Sunday, June 20, 2010
early pregnancy symptoms
Sooner or later each woman has a suspicion, that it, probably, is pregnant. At this thought direct obvious signs, among which most important:
Absence menstruation (though it can be and symptom some diseases);
Chest gland increases in sizes, causing sensation of local pressure, sometimes small pains;
Many women can have in the mornings nausea and even vomiting which usually are not reflected in appetite and state of health;
Some women start to grow fat;
There is a change in mentality (the woman can be irritated, cry without the reason, there comes drowsiness or strong excitability);
Supersensitivity to different smells develops;
Often there is a taste change (disgust for one products and predilection for another, sometimes even inedible, for example, to a chalk);
Probably, but it is unessential, supersensitivity to many products of perfumery, hygiene, also the food.
It is necessary to consider, that these pregnancy symptoms not always are pregnancy signs, and can testify to other diseases (nervous, mental, gynecologic, oncological, illnesses of a metabolism or internal bodies). Modern test systems give a guarantee only for 80-90 percent. Therefore after appropriate survey and analyses the doctor-gynecologist can put the exact diagnosis only.
After the first months of pregnancy there are changes in colouring of integuments: at some women appear darkly - brown stains on a forehead and on cheeks; mamillar mugs frequently considerably darken, and on an average line of a stomach, there is a strip of brown colour. These changes are more expressed at women with a swarty skin and dark hair.
In some weeks appear vaginal allocation of belovato-yellow colour which frequently proceed (to the big displeasure of the pregnant woman) up to the moment of sorts that displays presence of bodies.
Absence menstruation not always is early pregnancy symptoms. The termination menstruation can be caused also by the hormonal frustration, exhausting diseases or strong mental traumas.
In the pregnancy beginning menstruation it is impossible to cause reception of some medical products. Even in the pregnancy beginning, that is at the moment of an oosperm, medical products cannot cause occurrence menstruation. When absence menstruation is caused by other reasons pregnancy symptoms, it can be caused some medicinal hormonal preparations.
Attempts to cause abortion by means of medical products (quinine, hormonal preparations, extracts or infusions of grasses etc.) or mechanical local manipulations rather often cause occurrence of anomalies in a fruit or serious frustration of health in the woman (defeat of a liver, kidneys, definitive barreness etc.).
During pregnancy menstruation do not appear any more. It is known, that menstruation represents a periodic local bleeding of not pregnant uterus. However in the first months of pregnancy there can be insignificant bleedings approximately during the possible periods menstruation, that has no pathological value.
uterine a bleeding during pregnancy it is necessary to consider any pathological. Quite often it is first sign of an inevitable abortion.
pregnancy symptoms the following is objective:
Increase in the sizes of a uterus and its soft consistence;
b) uterine the neck has a cyanotic shade and a soft consistence;
c) mamillar mugs have a brown shade;
On the fourth - the fifth month of pregnancy by means of a special stethoscope are listened fruit heart beat;
Fruit presence can be revealed rather early by means of methods at which ultra-short waves are used.
Pregnancy presence should be ascertained the doctor. On the sixth - the eighth week after the termination menstruation the woman is obliged to address to the gynecologist, and only he can confirm presence at it pregnancy. At the same time it makes full research of all organism and, mainly, genitals of the woman, and further the periodic control will allow the doctor to formulate necessary councils and to check normal course of pregnancy.
pregnancy symptoms