Fungoid infections during pregnancy are much more more widespread, than it seems to women. While women are surprised with display of symptoms of a fungoid infection, researches have shown, that during pregnancy, especially during the second trimester, conditions for occurrence of a fungoid infection in an organism of the woman are created.
To understand interrelation between fungoid infections and pregnancy, it is necessary to understand at first, that causes occurrence of a fungoid infection. Fungoid infections represents a bacterium which is in most cases useful to an organism, promoting maintenance of intestinal balance.
But when conditions favour to that, growth of bacteria can exceed normal, transforming bacteria in a fungoid infection which amazes damp sites of a body, for example a vagina.
Suitable conditions for excessive growth of an infection is the weak immune system and reception of antibiotics. The problem with reception of antibiotics consists that, killing harmful bacteria, antibiotics kill also the useful. When useful bacteria disappear, infection growth can leave from under the control. Therefore, the pregnant woman accepting antibiotics, is more subject to risk of occurrence of fungoid infections.
However, the most widespread reason why women are more vulnerable before fungoid infections, substantial growth of hormones in an organism of the woman is. Hormonal changes can affect on vaginal level that leads to creation of the unhealthy conditions favouring to growth of bacteria, such as Fungoid infections.
One more factor promoting development of a fungoid infection, the constant desire to eat at some women, in particular the food containing a considerable quantity of sugar or yeast is. The similar food can provoke development of bacteria, complicating thereby a situation in an organism.
In spite of the fact that doctors register various medicines and a cream for treatment of the fungoid infections, many pregnant women prefer not to use them during pregnancy. In such situations there are natural house ways of treatment which approach for elimination of irritating symptoms of a fungoid infection:
- Consumption of usual yoghurt with the low maintenance of sugar is excellent way to develop useful bacteria in an organism.
- Place usual yoghurt with the low maintenance of sugar in a vagina, it will allow you to eliminate quickly infection symptoms, and also to kill the harmful bacteria, being there.
- Place the cleared garlic (in advance attached to a long thread) in a vagina to struggle with harmful bacteria.
- Eutrophy: consumption of food with the low maintenance of sugar, a considerable quantity of vegetables, integral grains and fibers will allow you to struggle with bacteria.
- Reception of additives also will allow you to support a finding of useful bacteria in your organism.
In this case also it is recommended to consult constantly to the attending physician, trying in house conditions to overcome an infection. However, having taken necessary measures, pregnant women can get rid of fungoid infections and enjoy healthy course of pregnancy.
To understand interrelation between fungoid infections and pregnancy, it is necessary to understand at first, that causes occurrence of a fungoid infection. Fungoid infections represents a bacterium which is in most cases useful to an organism, promoting maintenance of intestinal balance.
But when conditions favour to that, growth of bacteria can exceed normal, transforming bacteria in a fungoid infection which amazes damp sites of a body, for example a vagina.
Suitable conditions for excessive growth of an infection is the weak immune system and reception of antibiotics. The problem with reception of antibiotics consists that, killing harmful bacteria, antibiotics kill also the useful. When useful bacteria disappear, infection growth can leave from under the control. Therefore, the pregnant woman accepting antibiotics, is more subject to risk of occurrence of fungoid infections.
However, the most widespread reason why women are more vulnerable before fungoid infections, substantial growth of hormones in an organism of the woman is. Hormonal changes can affect on vaginal level that leads to creation of the unhealthy conditions favouring to growth of bacteria, such as Fungoid infections.
One more factor promoting development of a fungoid infection, the constant desire to eat at some women, in particular the food containing a considerable quantity of sugar or yeast is. The similar food can provoke development of bacteria, complicating thereby a situation in an organism.
In spite of the fact that doctors register various medicines and a cream for treatment of the fungoid infections, many pregnant women prefer not to use them during pregnancy. In such situations there are natural house ways of treatment which approach for elimination of irritating symptoms of a fungoid infection:
- Consumption of usual yoghurt with the low maintenance of sugar is excellent way to develop useful bacteria in an organism.
- Place usual yoghurt with the low maintenance of sugar in a vagina, it will allow you to eliminate quickly infection symptoms, and also to kill the harmful bacteria, being there.
- Place the cleared garlic (in advance attached to a long thread) in a vagina to struggle with harmful bacteria.
- Eutrophy: consumption of food with the low maintenance of sugar, a considerable quantity of vegetables, integral grains and fibers will allow you to struggle with bacteria.
- Reception of additives also will allow you to support a finding of useful bacteria in your organism.
In this case also it is recommended to consult constantly to the attending physician, trying in house conditions to overcome an infection. However, having taken necessary measures, pregnant women can get rid of fungoid infections and enjoy healthy course of pregnancy.