms by week
spotting during early
week by week guide
week to week
week calendar
discharge early
calendar by week
free calendar
due dates
discharge during early
7 week
8 week
15 weeks
stages of week by week
4 week
pregnant week by week
10 week pregnant
early pregnancy week by week
first signs of pregnancy
morning sickness symptoms
signs of pregnancy
first trimester
early signs of
week 13
third trimester
due date calculator
week by week video How to Identify the Early Signs of Pregnancy
7 weeks
26 weeks
five weeks
5 weeks
9 weeks
12 weeks
4 weeks
morning sickness
week 33 of
34 weeks
35 week of
after miscarriage
and flying
15 week
32 week of
week 34 of
baby week by week
32 week
conception calendar

3. PREGNANCY OUT OF IGNORANCE. Quite often even in our educated century of the girl actually do not know, that create. Often count on "more skilled" partner, especially if to it 14, and to it already 16 … And being it is given in this question to itself, the girl will appear incapable to pick up contraception effective remedies, will not connect with the last affinity failures in monthly, and the waist increase will consider as a necessity sign to go on an a diet … Therefore "missed" teenage pregnancy is a result of absence of the qualitative, thought over sexual education, and including possibility of dialogues on this theme How to Identify the Early Signs of Pregnancy in a family.

4. PREGNANCY "PLANNED". As a rule, the girl aspires to solve in such a way own psychological problems. In particular, to confirm own value («Anybody does not love me, well so I to itself of the baby a physiognomy, he will love me») or to make the protest against impetuous superguardianship of parents which, besides, psychologically do not hear it («Mum, well how still to prove to you, what I already adult and will suffice me to bring up?»). It is clear, that dialogue with use of similar methods, besides the fact of pregnancy of such girl - the proof not, and is faster than infantilism (it has not matured yet so to think of consequences of the actions and responsibility for them …).

The unknown Dutch master in 1500 did not consider neither reprehensible, nor strange to write the Madonna with very young model. So early (to our measures) the motherhood was perceived by a society as norm.

The situation of early pregnancy can be quite named by extreme (especially if the girl is compelled to make the decision alone). And here, as in case of any danger, it is possible to give accurate recommendations as as it is necessary to do.

1. At suspicion for pregnancy to hope, that all will resolve, as is known, senselessly. It is better to address to the doctor. If the doctor is literally from a threshold unconditionally orders «to come with mum» - it is necessary to search for other doctor. Certainly, will not spend serious medical interventions without the consent of parents, but the good doctor at least will find out a situation and will help the young patient to be prepared for forthcoming conversation with mum, if without it it is impossible.

2. By the way, if the girl faces such situation, that experts basically trifle with it, moralize, shame, humiliate, she can quite address in one of the crisis centres where work on this problem. It is not necessary to wait, that there will solve for it how to be (yes it and it is not necessary), but here to promote in reception of the information for acceptance of own decision there How to Identify the Early Signs of Pregnancy can and should.

3. If pregnancy is confirmed, its destiny should be solved in a complex. It is very useful to find out opinions not only the gynecologist, but also the therapist, the doctor of mediko-genetic consultation, the lawyer, and the doctor-psychotherapist (or the psychologist). And it is important to find the advisers, capable to take out the judgement based on the objective facts, instead of on own belief. But even the most objective advisers all the same for certain will not agree in opinion! Everyone will result the arguments. And the problem of the girl - all to listen, and then to weigh all pro's and con's and properly to think most.

Alas, many young mums by the moment of the pregnancy for the present just have not learnt to think and do logic conclusions … As a matter of fact, early pregnancy - in many respects the proof and this fact. But intellectually to mature it is possible to begin and now - as they say, never late.

4. At the account of all opinions it is necessary to try to exclude those who, not being the professional in the given area, can frankly "press and force to make not the most adequate decision from« the list of experts ». It can be girlfriends, relatives. And, as it neither is blasphemous and nor is sad, the most biassed in this plan the person mum can.


Rare mum will concern first minutes with pleasure to that its young daughter is pregnant. In most cases aggression and charge will be the first reaction. But allow, who here should be accused?

Perhaps, also it makes sense to search guilty in this or that problem - but here it at all does not promote the decision of the problem. But if it is necessary for mum to find guilty (we will tell to splash out on it the aggression) - well, let mum will look in a mirror. As a rule, from mum's inability to carry on dialogue with the daughter, from mum's psychological illiteracy, because that she tries to solve the problems at the expense of the daughter and there is the psychological trouble of the girl which anyhow have provoked the fact of early pregnancy. And the event - the basic proof of that at mum with the daughter is not present mutual understanding, trust How to Identify the Early Signs of Pregnancy, common language. They frankly another's people and, probably, even in something hostile each other.

fifth week
5th week
7th week

Moreover, aggression of mum quite often has also such unconscious implied senses: «have spoilt my property», «I am yet ready to have grandsons», «as you have dared something to change in the life without my consent»!

Therefore if daughters in the given situation are recommended to begin with visit to the gynecologist to their mums is shown to visit the psychotherapist by all means in the beginning. After all, unfortunately, quite often mum's arguments which have been got up in most that on are decent clothes, are based on its unconscious problems and complexes. We will tell, if mum, despite of all objective data, not reflecting repeats «abortion and only abortion» (even when terms any more do not allow) is can be caused, for example, the same latent unwillingness to become the grandmother (after all if the girl of 15 years to her mother only 35-40 has become pregnant). Or otherwise: «let my daughter never becomes mother, let it always will be small, and I to its smog to bring up all life» (it in that case when all self-affirmation of this mum - in its parent role, and it is necessary to a daughter to become adult - mum loses meaning of the life). And even so: «let doctors will hurt the daughter, will know how not to obey mum».

But happens and so, that mum persistently repeats we "will give birth" - neither on a possible pathology, nor on psychological immaturity of the girl, even on that, for example, that pregnancy became result of violence … Here too mum's persistence in many respects illogically, and the following can mean, for example: «let my daughter will give birth, will connect to itself hands and remains dependent on me for ever». Or: «at me the occasion will reproach the daughter with the child as the proof of the nonsense made it that did not dare to do any more anything without my permission». And that in general mum suggests to issue from kind promptings the future child as the - but by means of such «not sexual incest» at heart wishes to make the daughter sister of own child (and to put both on one age lath), in addition also to prove: «you my property, at you cannot be anything the at all, and your children too mine».

It, of course, sufficiently shocks all, but for this purpose and it is recommended to mum to visit the psychotherapist to get rid of similar motivations - not realised and in any way not promoting the reasonable decision. And having released from similar "cargo", mum can (if will want) to become the close friend of the daughter. In general, as is known, the extreme situation quite often pulls together its direct participants; certainly How to Identify the Early Signs of Pregnancy not such the price to leave on rapprochement of mother and the daughter, but, as is known, - it is better late, than never!

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