How to Handle Pregnancy as a Single Mother
If before you eels pregnancy, most likely, will go to your skin on advantage disturbed. However if it differed excessive dryness during How to Handle Pregnancy as a Single Mother you should concern it especially attentively. Probably, you even should leave some cosmetic means which ideally approached before you, and now cannot cope with the changed requirements of a skin.
What by all means should appear on your toilet little table during pregnancy? To prevent a peeling and to provide a healthy complexion to you intensive humidifying creams on the basis of natural vegetative extracts will help. To use them it is necessary not less often, than two times a day.
Some times in a week it is desirable to use humidifying and nutritious masks.
However, buying new cosmetic means, remember, that during pregnancy the skin becomes more irritable and is more subject to an allergy. Therefore give preferences to means of those firms which are well familiar to you. Expectation How to Handle Pregnancy as a Single Mother - not the best time for cosmetic experiments. Therefore any experiences with the "house" cosmetics which is often being the reason of an allergy, too we advise to leave till future times.
Pigmentary stains
One of the frequent troubles accompanying pregnancy, pigmentary stains which appear on a forehead and cheeks are. The same as also other problems of a skin, they are connected with the hormonal reasons, namely with activization of a specific hormone (MHS), influencing pigmentation, that is on melanin formation. As a rule, in 3-4 months after stain childbirth disappear, however it hardly will console you during pregnancy.
So, we will begin that this problem can be avoided if as seldom as possible to appear on the sun. Especially dangerous period in this sense is 4 month. To pregnant women are counter-indicative not only direct solar beams, but even stay on a beach in How to Handle Pregnancy as a Single Mother, demands serious protection of a skin. At a choice of sun-protection means it is better to prefer means with physical filters. After all chemical filters derivative acids cause allergic reactions is more often.
For treatment of pigmentary stains you can take advantage of special bleaching preparations. The easy effect will be given by means on the basis of fruit acids and vegetative extracts (for example, parsley), more it is possible to receive appreciable result, using the proof-reader of pigmentary stains Correcteur Anti-Taches from Lierac. This one of few means which are resolved for use during pregnancy. The majority of bleaching preparations is contained by such harmful substances, as mercury and bismuth that is why are categorically counter-indicative to pregnant women.
Campaign in salon
Visiting of a beauty salon for the woman during this period is not counter-indicative, however it should not be interfaced to any unpleasant or painful sensations. Therefore it is necessary to refuse some procedures, for example a peeling, cleaning, an epilation.
Though, with another, now in many fitness and the medical centres special programs for pregnant women are developed. They include special system of preventive exercises, food correction, elements of care of a skin and hair.
But, perhaps, the most serious consequence of pregnancy are How to Handle Pregnancy as a Single Mother. It is defect of a skin which appears during the periods of the raised hormonal activity because of what synthesis - the cages making collagen and elastin is broken. That, in turn, leads to easing of these basic fibres of a skin, and on its surface there are small scars. Especially appreciable they become against a suntanned skin for this reason many wrongly connect their occurrence with sunburn. One more popular myth is the belief, that the risk of occurrence of extensions increases the young organism is more sensitive to any hormonal changes, so and to occurrence of extensions after 30 years. It at all so, as just. So, that in this sense late childbirth is less risky.
As well as any other problem, formation of extensions can be warned. For preventive maintenance it is possible to use massage, a contrast shower, massaging by means of a masseur or a brush. For more thorough decision of a problem, since 3 months of pregnancy it is necessary to use special means in the form of gels, oils and creams. Their action is based on activization of activity and stimulation of synthesis of elastin and collagen. Among the most popular preparations for preventive maintenance of extensions it is possible to name, for example, Action Integrale Vergetures from Vichy, Biovergetures from Biotherm, Elancyl SpecificVergetures from Galenic, Huile “Tonic” from Clarins, Pre Vergetures from Phytomer, gel Phytolastil from Lierac.
If extensions all the same have appeared completely to get rid of them, unfortunately, very difficultly. To struggle with recently appeared how to handle nausea during pregnancy, for example, the help of such means, as Prolagene from Decleor Post Vergetures from Phytomer and ampoules Phytolastil from Lierac easier.
It is necessary to pay attention, that founders of serious preparations from extensions are the solid firms specialising on medical cosmetics more often. Into structure of their means usually enter How to Handle Pregnancy as a Single Mother, therefore the price of one tube or a set of ampoules fluctuates from 20 to 50$. So it is absolutely senseless to search for miracle creams at the firms making mass cosmetics. The maximum that similar means can give is an easy preventive effect.
