common problems of pregnancy
All pregnant women will agree, that the first some months of pregnancy the unpleasant most, to put it mildly. You can feel a nausea, swelling of feet and anklebones, pains and spasms in a belly cavity, you can have heartburn, locks, you can feel weariness, have problems with an incontience of urine and weight of other problems. In given article the problem is put to help you to cope with these problems and to feel better.
Morning nausea (toxicosis)
The morning nausea, likely, is the most usual symptom of pregnancy. Be not mistaken, the feeling of a nausea can appear at any time, not only in the morning. To prevent a nausea since morning, try to wake up slowly. Before to rise from a bed, try to eat some simple crackers or dry flakes. Avoid warm places, warmth can strengthen sensation of a nausea. Air a room, having opened a window or by means of fans. Food cooking in a microwave will create less smells, than cooking in an oven or on a gas or electric plate. Before the basic food eat something salty, avoid fat food or food rich with spices, and try not to drink a liquid simultaneously with food intake. Break food intake on all the day approximately for 6 small portions. Procedures are better for leaving on the end of day. Also ask the doctor about vitamin Б-6. To calm a nausea also slow drink small draughts of soda water with a lemon or tea without caffeine, for example the mint will help.
Pains or spasms in a belly cavity
In your body there are many changes. Your belly muscles are now under the big pressure, capable to cause pains and spasms. To facilitate these pains, we advise to use a warm hot-water bottle-pillow. To prevent pains, try to strengthen belly muscles. Talk to the doctor about what exercises to you is better will approach.
Hypostases of feet
In pregnancy you can face swelling. To check weight increase in feet and anklebones it is possible by means of elastic stockings. Try not to stand long standing. Carry footwear on the size or get inserts specially developed for pregnant women. Avoid diuretics as they conduct to even big swelling. As it is possible try do not stand standing and when sit is more often, try to raise feet. To lay even better, than to sit.
To get rid of locks, it is necessary for you to do regularly exercises, to drink a considerable quantity of water and there is a lot of a fibrous food, such as: fruit and vegetables, bread and dry breakfasts from not sifted flour.
The weariness can be connected with sleepless nights because of a pain or dreams, or is simple because of the big pressure. The most effective method to cope with weariness is much to have a rest. Within day some times take a nap. Eat the balanced food including additional 300 calories in day. One more reason of weariness is deficiency of iron in an organism so try to consume it in enough. Though can seem strange, it is possible to overcome weariness with exercises. Exercises will allow you feel fresh and will encourage you.
Much from this, that was recommended for struggle against a nausea, also will help to consult and with a heartburn. Besides try not to carry close clothes.
Problems with an incontience
Problems with a bladder incontience can create the greatest inconveniences at pregnancy. First of all, drink a lot of water. Avoid unhealthy food, coffee, sugar, tea and food with the high acid maintenance. Do not use soap in the field of genitals. After employment by sex necessarily release a bladder and wash out genitals water. Try to include in a food allowance cabbage, an onions and garlic, daily drink three glasses of cranberry juice and accept vitamin C additives.
At some women happens more problems, than at others, but usually on the second trimester all these problems find hardly easier character. As a whole, try to have a rest, drink many a lot of water, regularly to do exercises, to adhere to well balanced food allowance and to keep an optimistical spirit.