All about pregnancy symptoms
One of the basic functions of a live organism - continuation some kind of. In an antiquity was considered, that if the woman has not given birth to the child - it cannot be considered as the high-grade.
But at pregnancy planning it is necessary to consider and the precious health. As during this period on an organism of the woman the big loading lays down. Can become aggravated all pregnancy symptoms, progress infectious processes, go down immunity.
Pregnancy is a physiological process almost every woman on earth. And the planned pregnancy is a process which can prevent all complications. The mood of woman during pregnancy straight influences on the flow of pregnancy and births, state of fruit and development of healthy child. Pregnancy is a physiological process of development of fruit from an ovule in the organism of woman, which ends with usually birth of child.
In our clinic all conditions necessary for preparation for pregnancy are created. The future parents can pass in our clinic all laboratory and tool researches, consultations of experts, to pass the complex treatment directed on stabilisation of a condition, sanitation of the centres of a chronic infection that is a guarantee of a successful current of process of pregnancy, sorts and preservations of health of mum and the kid.
Pregnancy begins from that moment confluence of ovule and spermatozoon, which in a norm takes place in an uterine pipe. Impregnated an ovule begins to be increased crushed and move on a pipe to the uterus. This process takes place after scht of myshechnykh reductions of pipe and motions of hairs of mercatel'nogo epithelium. Impregnated an ovule gets in an uterus during 7-8 days.
As a result of crushing an impregnated ovule appears a complex of mews is simple blastomery. Here and there is introduction of ovule in a mucous uterus. The feed of embryo after this time takes place only after scht of maternal organism. If an egg implantiruetsya out of uterus (in a pipe, in an ovary or in an abdominal region), I.e. extra-uterine pregnancy appears, an urgent operation is needed. Pregnancy physiological proceeds on the average 280 days and finished physiological births.
Pregnancy for any woman is one of the happy and very responsible periods. Having learnt about pregnancy, women react differently. One leave in euphoria, others in depression. The correct spirit on pregnancy symptoms from future mother and its environment is very important.
It is heavy to organism of the pregnant woman to adapt to the occurring physiological changes connected with pregnancy, therefore it is necessary to prepare itself in advance physically, emotionally. For you and your kid during this period well high-grade food is very important. Do not neglect physical exercises during this period is will help to support your figure in the excellent form and will facilitate childbirth.
Pre-natal development of a fruit is influenced even by mood of mother. During pregnancy the woman should avoid work with influence professional harm (chemicals, radiation, heats) as it is fraught with sad consequences.
Duration of physiological pregnancy at women usually makes 40 weeks and comes to an end with a fruit birth.
The cores subjective pregnancy symptoms:
-Change of flavouring preferences
-Undue fatigability
In the pregnancy beginning, usually, at the woman it is observed pregnancy symptoms: the sljuno-current, a taste distortion, often pulls the woman to sharp and salty food that is connected with big change of function of a stomach. Usually in the first months of pregnancy the mental condition of the woman becomes changed. The woman is often irritable, there is a tearfulness, the high-grade dream is broken.
With development of pregnancy the woman becomes counterbalanced, quiet, at it the feeling of motherhood more and more develops. Considerable changes in all systems and bodies of the woman are observed in the second trimester of pregnancy. During pregnancy gait changes. The thorax usually extends. The copular device of a basin changes, mobility of its joints that facilitates fruit passage at sorts increases. The belly wall of the pregnant woman is considerably stretched.
Objective pregnancy symptoms:
-Increase in the sizes of a uterus
The-termination menstruation
-Change of a vagina and uterus neck
Authentic pregnancy symptoms:
The-core ultrasonic definition
-Felt movement of a fruit
-Listened and registered palpitation
-proshchupyvanie body parts
To define the fact of presence of pregnancy, its terms, to check a current of pregnancy and fruit development it is possible at experts of our clinic, whose rich clinical experience and high professionalism are a guarantee of preservation of health of future mother and the child.
During pregnancy the weight of a body of the woman increases approximately by 11-12 kg, depending on a pregnancy current. Especially appreciable changes pregnancy symptoms in all systems of bodies at the pregnant woman are usually observed in 2nd half.
During pregnancy the woman should spare as much as possible itself from all factors which can harm development of the child. Physical and emotional overloads, diseases of mother can negatively affect on health of the future kid.
There are special tables in which on length of a fruit its age is defined, or pregnancy symptoms. Usually, in the first 2 months appearance of a germ has no human kind, and only in the further future characteristic lines for a human fruit start to appear and it becomes similar more to the father or mother.