If somebody in your family had problems with veins, most likely, they at you will appear or become worse during pregnancy.
The reason why as a result of pregnancy veins appear or worsen, consists in a growing uterus which puts pressure upon veins in the bottom part of your body. At pregnant women the quantity of blood also increases, therefore there is a dimness of those veins which bear blood back to heart. And the last, in process of increase in level of a progesterone, a wall of blood vessels relax, that allows them to extend.
To lower occurrence of such symptoms during pregnancy, you can try to do the following:
1. It is enough to have a rest. As a result of all changes in your organism, blood circulation becomes worse, than was earlier. Pressure upon feet and veins considerably above, than before. It is recommended not to overstrain a body that pressure upon feet did not increase.
2. To sleep on a left-hand side. The hollow bottom vein which transfers the considerable quantity of blood in your organism, is on the right. If you sleep on a left-hand side, you will lower pressure upon this vein.
3. Raise feet. Raising feet, you can increase blood inflow. If you start to feel weariness and a pain in feet, put them on a chair or a table. When sleep, enclose under feet a pillow.
4. Put on supporting stockings for pregnant women. Try to put on them before you will rise from a bed to prevent a sharp rush of blood to feet. If it is necessary for you at once after you have risen, to take a shower, after it return to a bed and raise feet for some time before to put on supporting stockings. But remember, that supporting stockings can be inconvenient in hot weather.
5. Carry out exercises. Walking can increase inflow of blood and blood circulation.
That many women noticed disappearance or reduction of veins in 4-5 months after sorts is positive. If they continue to appear and will deliver inconveniences, you can consult with the doctor, having discussed various variants, including surgical removal of veins.