Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Question about How to Strength Training During Pregnancy

Strength Training During Pregnancy

First of all, playing sports during pregnancy should be directed on strengthening of muscles for Strength Training During Pregnancy minimisation of risk of damage of joints and sheaves. In this article you will read about main principles of trainings during pregnancy and other councils about health.
In what of advantage of trainings with burdenings and other kinds of exercises during pregnancy?

The majority of women health and health of kids which they bear care of the. Those women which go in for sports during pregnancy, there are in more favourable position, than what are not engaged.

Advantages of trainings during pregnancy

It is-less than problems during sorts

-Was easier there passes the period of restoration after sorts

It is-less probability of Strength Training During Pregnancy occurrence of headaches and pains in a back

Figure-preservation in a worthy kind

-Feeling of pleasure and health, and also positive self-estimation



-Increase of aerobic ability

Blood circulation-improvement in finitenesses

-Strengthening of muscles and coordination improvement, that in turn promotes adaptation to increase in weight and changes in a food

-Decrease in probability of the locks connected with pregnancy

It is very important to adhere to some main principles. The pregnant woman is fragile and vulnerable, therefore it is necessary to accept certain safety measures and to be convinced, that exercises with burdenings will not bring harm.

As the woman varies under the Strength Training During Pregnancy influence of pregnancy, trainings should be of use only for its health and promote successful sorts.

What for trainings during pregnancy are necessary?
Changes in an organism, connected with pregnancy, can create set of problems for the woman. Many of these problems are connected with easing of muscles as a result of activity decrease, and also additional stress to which the organism because of addition in weight during pregnancy is exposed.

Playing sports in general and trainings with burdening in particular helps to strengthen muscles stabilizers and to facilitate pains in a back, to lower the general weakness of muscles and the joints, connected with pregnancy. The best exercises during this period - what do not cause an overstrain.

In particular, avoid exercises at which Strength Training During Pregnancy performance it is necessary to lay on a tummy as it gives loading on a tummy and hurts. Concentrate on work with groups of muscles which most of all are exposed to loadings during pregnancy and sorts is better.

Following exercises are recommended:

Press of personal training pregnancy dumbbells on a bench - for a thorax

With dumbbells - on trapezoid muscles

Cultivation of dumbbells in the parties - for muscles

For the bottom department of a back

Twisting - on abdominal tension muscles

The data and cultivation of hips in a training apparatus - on taking away and resulting muscles of a hip

As to aerobic exercises, they should be included in system of trainings as though you trained in a usual mode. Disposal of slags, growing thin and improvement of work of heart - here 3 basic advantages of aerobics. For this purpose it is enough 20-30-минутной walk by fast step 3-4 times a week.

Main principles and safety measures
After we have considered exercises and recommendations to their performance, we will consider some basic moments of trainings.

During pregnancy in an organism of the woman there are changes which can affect safety of trainings. Most important of these changes are connected with heart work.

During pregnancy the blood volume in an Strength Training During Pregnancy organism increases almost by 40 %, and the more blood circulates in a body, the heart faster should fight. As a result of it the pulse rate and minute volume of heart increases. There can be a dizziness as the big veins in a back which drive blood from the bottom finitenesses to heart, are exposed to additional loadings.

It should be considered during performance of exercises. It is not recommended to carry out exercise at which it is necessary to lay on a back and to lift upwards feet.

As to minute volume of heart is better to watch loadings and a pulse rate. It should not exceed 140 blows in a minute, differently it will lead to excessive loading of heart and weariness. Precisely to supervise pulse, buy (the monitor of a warm rhythm).

During pregnancy in an organism there are metabolic and hormonal changes. Because of the accelerated metabolism the body temperature raises. It can do serious harm to fruit health. In the first trimester of pregnancy (the first 4 weeks) the pregnant woman and a fruit are most of all vulnerable. To avoid possible complications, drink more liquids to, during time and after employment, avoid employment in a hot and damp premise, do frequent breaks during personal training pregnancy employment that the temperature has settled into shape.

Hormonal changes mention secretion of hormones of an estrogen, a progesterone, elastin more often. The connecting fabric and joints are softened and relax, preparing for sorts. Because of these changes the risk increases to be traumatised during performance of power exercises.
To avoid the given problems, never too Strength Training During Pregnancy be stretched and strongly be not bent, warmed up longer usual and avoid exercises during which time it is necessary to do, jump or carry out sharply something any power exercises.

Besides the changes connected with pregnancy, and their consequences, it is necessary to take into consideration the following:

Do not hold the breath, constantly inhale and exhale. In general, exhale, when do intense effort.

Drink a lot of liquid to, during time and after exercises to avoid dehydration

More often check, whether abdominal tension muscles have dispersed. During pregnancy hormonal changes can cause occurrence of the central seam in belly muscles that they were stretched as the child develops and the tummy grows.

Exercises on an abdominal tension help to prevent a divergence of belly muscles but if it happens the following is necessary to do: lay down on a back, bend knees, stops put on a floor. Hands Strength Training During Pregnancy put on a tummy so that fingers specified in a bone. Exhale, and slowly lifting a head and shoulders, slightly press fingers a tummy. It will help belly muscles to incorporate.

It is necessary to avoid the physical activity demanding raised coordination. Because of increase in weight, more elastic sheaves and mobile joints, and also displacement of the centre of gravity ability of the woman to operate the muscles worsens.

Before employment it is necessary to stretch muscles correctly

Will not prevent to lower quantity of spent energy. The more the weight increases, the it is required to energy more, and the feeling of weariness will arise that is more often.

And, at last, the most important thing: before to start any exercises, consult with the doctor as there can be contra-indications which the doctor can define only.

Recommendations about a food
As a rule, during pregnancy level of the sugar containing in blood, can sharply fall. Besides, during exercises in blood it is thrown out (a hormone which is responsible for receipt of sugar in Strength Training During Pregnancy cages for the further processing). The pregnant woman training too assiduously and too long, can feel sharp dizziness and weakness as a brain as a food uses only glucose from blood (sugar). It can lead to bruises, and even to the worst consequences. To avoid these troubles, 2 times are necessary for 60-90 minutes prior to the beginning of training to accept food with the high maintenance of carbohydrates (for example, rice or a potato).

The eutrophy during trainings and, certainly, during pregnancy is extremely important. For a long time already it is known, that one of the major vitamins in pregnancy is folic acid. It is necessary for cell fission, growth and development of all bodies and fabrics, normal development of a germ, processes. Takes part in formation of leukocytes of all uniform elements of blood. Thereupon the sufficient maintenance of folic acid in a diet of the pregnant woman also is very actual. It is especially important in the first trimester of pregnancy when the basic structures of nervous system of a fruit are formed also. It is recommended to accept 400 mkg of folic acid a day.

Folic acid contains in natural products, such as spinach, an onions, salad and other garden greens. In some ready grain porridges enough of folic acid contains. Folic acid also use as the additive for digestion and state of health improvement.

The conclusion
Pregnancy - the special period during which time in an organism of the woman there is a present revolution. Hormonal and cardiovascular changes, changes of a metabolism and sugar level in blood create conditions at which it is necessary to accept additional safety measures, especially it concerns physical exercises.

Instead of absolutely refusing physical exercises, and, means, and advantage which they can bring, is better continue to train, having taken advantage of councils from this article. Mother Strength Training During Pregnancy expecting the child, can facilitate process of changes in the organism, keep beauty and grace of a figure by means of physical exercises.

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