Cardinal changes occur in your organism at the moment of conception. In the first week you can feel amazingly got tired, in some weeks you can notice, that your breast became more sensitive, and is possible, one of the most awful effects of early pregnancy - a nausea. Changes in your organism occur as a result of change of balance of hormones which considerably changes during pregnancy.
Hormonal changes

Soon after conception when the cage impregnated egg is attached to a uterus wall, level of two hormones of pregnancy starts to rise. These hormones are a progesterone which it is very important for maintenance of your pregnancy of the person. The progesterone renders set of effects on your organism, one of which is the relaxation of smooth muscles. Such muscles are present at our internal bodies, such as an intestines and a uterus. A relaxation of smooth muscles important for pregnancy as the uterus should be stretched, differently uterine reductions can cause premature birth or an abortion. In your organism it is a lot of and other smooth muscles on which also there is a progesterone influence. One of symptoms of action of a progesterone you can notice in a relaxation of your intestinal smooth muscles that leads to numerous swellings and formation of gases. The progesterone also makes considerable impact on how you breathe, increasing that, how much quickly and deeply you breathe. You can face shortage of breath when walk upstairs even if you are in the good form. Pregnancy hormones also promote morbidity of your breast, and also increase in its size.
The first trimester of pregnancy also is the beginning of considerable changes in work of your heart and blood circulation. The quantity of the blood circulating on your organism, starts to increase considerably, and your heart should work more strongly. In process of growth of your uterus, it can start to press on a bladder, and, probably, you will go to a toilet more often, than usually. Even if it will bother you, it is not necessary to try to drink less liquids. Instead better to go to a toilet more often and to put on clothes which can be removed without ceremony.
Feeling of overfatigue
The majority of women feel very retired during these first months of pregnancy. Though this absolutely normal phenomenon, it can be upsetting enough. Therefore performance of working duties or care of members of a family can be burdensome enough for you.
In an ideal, you should give in to these feelings and to sleep longer. For many of us it is impossible. If you have a possibility, dare to relax so, how much it is possible. Do not feel guilty if will go to sleep before, you can pass without ceremony evening events if you would not like to be present on them. Let your spouse is engaged in meal cooking, and you indulge itself when you have a possibility.