Pregnancy Tests
The nature has created perfect conditions for Pregnancy Tests developing in a womb of mother of a fruit. Surrounded with waters, it not only is well protected, but also receives a high-grade food, and also Compare Pregnancy Tests possibility freely to move to first two trimesters of pregnancy. Unfortunately, sometimes the life introduces the corrective amendments, and pregnancy of the woman can become complicated presence of diseases, a diabetes, the Rhesus factor-conflict, and also various pre-natal infections. All it can provoke development at pregnancy. It is considered superfluous accumulation of waters of a cavity.
Norms of volume of a liquid during the various periods of pregnancy make about 30 ml in 10 weeks, to 100 ml on term of 14 weeks and Pregnancy Tests from 1000 to 1500 ml in last trimester of pregnancy. If the volume of waters last weeks pregnancy exceeds 1500 or even 2000 ml Compare Pregnancy Tests speech already goes about their superfluous accumulation. In medical practice distinguish sharp and chronic, and also its degrees - from easy and average to heavy. Sharp develops seldom and it is observed thus on early terms of pregnancy - on 16-24 week. Developing very quickly, it is literally within several hours or days, sharp it is characterised by sharp increase in the sizes of a tummy of the pregnant woman, the expressed painful sensations in the field of a Pregnancy Tests groin and a waist, pressure of walls of a uterus and an appreciable hypostasis of a forward belly wall. As at the sharp there is a sharp change of intrabelly pressure, at the pregnant woman can be observed, and fruit palpitation thus is badly listened.
The chronic is more inherent in the end of the third trimester of pregnancy and is characterised by less appreciable Compare Pregnancy Tests display of symptoms, the uterus increases gradually and the pregnant woman adapts for such Pregnancy Tests condition, not feeling strong discomfort more often. Despite slow development chronic, it also testifies to presence of any pathological processes which occur in an organism of mother: the bacterial mother bacterial or virus infections, especially a flu, a pyelonephritis, diseases, a diabetes, henital infections, inflammations of appendages.
Can develop and against the available Rhesus factor-conflict of mother and a fruit, pregnancy, and also in the presence of Compare Pregnancy Tests developmental anomalies of the fruit: genetic pathologies, congenital developmental anomalies of heart, the central nervous system, a gastroenteric path. A fruit various pre-natal infections, for example, TORCH-infections, also can become the development reason. The reason of its occurrence does not come to light also development of a pathological condition goes without the obvious provoking factor.
The suspicion on can appear both in case of complaints of the pregnant woman, Pregnancy Tests and at obvious discrepancy of the sizes of a uterus to calendar term of pregnancy. For the diagnosis ultrasonic research is carried out and for scoping of waters so-called "index" is used. Thus Compare Pregnancy Tests excess of limits of its norm testifies about at pregnancy more often. Gravity of the given pathological condition that it can provoke development as complications, and complications from a fruit. In the absence of corresponding treatment can lead to placentary insufficiency, chronic a fruit and to premature birth.
For this reason at diagnosing at pregnancy the corresponding medicinal therapy, called to improve microcirculation, exchange processes and a matochno-placentary blood-groove is Compare Pregnancy Tests appointed. If it is provoked by presence of any disease at mother its state of health first of all is corrected. At heavy degree of abundance of water it can be spent, at which the part of waters leaves by means of the thin.
compare home pregnancy tests
Norms of volume of a liquid during the various periods of pregnancy make about 30 ml in 10 weeks, to 100 ml on term of 14 weeks and Pregnancy Tests from 1000 to 1500 ml in last trimester of pregnancy. If the volume of waters last weeks pregnancy exceeds 1500 or even 2000 ml Compare Pregnancy Tests speech already goes about their superfluous accumulation. In medical practice distinguish sharp and chronic, and also its degrees - from easy and average to heavy. Sharp develops seldom and it is observed thus on early terms of pregnancy - on 16-24 week. Developing very quickly, it is literally within several hours or days, sharp it is characterised by sharp increase in the sizes of a tummy of the pregnant woman, the expressed painful sensations in the field of a Pregnancy Tests groin and a waist, pressure of walls of a uterus and an appreciable hypostasis of a forward belly wall. As at the sharp there is a sharp change of intrabelly pressure, at the pregnant woman can be observed, and fruit palpitation thus is badly listened.
The chronic is more inherent in the end of the third trimester of pregnancy and is characterised by less appreciable Compare Pregnancy Tests display of symptoms, the uterus increases gradually and the pregnant woman adapts for such Pregnancy Tests condition, not feeling strong discomfort more often. Despite slow development chronic, it also testifies to presence of any pathological processes which occur in an organism of mother: the bacterial mother bacterial or virus infections, especially a flu, a pyelonephritis, diseases, a diabetes, henital infections, inflammations of appendages.
Can develop and against the available Rhesus factor-conflict of mother and a fruit, pregnancy, and also in the presence of Compare Pregnancy Tests developmental anomalies of the fruit: genetic pathologies, congenital developmental anomalies of heart, the central nervous system, a gastroenteric path. A fruit various pre-natal infections, for example, TORCH-infections, also can become the development reason. The reason of its occurrence does not come to light also development of a pathological condition goes without the obvious provoking factor.
The suspicion on can appear both in case of complaints of the pregnant woman, Pregnancy Tests and at obvious discrepancy of the sizes of a uterus to calendar term of pregnancy. For the diagnosis ultrasonic research is carried out and for scoping of waters so-called "index" is used. Thus Compare Pregnancy Tests excess of limits of its norm testifies about at pregnancy more often. Gravity of the given pathological condition that it can provoke development as complications, and complications from a fruit. In the absence of corresponding treatment can lead to placentary insufficiency, chronic a fruit and to premature birth.
For this reason at diagnosing at pregnancy the corresponding medicinal therapy, called to improve microcirculation, exchange processes and a matochno-placentary blood-groove is Compare Pregnancy Tests appointed. If it is provoked by presence of any disease at mother its state of health first of all is corrected. At heavy degree of abundance of water it can be spent, at which the part of waters leaves by means of the thin.
compare home pregnancy tests