Cellulitis and other troubles
Special attention, during this period it is necessary to give to care of a body.
As during pregnancy the woman strongly adds in weight, its skin can react to it. To reduce them to a minimum to you cosmetic means of two types be required: first, active humidifying preparations, and secondly, means for giving to a skin of elasticity and restoration of an ideal silhouette.
The second problem which arises during pregnancy, and especially after sorts, flabbiness of a skin and cellulitis occurrence is. That to avoid it experts advise already on 3 month to start to use special means, for example, Tonilastil Dermarome from Decleor, Gel Special Raffermissant from Darphin, Elancyl Fermete Corps from Galenic. These are excellent prophylactics, however it is not necessary to hope, that they will create a miracle, and all appreciable signs of a cellulitis will instantly disappear. In this case it is better to take advantage of gel and ampoules Phytophyline from Lierac. Though even they are not capable to cope with the started forms of a cellulitis.
Problems with hair
Hair during pregnancy, also are under the influence of an estrogen. Usually, growth of hair during pregnancy amplifies a little, them becomes more, however after sorts, they start to drop out. On the lactation termination these processes are normalised. During pregnancy it is not recommended to paint hair or to do a chemical wave. First, danger How to Handle Pregnancy as a Single Mother, and secondly increases, it can simply not turn out.
It is necessary to give special attention to nails. Practically at all women they during this period become fragile, exfoliate. It is connected with reduction of quantity of calcium in an organism of the pregnant woman. For fragile nails trays from sea salt (she can be bought in a drugstore) are recommended. A table spoon of salt dissolve in a glass of warm water. Nails lower in a tray for 20 minutes. Such procedure spend in day within 2-3 weeks.
During pregnancy occurring changes of a female body and an organism are accompanied as some difficulties, and there are positive moments. At the majority of women improvement of structure of hair which during pregnancy become brighter and shining, the magnificent complexion getting a flush is noted, there is along with such changes, as weight increase, an activity decrease, fast fatigue, painful sensations in the field of a breast and some other. But it is only an integral part of a condition of "pregnancy" and some time (on the expiration of nine months you will be surrounded absolutely with other efforts and cares) will last.
During pregnancy considerable growth of hair and delay of their loss that is caused by strengthening of a metabolism and the greatest activity of blood circulation and a lymph can become very appreciable. Hair look more thickly and more brightly. But at some women occurs How to Handle Pregnancy as a Single Mother: hair become lifeless, dry or fat. In all cases leaving is necessary to hair.
To look after hair and to concern them it is attentively necessary during any period of a life, and during pregnancy including, after all after a birth of the child at you will be much less time for itself. For preservation live and healthy, and also for restoration of weak and lifeless hair to you can become useful following the recommendation:
* use only those shampoos which approach for your hair, specially picked up shampoos will allow to get rid gradually of fat content or dryness of hair (for fat or dry hair accordingly);
* provide to the hair a normal condition, spending processing of hair by special means or conditioners of deep influence, for improvement of hair and hairdress preservation use mousses for hair;
* make to itself a hairstyle which would occupy from you a minimum of time for packing as in coming nearer sorts and during the period at you on it time practically will not be.
Many stylists and experts of hairdresser's art do not recommend vigorous and frequent combing of hair as such actions involve more the vigorous activity of sebaceous glands of hair (amplifies fat development).
As to colouring of hair in pregnancy opinions of experts disperse: some consider, that the structure of paints for hair includes dangerous substances (such paints existed earlier), and others say, that the majority of paints is not represented by dangers to a fruit. Certainly, the decision remains for you, but it is necessary to consider that the received hair colour at colouring during pregnancy can not coincide with expected (the reason of it reaction of hormones to a paint) is. The Same situation arises and at a wave of hair and their straightening (last procedure it is recommended to avoid during pregnancy).
But not only hair, but also a skin requires a permanent care. In process of increase in term of your pregnancy to a skin there are some changes: occurrence round eyes, on a nose and cheeks of "a pregnancy mask», a skin becomes soft and velvety, gets "flush". It is all there can be owing to increase of level of hormones in an organism, increases in blood circulation and characteristic in pregnancy of rise in temperature of a body. Hormonal changes promote a more susceptibility on a skin of solar beams, therefore use of a cream-protection from the sun it is necessary during pregnancy during the hot period.
