Avoid Fatigue During Pregnancy
Harbingers of sorts Forthcoming childbirth always frighten the woman, especially, if they the first. And as frightens Avoid Fatigue During Pregnancy usually uncertainty that has increased forces and a self-trust, it is necessary to know more that expects you. In female consultations courses of preparation for sorts are always run is not formality, and vital necessity: the prepared woman becomes the first assistant to the doctor at sorts. In the end of pregnancy there is an original reorganisation of functions (and partly and structures) bodies and systems of the woman, connected with formation of biological readiness of an organism to sorts that provides timely approach and a correct current of the patrimonial certificate.
The important role in preparation of an organism for sorts belongs to female sexual hormones to an estrogen which promote the strengthened formation to a softening of a neck of a uterus, raise sensitivity of muscles of a uterus to action of biologically active substances. For two weeks Avoid Fatigue During Pregnancy before sorts there is a change of a parity of separate kinds of an estrogen: concentration increases decreases.
Concentration of other female sexual hormone - a progesterone which was very high throughout all pregnancy (a progesterone suppressed movements of muscles of a uterus) one week prior to sorts falls, therefore sensitivity of muscles of a uterus to - to the basic substance strengthening their activity increases.
The maintenance increases in the blood which formation is stimulated Fatigue with an estrogen. Under action the volume of circulating blood increases. Readiness of an organism for sorts is supported by active synthesis of hormones of adrenal glands: in a bark of adrenal glands Avoid Fatigue During Pregnancy glucocorticoids (they reduce puffiness of fabrics and a pain), and in brain substance - adrenaline hormones of stress which prepare the woman for stresses during sorts are developed. Concentration in blood which are the basic stimulators of the beginning of patrimonial activity raises.
What signs say that soon there will come childbirth
The remote signs come approximately for two weeks before sorts, sometimes earlier. First of all, it «tummy omission» at the expense of insertion of a head of a fruit in an input of a small basin and a deviation of a bottom of a uterus (the uterus bottom is from above) because of decrease in a tone of muscles of a tummy. It becomes thus easier to Avoid Fatigue During Pregnancy woman to breathe, but it is more difficult to go and sit, there are pains in a waist. That pressure upon a bladder amplifies, there can be frequent desires. Under the influence of hormones there is more liquid a chair.
Other sign of coming nearer sorts - occurrence of hypererethism or, on the contrary, full indifference (apathy), "inflow" to a head. It speaks changes Fatigue from central and vegetative (blood vessels and internal bodies) nervous system and is observed some days prior to sorts.
The weight of a body of the pregnant woman 2-3 days prior to sorts falls on 1-2 kg is one of stages of natural Avoid Fatigue During Pregnancy preparation of an organism to sorts during which time the woman eats a little (decreases appetite).
Excitability of muscles of a uterus which can be shown in the form Fatigue Pregnancy of false fights raises. False fights differ from true themes, that they are irregular and are not painful. Impellent activity of a fruit, on the contrary, goes down because to it becomes already close in a uterus cavity.
From sexual ways of the woman some days prior to sorts dense viscous slime - a mucous stopper departs. This slime - contents of a neck of a uterus which closed an input in a uterus cavity, preventing thereby hit there infections. A mucous stopper says that the Avoid Fatigue During Pregnancy uterus neck prepares for disclosing and formation of patrimonial ways. At the same time the mucous stopper can depart earlier, for one-two weeks before sorts and it is one of norm variants.
What signs say that childbirth has begun and it is necessary to go to maternity hospital
First of Fatigue Pregnancy all, this occurrence of regular painful fights. In the beginning fights are accompanied by not so expressed pains, but gradually their intensity accrues, pains become very strong, calming down between fights. Time between fights is constantly reduced, if in the Avoid Fatigue During Pregnancy beginning it was equal about a quarter of hour, directly ahead of sorts - some minutes. It is not necessary to be frightened very much fights: more often before sorts there are some more hours (though there is also prompt childbirth which begin and proceed quickly).
Second sign of the begun sorts - waters. They can depart at once, and can leak throughout some time - all it normally. Pains thus are not present. In norm of water are transparent and have no smell. If waters have departed (even if fights still are not present) it is better to go to maternity hospital and to be under supervision of the doctor.
All signs of the coming nearer and Avoid Fatigue During Pregnancy begun sorts need to be known not to be frightened and in time to cause first aid for moving to maternity hospital.