The methods helping get pregnant with a boy:
By a youth of blood of parents.
Consider, that the sex of a child is defined by a youth of blood of parents. As is known, blood of the woman is completely updated for 3 years, men for 4. Readout begin from last large loss of blood: operations, abortion etc. or from a birth. Whose blood at the moment of conception of the kid appears more youngly, such floor will be baby.
The theory of activity of parents.
One more close theory is connected with activity of parents. Who from parents is more active in a family or on work at whom qualities of the leader are stronger, that and "will present" a floor to the kid. Connect it with a hormonal background of parents. There is also a theory connected with intensity of a sexual life.
Special diets.
It is possible to find the special diets which observance allows get pregnant with a boy. According to opinion of their supporters to pass to the menu described there it is necessary approximately one month prior to prospective conception. The birth of boys is promoted by the use of meat, fish, salty food. In expectation of the girl sugar, honey are more useful, to spice, jam, fragrant grasses.
The Chinese and Japanese calendars.
Some use "the Chinese calendar" where from dependence on month of a birth of mother and its age months of conception of a sonny and a daughter are specified.
Is as well "the Japanese calendar", giving to the recommendation, proceeding from knowledge of months of a birth of the man and the woman.
The account of terms of ovulation.
There is also a method of planning of a floor taking into account ovulation terms. It is proved, that Y-spermatozoas are more mobile, but are less hardy, and X-spermatozoas - are more hardy, therefore are capable to keep viability in sexual ways of the woman some days. Accordingly, if fertilisation has occurred in day of ovulation you are waited by a birth of the boy and if sexual contact was 4-6 days prior to her or after, that, most likely you become parents of the girl. To define day of ovulation it is possible by means of tests, taking temperature, at a regular cycle it is possible to define day of ovulation as day of the middle of a cycle.
Any of methods does not give 100 % of a guarantee. But it is not necessary to mourn in this occasion. Often future parents, thinking of the child, dream that at them the boy will be born by all means. Or the girl. Sometimes these dreams come so far, that the born child "not that" a floor is not desired and parents long time cannot accept it, that is naturally reflected and in its mentality and health. However, after all, such problems are completely not necessary to your family?
As the famous psychologist writes in the book, the love to the child should be unconditional. To love the child it is necessary irrespective of a floor, character and abilities and then you become the best parents of the happy and self-assured person.
Doctors assert, that the more time leaves at the woman on becoming pregnant, the above probability of a birth at it the boy. This conclusion is made by the Dutch scientists on the basis of information studying about more, than 5000 lying-in women. Exact figures are that:
- At those women on get pregnant it was required whom more than 12 months, the probability of a birth of the boy made 58 %;
- And at those to whom get pregnant it was possible faster, this probability decreased to usual 51 %;
- For the healthy pairs, each next year spent in unsuccessful attempts get pregnant, increases probability of by 4 % that on light the boy will be born.