We will suppose, for you delay of next menstruation. A day passes, two, week - the menstruation bleeding is not present. And you feel nausea at mornings, sucklings glands seem growings heavy. Or a superfluous somnolence, usual actions of surrounding cause an irritation, appears, and some smells simply nevynosimy. Not eliminated, that an appetite rose for you, and products disappear from a refrigerator with an unusual quickness and in strange combinations. Thus slyuni flow yet and, nightly hikes became more frequent in a rest room, and in the day-time long walks are problematic from frequent urges on moche-ispuskanie.
All these subjective sensations can be present at pregnancy approach. But can and be absent. Happens, that the woman marks a delay menstruation without any other changes in state of health. There are situations and absolutely opposite - pregnancy is present, but menstruation a bleeding, let and in smaller volume, comes to the put term.
There are simple and accessible ways of clearing of a situation. It is not necessary to postpone visiting of the gynecologist and corresponding inspection, especially when probable pregnancy - undesirable. Very often girls try to find any explanations to absence menstruation in the put term - "I still the virgin", "it was my first contact", "we in it is engaged seldom", "the partner supervises itself", "I use contraception means", "at me recently was menstruation and sex in safe day", etc. Pregnancy has been excluded only in case of full absence of any forms of sexual affinity, contraception means only reduce risk of undesirable pregnancy to a minimum, but cannot exclude it completely!
It is not necessary to guess - there are simple ways of diagnostics of pregnancy, including in house conditions. Certainly, 100 % of a guarantee are not given by any technique, and the definitive conclusion can be received only after survey of the doctor and additional inspection.
There is a doctor at examination - a gynaecologist will see indirect Pregnancy symptoms: venous polno-blood of outward privy parts, change of colouring the mucous membrane of vagina and neck of uterus: it acquires a sinyushnyy tint. At two-handed research softening influence of isthmus is marked (the place of connection of body of uterus and neck of uterus is so named). The self body of uterus at pregnancy is large, soft, can be asymmetric due to vybukhaniya in the place of introduction egg fruit. Pal'piruyutsya necessarily, that felt, appendages of uterus: uterine pipes and ovaries on either side.
It is, that even at correctly developing uterine pregnancy discover education in the place of projection of appendages of uterus. It can be yellow body of pregnancy or cyst of yellow body in one of ovaries. Such changes of obratimy, that the normal structure of ovary in time is restored. But educations can appear and pathological, for example, extra-uterine pregnancy. That it to find out, it is necessary to resort to the additional methods of research (ULTRASONIC).
Pregnancy symptoms
All these subjective sensations can be present at pregnancy approach. But can and be absent. Happens, that the woman marks a delay menstruation without any other changes in state of health. There are situations and absolutely opposite - pregnancy is present, but menstruation a bleeding, let and in smaller volume, comes to the put term.
There are simple and accessible ways of clearing of a situation. It is not necessary to postpone visiting of the gynecologist and corresponding inspection, especially when probable pregnancy - undesirable. Very often girls try to find any explanations to absence menstruation in the put term - "I still the virgin", "it was my first contact", "we in it is engaged seldom", "the partner supervises itself", "I use contraception means", "at me recently was menstruation and sex in safe day", etc. Pregnancy has been excluded only in case of full absence of any forms of sexual affinity, contraception means only reduce risk of undesirable pregnancy to a minimum, but cannot exclude it completely!
It is not necessary to guess - there are simple ways of diagnostics of pregnancy, including in house conditions. Certainly, 100 % of a guarantee are not given by any technique, and the definitive conclusion can be received only after survey of the doctor and additional inspection.
There is a doctor at examination - a gynaecologist will see indirect Pregnancy symptoms: venous polno-blood of outward privy parts, change of colouring the mucous membrane of vagina and neck of uterus: it acquires a sinyushnyy tint. At two-handed research softening influence of isthmus is marked (the place of connection of body of uterus and neck of uterus is so named). The self body of uterus at pregnancy is large, soft, can be asymmetric due to vybukhaniya in the place of introduction egg fruit. Pal'piruyutsya necessarily, that felt, appendages of uterus: uterine pipes and ovaries on either side.
It is, that even at correctly developing uterine pregnancy discover education in the place of projection of appendages of uterus. It can be yellow body of pregnancy or cyst of yellow body in one of ovaries. Such changes of obratimy, that the normal structure of ovary in time is restored. But educations can appear and pathological, for example, extra-uterine pregnancy. That it to find out, it is necessary to resort to the additional methods of research (ULTRASONIC).
Pregnancy symptoms