Pregnancy becomes more visible. On how early and how much strongly changes in your organism become outwardly appreciable, various factors influence: a constitution, a weight increase, the sizes of the child and quantity of born children, uterus position, whether and also this pregnancy first at you or repeated. Your appearance during pregnancy depends basically on a constitution which you have inherited from the parents. At high and harmonous women pregnancy becomes visible later and the stomach is designated above, and at women with a thickset figure the stomach appears earlier and is located more low. Women with a long waist have more than place for uterus growth and consequently associates notice their condition later. Nevertheless, irrespective of a constitution, by the end of this month you will not feel any more on yourselves enquiring looks: «It is pregnant or simply grows stout?» However and on the fifth month some future mothers still try to squeeze into a dress of 46 sizes. The majority start to sport the changed body, and they have a pride bearing, characteristic for pregnant women. After all all pregnancy symptoms now are visible
pregnancy symptoms
Itch and hypersensibility of a skin of a stomach. The stretched skin is scratched. It is the dermatological fact. Rub humidifying and sedatives in sites of a skin which give your trouble. In second half of pregnancy to you, possibly, it will not want to put on any more clothes which squeeze a stomach, or to lay on a stomach - you will start to get used to the distributed figure and to protect the small little man who is at you inside.
Discomfort in the field of a navel. Approximately on the twentieth week the increasing uterus starts to press from within on a navel. Probably, at walking you will test painful sensations. Quite possibly, from time to time you will feel discomfort below a navel, and the navel will unexpectedly be stuck out outside and becomes "external". (It will return to a normal condition after sorts.) it too is pregnancy symptoms.
Changes of chest glands. Dummies can become even more sensitive, especially when you lay on them during a dream or when they rub about clothes. Besides, you can notice allocation of a colostrum, golden-yellow substance which serves as the first food of the newborn.
Spasms. Already on the fifth month of pregnancy some women - especially if at them this pregnancy not the first - have unpleasant sensations in a stomach, similar on menstruation spasms, but not such strong. These hardly appreciable reductions are a prelude to preparatory reductions which become more frequent and appreciable in the third trimester.
Pain in round sheaves. Now, when the uterus became more and more hard, on a share of fabrics surrounding and supporting it the big loading drops out. It leads to occurrence of new sensations. The big sheaves which located from both parties of a uterus and have received the name «round sheaves», attach a uterus to basin bones. In process of increase in the sizes of a uterus round sheaves should be stretched. This slow and constant stretching in itself does not cause discomfort, however the combination of this stretching to normal activity can cause a sharp sudden pain which forces you to stand on a place. Now you precisely know all pregnancy symptoms. The most widespread reason of occurrence of a pain is a sudden change of position. When you bend down or, for example, sharply get up, the stretching of round sheaves can cause a pain in the bottom of a stomach from one or two parties, and also a pain in a back. It is not dangerous to the child, but the pain can be painful. At some women the pain in sheaves arises during performance of physical exercises or even during walking. The sharpest and disturbing a pain in round sheaves happens between the fourteenth and twentieth weeks of pregnancy, when the uterus already has increased so to stretch sheaves, but yet did not become enough big that the part of its weight fell to basin bones. Women can feel of a pain in round sheaves at any time during pregnancy - how pregnancy proceeds, - and especially last month when the head of the child presses downwards.
To prevent or reduce a pain in circular sheaves, try to carry out exercises for feet. Avoid sudden changes of position and especially try not to rise sharply from a chair or from a bed. Try to lay down sideways - on that side in which the pain is felt, or on opposite - to facilitate the condition. If it does not help, put to a sore point a bottle with hot water. As a rule, the pain in round sheaves quickly disappears during rest; besides, with increase in term of pregnancy of a sheaf adapt for uterus increase.