On this term the size of a fruit and quantity pregnancy symptoms are that, that the child can freely move in a uterus. Though absolutely still the tiny embryo starts to move already on the second month of a life, you can feel for the first time fruit movement only since 15 - 16th weeks of pregnancy. Term when you can feel for the first time movements of the kid, depends on features of your pregnancy. It is considered, that already giving birth women feel for the first time pregnancy symptoms a little before the pregnant women, passing this fascinating way for the first time. However be not frightened, if on the fourth month of a life the kid while in any way does not let to you about itself know: the period of the most intensive fruit movement begins approximately from 20th week at giving birth and from 18th week - at repeatedly-rodjashchih. Activity of the child depends on its state of health, from that, the kid sleeps or is awake, and also from mood of future mum and other events occurring at this moment.