The daily face care during pregnancy assumes following procedures How to Handle Pregnancy as a Single Mother:
At occurrence of skin pigmentation do not clarify a skin various liquids which structure includes bleaching substances, it can lead to integument damage, try to take advantage of masking means which promote alignment of colour of a skin, not damaging it;
Do a face peel by the means which are corresponding how to handle stress during pregnancy to your type of a skin and not containing soaps;
Tone up a skin and clean pores;
Humidify a dry face skin;
At application of cosmetic masks to pregnancy this employment can be continued and during time, but with specially picked up means as the skin becomes the most sensitive;
Application of the creams containing vitamin A, it is recommended to exclude in pregnancy as according to some experts surplus of vitamin additives and medical products can lead to congenital defects.
At occurrence of doubt in safety of application of any cosmetic means it is necessary to consult with How to Handle Pregnancy as a Single Mother the doctor.
During pregnancy also it is necessary to give considerable attention to hygiene of an oral cavity as hormonal changes can promote swelling and increase in sensitivity of gums to occurrence of a tooth touch and a tooth stone.
To daily care of a teeth carry:
Necessity to clean teeth a minimum two times a day, and after each acceptance of food obligatory is rinsing of a mouth by boiled water;
For cleaning of a teeth use only a soft tooth-brush that will prevent possible damage of gums;
For stimulation of blood circulation after each cleaning of a teeth it is necessary to mass gums small pillows of fingers;
After food intake there is necessary the tooth thread which cautious use will promote removal of the got stuck rests of food;
The use of a chewing elastic band without sugar after food intake will allow to avoid occurrence of a tooth touch.
Visiting of the doctor-stomatologist during pregnancy is necessary at least two times in half a year. At occurrence of the slightest toothache or other anxiety it is necessary to address at once to the doctor. Warn the doctor about the pregnancy as the X-ray and other emergency treatment are counter-indicative during pregnancy. Bleaching of a teeth also is not recommended at this time: the majority of bleaching systems is contained by peroxide of hydrogen or ultra-violet light which are better for avoiding.
At occurring changes of an organism in pregnancy it is necessary to give special attention to care of a body skin. With increase in activity of blood circulation there is a sensation of the raised warmth, possibly fastest bodies. With a view of avoidance How to Handle Pregnancy as a Single Mother both daily and repeatedly take a shower or baths. Choose clothes and linen from natural fabrics (synthetics badly passes air and can cause irritation of a skin). With increase in term of pregnancy the skin of a tummy and a breast is subject to a stretching that involves feeling of dryness and an itch. Use of a humidifying cream or oil at cautious massaging of a tummy and in the field of a breast will help to get rid of unpleasant aforementioned sensations. Skin stretchings can be prevented somewhat by a rational healthy food and tracking body weight addition (the considerable gain of weight will lead to the big stretching of a skin). Also prevention of extensions in the field of a breast and a tummy will be promoted by carrying of special linen for pregnant women (a supporting bra of the corresponding size and shorts supporting a tummy) and bandage use. Performance of these recommendations, probably, will promote preservation of softness and elasticity of a skin, and also decrease in probability of occurrence of skin extensions.
Nails, hands and feet also require leaving, especially during pregnancy when there is a stratifying of nails and occurrence of dryness of a skin. Use strengthening means for nails, a skin humidify with creams or oils. Avoid damage of a skin and infection hit. With increase in weight during pregnancy there is an additional loading on feet which attracts swelling and puffiness of feet. Help with avoidance of these troubles evening trays for feet, use of a cream and massage, and also the moderate use of a liquid and necessary rest can.
For removal of hair in the field of bikini, feet carrying out of depilation and decolouration of hair by special means is not recommended, to an epilation, in connection with the maintenance of harmful chemical substances. Application of paraffin for removal of hair will not render harmful influence on the future child. Alternative way of removal during pregnancy undesirable How to Handle Pregnancy as a Single Mother is shaving and plucking out that is the most safe for the future kid.
At carrying out of some semisurgical procedures (a chemical peeling, collagen injections.) use of the chemical substances which action on the future child is not known is obvious, therefore during pregnancy and in feeding by a breast such procedures to spend it is not recommended.
Give itself as much as possible attention and look after the body, after all after a birth of your long-awaited child you on it absolutely will have not enough time. Pleasant appearance and good state of health will promote to some extent to normal course of pregnancy.