On this term the size of a fruit and quantity pregnancy symptoms are that, that the child can freely move in a uterus. Though absolutely still the tiny embryo starts to move already on the second month of a life, you can feel for the first time fruit movement only since 15 - 16th weeks of pregnancy. Term when you can feel for the first time movements of the kid, depends on features of your pregnancy. It is considered, that already giving birth women feel for the first time pregnancy symptoms a little before the pregnant women, passing this fascinating way for the first time. However be not frightened, if on the fourth month of a life the kid while in any way does not let to you about itself know: the period of the most intensive fruit movement begins approximately from 20th week at giving birth and from 18th week - at repeatedly-rodjashchih. Activity of the child depends on its state of health, from that, the kid sleeps or is awake, and also from mood of future mum and other events occurring at this moment.
pregnancy symptoms and your state of health
With approach of the fourth month of pregnancy your state of health, most likely, will improve: slackness and a nausea will disappear, the risk of spontaneous interruption of pregnancy will decrease.
Continue to watch the weight, but do not forget that a food should be high-grade. In the second trimester of pregnancy often enough develops pregnancy symptoms. You can "help" the organism, having begun or having continued reception of polyvitamins for pregnant women (especially in winter and spring months) and-or preparations of iron, folic acid. Certainly, before to begin reception of any medicines, including vitamins, it is necessary to consult to the doctor.
With increase in term of pregnancy at you can appear pregnancy symptoms. To solve this problem the balanced diet with the high maintenance fibras (discuss it with your attending physician or the dietician) will help.
At many pregnant women the condition of veins changes, especially at hereditary predisposition to illness. These changes can be shown differently - from cosmetic defects in the form of dark blue "threads" of the expanded veins on a skin to weight, pains in feet and other unpleasant sensations. Therefore necessarily take care of preventive maintenance pregnancy symptoms: try to support optimum for your term of pregnancy weight (excess weight can lead to illness strengthening); in lying position try to raise feet over body level (put under them a dense pillow to cause blood outflow); carry special supporting stockings; do not forget about daily walks (they in general render beneficial influence on state of health of future mum and the kid).
At this stage reorganisation of all system of blood circulation proceeds, the volume of circulating blood essentially increases. In connection with increase in volume of blood and increase of the maintenance of hormones, at the woman can occur occasionally pregnancy symptoms which usually are not an occasion to anxiety.
At hereditary predisposition to increase of arterial pressure it is necessary to supervise its level regularly.
But, despite possible complexities, as a whole the fourth month of pregnancy usually proceeds favorably. Enjoy this respite - after all the excitements connected with sorts, still it is far, and you feel yourselves much better, than in the pregnancy beginning. The fourth month of pregnancy - safe enough in many respects the period, and rather timely will think about pregnancy symptoms.
The fourth month of pre-natal development
By the end of 16th week of pregnancy the length of a fruit reaches 16 sm, and weight of a body - about 200 During this period "tadpole" (so it is tenderly possible to name the child of that his head seems is disproportionate big concerning a trunk) gradually becomes more and more similar to the newborn kid. It learns to own handles and legs, starts to swallow of waters surrounding it, with pleasure sucks a finger. During this period of a cage of a brain share with the maximum speed, both hemispheres are already generated, there are furrows and crinkles - the brain bark is formed. Almost all bodies more or less accurately differ at pregnancy symptoms, handles and legs are visible, it is possible even to count fingers for them. The child makes "respiratory" movements by a thorax, its heart is reduced almost with the same frequency, as at newborns, kidneys and bodies of a digestive path start to function. At a fruit the skeleton is gradually formed. At this stage begins possible to define group of blood and a Rhesus factor of the child. Under certain conditions on this term of pregnancy you can already learn, for whom you wait - the boy or the girl.
Diagnostics of developmental anomalies of a fruit on the fourth month of pregnancy
Four months of pregnancy is optimum time of carrying out of ultrasonic research for an exception of rough infringements at a fruit as during this period as a whole all bodies of a germ are already generated also their structure it is possible to "see" at ultrasonic - the most widespread, economic and informative method of individual diagnostics. This research usually allows to reveal defect available for a fruit. In case of developmental anomalies of nervous system - most frequent of similar infringements - reaches 95 - 100 %. The syndrome of Down comes to light by means of ultrasonic, according to various sources, from 40 to 80 % of cases.
Other method of diagnostics extended all over the world pregnancy symptoms is level definition in whey of blood of the pregnant woman of their biochemical markers: an alpha-fetoproteina, the threefold test. In practice in our country at the pregnant woman only one usually is checked - these two indicators. This research is spent usually since 15 - 18 weeks of pregnancy. Change of quantity an alpha-fetoproteina occurs at anomalies of development of nervous system, illness of Down and some other conditions. At an adverse current of pregnancy and at a number of pathological conditions of a fruit in whey of blood of the pregnant woman the maintenance hormones changes.
Result of the threefold test and furthermore change only one indicator cannot serve as a definitive method of diagnostics of presence at a fruit of any developmental anomaly. Definition pregnancy symptoms on the fourth month of pregnancy, as well as ultrasonic, allows to reveal group of the pregnant women requiring further, deeper antenatal diagnostics of developmental anomalies. It is not excluded, that such diagnostics will demand doctors and special equipment; among such methods, for example, reception about-plodnyh waters, reception of blood from vessels of an umbilical cord by its pre-natal puncture with the subsequent definition of a genetic material of a fruit. These techniques assuming intrusion in an organism (in this case in a uterus cavity), are not completely safe, therefore are spent only in the presence of serious indications.
Purposeful antenatal diagnostics of a condition of a fruit is recommended and in situations when in a family there were cases of a chromosomal pathology, hereditary illnesses of a metabolism and also when the woman shortly before approach of pregnancy or in the first trimester was exposed to influence of any adverse factors (to them the radioactive irradiation, some medical products) concern, for example, pregnancy symptoms.
In case of revealing pregnancy symptoms tactics of the further conducting pregnancy is defined by a consultation into which enter the accoucheur-gynecologist, the doctor of ultrasonic diagnostics, sometimes - and other experts. But, what consultation decision was, it cannot be realised without opinion of the woman.