Probably you will have questions concerning safety for your present condition of conditions on work. It too a theme for discussion within the limits of pregnancy supervision. That you excites all and disturbs, you should discuss with the doctor. For example early pregnancy symptoms.
The nausea and vomiting are frequent enough and early symptoms of pregnancy meeting at 70-85 % of cases. As a rule, they appear in first nine weeks of pregnancy and their intensity widely enough varies: from weak to expressed, breaking the general state of health and a life of the woman worsening quality. Fortunately, the heaviest variant of a current is observed no more than at 2 % of pregnant women. However such current of a syndrome of a morning nausea and vomiting of pregnant women, is the basic indication for hospitalisation in the first trimester and the second reason (after premature birth) stationary supervision and treatment during all period of pregnancy.
As is known, absence menstruation not always means in time pregnancy. Often delay menstruation or its unexpected occurrence - a specific feature of the woman or a disease symptom. When on menstruation it is possible to check hours - the delay can specify with a high probability in pregnancy presence.
Others extended early pregnancy symptoms - the well-known nausea and vomiting - can appear in the first days. The general indisposition, weakness - in itself do not speak about what, and in a combination to a delay - pregnancy one more sign. The increase and consolidation of mammary glands can be felt.
It is natural, that pregnancy arises if to conduct a sexual life without protection.
What to do at suspicion on pregnancy? At once to catch at a head and to cry about imperfection of life? Or to rejoice long-awaited pregnancy? Neither that, nor another.
The most simple means of acknowledgement of pregnancy - to take temperature early in the morning, not getting up. Those women who are familiar with this method, know, that in first half of cycle, to ovulation, temperature - 37-37,1 degrees. In day ovulation it decreases on 0,5-0,7 degrees. Then raises to 37,5. 2-3 days prior to menstruation the temperature decreases again to 37-37,1. Absence of decrease in temperature at a delay menstruation for 3-5 days can be symptom possible pregnancy.
More and more women plan now pregnancy in advance. It allows to be prepared for those serious changes which occur during pregnancy in an organism and to avoid many problems.
Women who smoke during pregnancy, increase risks of warm diseases at the child, the Dutch researchers inform. At children of smoking mothers strengthening of arteries is observed and accordingly the risk of an atherosclerosis in the future increases. Besides, smoking during pregnancy can lead to threat of low weight at a birth.
Pledge of safe sorts and health of the child is as the timely beginning of procedure of conducting or pregnancy supervision. This concept includes the regular actions spent under the certain plan under supervision of the doctor which carries out pregnancy conducting. Very important timely carrying out of all necessary inspections. You should visit regularly during all pregnancy the doctor observing early pregnancy symptoms, to carry out its recommendations and to discuss with it all questions exciting you.
Others extended early pregnancy symptoms - the well-known nausea and vomiting - can appear in the first days. The general indisposition, weakness - in itself do not speak about what, and in a combination to a delay - pregnancy one more sign. The increase and consolidation of mammary glands can be felt.
It is natural, that pregnancy arises if to conduct a sexual life without protection.
What to do at suspicion on pregnancy? At once to catch at a head and to cry about imperfection of life? Or to rejoice long-awaited pregnancy? Neither that, nor another.
The most simple means of acknowledgement of pregnancy - to take temperature early in the morning, not getting up. Those women who are familiar with this method, know, that in first half of cycle, to ovulation, temperature - 37-37,1 degrees. In day ovulation it decreases on 0,5-0,7 degrees. Then raises to 37,5. 2-3 days prior to menstruation the temperature decreases again to 37-37,1. Absence of decrease in temperature at a delay menstruation for 3-5 days can be symptom possible pregnancy.
More and more women plan now pregnancy in advance. It allows to be prepared for those serious changes which occur during pregnancy in an organism and to avoid many problems.
Women who smoke during pregnancy, increase risks of warm diseases at the child, the Dutch researchers inform. At children of smoking mothers strengthening of arteries is observed and accordingly the risk of an atherosclerosis in the future increases. Besides, smoking during pregnancy can lead to threat of low weight at a birth.
Pledge of safe sorts and health of the child is as the timely beginning of procedure of conducting or pregnancy supervision. This concept includes the regular actions spent under the certain plan under supervision of the doctor which carries out pregnancy conducting. Very important timely carrying out of all necessary inspections. You should visit regularly during all pregnancy the doctor observing early pregnancy symptoms, to carry out its recommendations and to discuss with it all questions exciting you.