How to Stop Indigestion During Pregnancy
New research shows, that acupuncture helps Stop Indigestion During Pregnancy. Digestion frustration is one of the most frequent complaints during pregnancy at 45-80 percent of women informing on a heartburn, a pain or discomfort, Indigestion.
Researchers from University in Brazil say the Dignity-paulu, that such signs tend to worsen in process of pregnancy progressing.
36 women participated in research at the age from 15 till 39 years which pregnancy was at a stage of 15-30 weeks.
All women had the diarrhoeia signs, any of them did not resort to acupuncture in the previous year, any had no other reasons which, probably, could cause signs of diarrheas, and one did not have a history of similar problems to pregnancy.
On the average for session 12 needles which have been left in a body within approximately 25 minutes were used.
It has been as a result established How to Stop Indigestion During Pregnancy, that intensity of a heartburn was reduced, at least, to half at 75 percent of the women using acupuncture in comparison with 44-percent of women not receiving it.
This research is published in magazine Acupuncture in Medicine.
Acupuncture, certainly, will help to reduce signs, but will not necessarily cure a problem. If you are pregnant and wish to try acupuncture, be convinced, that an expert to which wish to address, does not use a point on your breast or a tummy. Unique corresponding points for pregnant women are on hands and feet.
Also be convinced, that the expert has a sufficient experience with many various systems of acupuncture. Though acupuncture has many positive advantages, also can be and dangers, especially for pregnant women. For example, use of wrong system of acupuncture can cause premature birth or an abortion.
There are many reasons of a heartburn at pregnant women. One of them consists that the tummy and intestines volume decreases when the child grows. Therefore, the volume of consumed food should be reduced, with the big attention towards quality, rather than quantities, and is possible, a considerable quantity of the small food intakes distributed within day.
If at you a heartburn after each food intake, make a diary of the food allowance, and write down time between meal and the heartburn beginning. Give this information to the doctor, which can use it to help Stop Indigestion During Pregnancy.
One more simple the reasons of a heartburn during pregnancy, can consist that the big percent from patients simply does not chew food well enough.
In any case, consult with the doctor before to try any means.