Pregnancy brings pleasure, but also your stomach constantly increases and you are tormented by pains. The body is exposed to huge change because of change of hormones. Varies as well a skin, there are dark stains on the person. The weight increase leads to problems with a dream, digestion, constant locks. It only some symptoms of pregnancy. As these symptoms appear gradually, everyone adapts to them, expecting pleasure which will come after nine months.
It is very important to support health during pregnancy and to pass through all process weakened and happy.
With the advent of pregnancy first signs, be prepared for new changes in your life. Remain quiet and happy. Consult to your doctor on any problem which you interests, and prepare the organism for all changes, which will occur to your body to pass through all it, relaxing and having a rest. Follow several councils for improvement of health during pregnancy.
- Soft breasts: carry soft convenient clothes or a brassiere with additional support. Use humidifying milk to the cracked dummies, but only after washing by water.
pregnancy symptoms
- Dizziness: uterus expansion puts pressure upon blood vessels, plus a nausea, and vomiting can force to feel giddy each person or an easy headache.
To overcome this problem, support health at pregnancy by means of the frequent use of small quantity of meal. Avoid to sit or lay in one position long time. Lay down on the left side to relax, and then slowly rise and let's to the body overheat.
- Hemorrhoids: they are caused because of increasing pressure upon veins. To prevent hemorrhoids, drink a lot of liquid, eat meal with the big maintenance of fibres and do not strain, when go to a toilet.
- Spasms of feet: when the body weight increases and the metabolism changes, pressure upon feet increases. Eat fat-free food rich with calcium, do short walks, extend and bend feet, use electrohot-water bottles to weaken spasms of feet.
- A tumour: the essential increase in weight during pregnancy can lead to a tumour and puffiness. It can be a sign of a high blood pressure. In this case it is necessary to consult immediately at the doctor. To avoid swelling and to support health during pregnancy, avoid the use of salty products, and also do not use the products containing caffeine. Have a rest with the extended feet and drink on an extreme measure eight glasses of water to support vodno-salt balance of your organism.
- Problems of a teeth and gums: regularly support good hygiene of a mouth. Avoid sweets and use more calcium. Bacteria in a mouth because of an inflammation of gums can do much harm to a germ and lead to decrease in its weight, and also to premature birth.
Constantly apply all natural preventive measures to struggle with various changes in your body during pregnancy. Do not hesitate to cause your doctor in a case vaginal bleedings, a fever, a pain or discomfort. Maintenance of health during pregnancy leads to good result and a birth of the healthy child.