Early Detection Home Pregnancy Tests
The most convenient and simple way to diagnose pregnancy on early term - to take advantage of the house test for pregnancy which can be bought in any drugstore.
About Early Detection Home Pregnancy Tests
The house test for pregnancy is based on the same principle, as the test in medical institution. Only in hospital or laboratory it is necessary to hand over blood from a vein on definition, and with the test from a drugstore all is much easier: it is necessary to take only a test strip under a stream of urine or to lower it in urine (is better morning) for some seconds. If in urine there is a pregnancy hormone, means on the test there will be two strips if is not present only one.
Modern tests for pregnancy are effective from first day of a delay of a menstruation (or about 14 days from conception). Some manufacturers write, that their test can already diagnose pregnancy after 7-8 days from the moment of conception, however to rely on it it is not necessary: by this time the hormone can either not be developed at all, or develop in such scanty quantity, that the test will not define it.
It is the most reliable to use the test from first day of a delay of a menstruation. For fidelity it is possible to repeat procedure some times. At acknowledgement of positive result it is possible to assert with very high share of probability, that you are pregnant.
Similar tests diagnoses any pregnancy including extra-uterine, therefore after definition in hormone urine it is necessary to visit the gynecologist as soon as possible. The doctor should confirm presence of pregnancy and exclude diagnosis About Early Detection Home Pregnancy Tests.
What can affect result?
The result can be wrongly positive in the event that you are treated for barreness and accept the specific medical products containing a hormone. If you make the test for pregnancy soon after preparation reception, it can fix absent pregnancy.
Also the raised level remains after interruption of pregnancy during some time (about one week) and if you during this period carry out the test, you will see two strips. It normally also does not mean, that abortion has passed successfully. It will be simple organism still any time to develop the raised quantity of this hormone.
Besides, tests can yield incorrect result, if:
About Early Detection Home Pregnancy Tests
The woman did not observe the instruction;
The test is spent too early;
At occurrence of a hormonedependent tumour;
At dysfunction of ovaries;
At a pregnancy pathology.