It is said that during pregnancy it is impossible to knit - the umbilical cord is reeled up round a neck of the child. Pure water an invention. I to that a living example. Sitting at home, especially having left in the decree, it would be desirable to be engaged in something quiet and parent. Than? To knit. I have imposed to the daughter the whole box of things and toys. Childbirth has passed normally.
Speak, it is impossible to last upwards, standing on tiptoe. Besides because of an umbilical cord which is reeled up round a neck of the kid. And here it already - the truth. On early term of pregnancy such movements, especially sharp, can lead to an abortion. So be cautious.
Pregnancy symptoms
It is said that it is impossible to sit at the computer during pregnancy. An irradiation and so on. From the computer and if is more exact, from the monitor, radiation which influences an organism of any person proceeds. And it influences precisely not positively. (By the way, the TV is the same monitor). What particularly harm is caused by home appliances to an organism scientists are not proved yet. But better, whenever possible, refuse sitting in front of the computer and if there is such necessity, try to spend behind it as small as possible time.
It is said that it is possible to do ultrasonic research (ultrasonic) no more than 3 times during pregnancy. Doctors disagree at the answer to this question. One say, that modern devices of ultrasonic practically are completely safe for the kid, and to be surveyed it is possible as is wished time. Others - that as though it was, but the irradiation - is an irradiation. From it anywhere you will not get to. Do not refuse ultrasonic if it is really necessary for making. And here to go to learn specially a sex of a child, perhaps, it is not necessary.
It is said that it is undesirable to fly by the plane during pregnancy. It is the naked truth. Doctors in general forbid flights after 7 months. Because of pressure differences in air and on the earth the probability of an abortion increases in many time. Prefer to trip flights by train. Certainly, foreign rest will hardly be compared to the Russian resorts, but in this case something should be offered.

It is said that it is impossible to go on a cemetery to pregnant women. Tried to find out why, nobody knows, simply, speak, a sign. I went. About existence of such horror story has learnt only after sorts. While in anybody from members of a family my campaigns were not reflected in any way. Pregnancy symptoms
It is said that it is impossible for anybody to show the newborn while to it 40 days will not be executed. Can maleficiate. Actually doctors do not recommend to lead in the house to the kid of extraneous people within approximately month. In your house the atmosphere and microflora, at receiving visitors - the. At the child immunity to the surrounding his environment should be developed, therefore it is not necessary to collect at itself crowds of people. And here in the street, when the kid sleeps - please, show its coma want.
If somebody from you, lovely readers, knows still any signs and the symptoms of pregnancy connected with pregnancy which I have not mentioned in this article, send them to us. With pleasure I will try to confirm or deny what wish to intimidate you associates.