confim of pregnancy without tests
Many women at whom the menstruation has not begun during time, ask themselves a question: "pregnancy it or easier delay?". The most reasonable exit is visit to the expert or to carry out the test for pregnancy in house conditions, however it is not always possible. How it is possible to define - whether you are pregnant in other ways?
In the first, there are pregnancy signs.
How to Confirm Pregnancy:
Menstruation delay
Increase or morbidity of a breast and nipples
Colostrum allocation
Nausea and vomiting since morning
Taste change (bent for salty, sour)
Appetite change
Undue fatigability
These signs are not exact as frequently the same symptoms can be before a menstruation. Besides many women who are nervous concerning possible pregnancy, start to feel a nausea and other symptoms for the psychological reasons.
The menstruation delay can be not only because of pregnancy. There is a number of the factors influencing ovulation and confim, as consequence, a delay menstruations:
Drug intake
Physical activities
Sharp change of weight (for example, after a strict diet)
More exact is temperature measurement
Definition of presence of pregnancy by means of temperature measurement
To define pregnancy thus, it is necessary to know the menstrual cycle and regularly to conduct the schedule of temperatures.
You can be assured, that pregnancy has come, if heats remain for 3 days more than a usual phase of a yellow body (it is a phase after ovulation to the following menstruation, characterised by heats. Temperatures in this phase above 37 degrees). For example, if it usually 12 days, and once became 16 days, probability of pregnancy. By the way to tell, if the first phase (if a cycle not so regular) can be enough different in duration the phase of a yellow body as a whole is very stable and makes 12-14 days. Important: watch yes the second phase of a cycle, instead of all cycle. Duration How to Confirm Pregnancy of a cycle varies basically at the expense of the first phase!
The probability of pregnancy is high, if there is a third level of heats at a usual diphasic cycle. (However, it happens far not at everything, schedules of temperatures are individual enough). Usually the schedule consists of two phases: in the beginning there is a phase of low temperatures, and then, after ovulation, sharply rises upwards is a phase yellow bodies (heats). At pregnancy happens, that after the second phase there is an additional jump (sometimes gradual) temperatures upwards and the schedule becomes three-phase.
If it is observed more than 18 heats successively there has for certain come pregnancy.