Respond to a Pregnancy Crisis
It is physiological development in a female organism of the impregnated egg; begins with the moment of fertilisation of the egg which have ripened in an ovarie (a female sexual cage) a spermatozoa (a man's sexual cage) and 40 weeks or 280 days from first day of last menstruation proceed in most cases. From the moment of an egg attachment to a uterus mucous membrane formation at first a germ, then a fruit and intensive reorganisation of functions of some systems of an organism of the pregnant woman begins. It change of its state of health (a nausea, dizziness), arising sometimes in the first weeks of pregnancy speaks.
The state of health of the pregnant woman and its behaviour, especially in the first weeks of pregnancy when there is a bookmark of bodies and fruit fabrics, in many respects define character of a current of pregnancy, the further development of a fruit and health of the future child. Any disease of the pregnant woman (a flu, quinsy, a tuberculosis, rheumatism, a diabetes, defeat of kidneys, a liver, etc.), a wrong food, mode infringement, reception of some medicines and, especially, smoking, the use of alcoholic drinks can negatively affect a current of pregnancy and on a fruit. The skilled accoucheurs considering knowledge of national signs, make an instruction for the pregnant women, resulted more low.
Eternal subject of care of the woman - a beautiful breast. It happens the various form, the unequal size and can have a various structure. There is a set of racial distinctions: at east women the breast is widely placed, at Frenchwomen - is highly planted, and at Englishwomen - is low.
The ferruterous fabric of a breast is very sensitive to level of female hormones in blood. In puberty as level of hormones increases, the breast gradually starts to increase. When the menstruation begins, this growth is accelerated and becomes more appreciable. During pregnancy level of hormones sharply increases and accordingly the breast strongly increases. By the end of pregnancy it can increase by 0,7 kg. During all period of pregnancy at pressing a nipple from a breast the small amount of a transparent liquid which is called as a colostrum is allocated. When the child is born, in an organism the hormone starts to be allocated, it gives breasts a signal to start to develop parent milk instead of colostrum is a change occurs approximately in 3 days after sorts. More close by the climacteric period level of female hormones in blood starts to decrease and a chest fabric the same as also the fabric of genitals, becomes more thin also less elastic. Last years it is considered fashionable to go without a bra. This fashion can lead to that women, except at whom a breast very small and easy, can spoil its form. If the big breast not to support, sheaves are stretched, and having stretched, they already never will find the former form and the breast will droop. Even if usually you do not carry a bra, during pregnancy it will be more reasonable to carry a rigid, dense brassiere. At feeding of the child it is possible to take advantage of a special bra with fasteners in front. If the sheaves supporting a breast, are not stretched, it will not change the form and after a birth of the child.
Early toxicoses usually arise in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. They are shown by a depression, bad state of health, sensation of a nausea; for days it can be allocated to 1,5 l and more a saliva. Several times in day there is a vomiting; weakness, irritability, drowsiness, weight reduction are thus marked. Heavy complication of pregnancy is the excessive vomiting arising to 20 times a day not only in the afternoon, but also at night. Such vomiting causes dehydration of an organism and sharp weight reduction of the pregnant woman. The skin becomes dry and flabby, from a mouth there is an unpleasant smell, the body temperature raises, pulse becomes frequent. In this case hospitalisation as the question is put about artificial interruption of pregnancy for rescue of a life of mother is necessary.
It is possible to try coffee; it is the best means stopping vomiting at pregnant women, and removes a headache at a menstruation.
Late toxicoses are accompanied by infringements of functions cardiovascular and central nervous systems, a liver, kidneys and other bodies.
The dropsy of pregnant women concerns late toxicoses.
It is characterised by development of proof hypostases in the last 3 - 4 months of pregnancy. Liquid accumulation is caused by infringement of a vodno-salt exchange and increase of permeability of capillaries. At strongly pronounced hypostases hospitalisation is desirable. At small hypostases it is possible to spend treatment in house conditions. It is necessary to limit reception of salt to 3 - 5 g a day and liquids - to 3 - 4 glasses in day. It is recommended dairy - vegetative food. It is necessary to replace meat with cottage cheese, curdled milk, kefir; days of limited intake of food - 1,5 kg of apples with sugar or cottage cheese (to 1 kg with 160 g sugar) are recommended. It is necessary to use in food products raisin, grapes, melons.
Diet infringement, non-observance of recommendations of the doctor can cause more serious complication - when against hypostases arterial pressure raises, in urine there is a fiber. Fruit development, up to destruction is broken. Treatment needs to be spent only in a hospital.
One of complications in second half of pregnancy - an itch, mainly, in the field of a back. It occurs from pressure of a fruit upon especially sensitive nerves. Rubdown by vodka or douche by barley broth helps. For broth preparation it is necessary to weld 1 kg of barley in a considerable quantity of water and to pour over a body this broth.
But completely the itch passes only after sorts.