The woman
At this stage the central nervous system of the woman actively reconstructs a hormonal background gradually to prepare one of three hundred thousand eggs for fertilisation. We name the given week of the first as the prototype of the future child right now is formed. Already on the first week of pregnancy (in an ideal - 3-4 months prior to planned pregnancy) for the woman the complex of preventive actions for improvement of conditions for development of sexual cages and a germ should be actual. In the woman there is an origin of a new life, and the measures accepted on preservation of its health, now, as never, are important. If you have not made it earlier, begin right now.
Recommendations of experts:
1. It is necessary to refuse alcohol and nicotine. To exclude passive smoking - the woman it is not recommended to be in a premise with smoking people.
2. Any medicine appointed the doctor, it is necessary to discuss with it about influence of this medicine on eggs and a germ. To accept medical products without appointment of the doctor it is not recommended. The exhaustive information on influence of a medicine on a fruit can be received, having addressed in mediko-genetic consultation.
2. Any medicine appointed the doctor, it is necessary to discuss with it about influence of this medicine on eggs and a germ. To accept medical products without appointment of the doctor it is not recommended. The exhaustive information on influence of a medicine on a fruit can be received, having addressed in mediko-genetic consultation.
3. Try to exclude radiological researches, especially stomach and basin areas.
4. The woman is recommended to accept daily a multivitamin preparation for pregnant women. Such preparation should contain not less than 0,4 mg of folic acid - this vitamin accepted for three months prior to conception and first 12 weeks of pregnancy, saves a fruit from set of congenital defects.
5. Stay of the woman in populous places increase probability of its infection with infectious diseases. These infections are frequently dangerous to a fruit. If someone from house is ill do not regret in an onions and garlic diet. Your problem - to preserve the health, not supposing infection with infectious diseases.
6. Avoid stresses. Your psychological health is not less important. Try to receive more than positive emotions.
7. Analyse a sort your professional (or educational) activity about harm for a fruit (radiation, electromagnetic influences, contact to chemicals).
8. It is not recommended to get pets in pregnancy. If you already have houses a dog or a cat, it is desirable to survey your favourite at the veterinary surgeon. Be convinced, that at your friend in time and all inoculations are correctly made.
9. Limit the use of strong coffee and tea. Try not to abuse chocolate and pepsi.
10. It is recommended to visit the doctor even if health does not disturb you at present. At careful studying of your anamnesis there can be disputable moments for which specification medical examination will be offered to you. Believe, it will not be superfluous. Try to visit the doctor-genetics (if you at him were not earlier).
Data ten councils are actual during all period of pregnancy. You two - two organisms and two persons. However to care of yours health, follows not twice more, the attention to the health should be A HUNDRED TIMES more than before!
4. The woman is recommended to accept daily a multivitamin preparation for pregnant women. Such preparation should contain not less than 0,4 mg of folic acid - this vitamin accepted for three months prior to conception and first 12 weeks of pregnancy, saves a fruit from set of congenital defects.
5. Stay of the woman in populous places increase probability of its infection with infectious diseases. These infections are frequently dangerous to a fruit. If someone from house is ill do not regret in an onions and garlic diet. Your problem - to preserve the health, not supposing infection with infectious diseases.
6. Avoid stresses. Your psychological health is not less important. Try to receive more than positive emotions.
7. Analyse a sort your professional (or educational) activity about harm for a fruit (radiation, electromagnetic influences, contact to chemicals).
8. It is not recommended to get pets in pregnancy. If you already have houses a dog or a cat, it is desirable to survey your favourite at the veterinary surgeon. Be convinced, that at your friend in time and all inoculations are correctly made.
9. Limit the use of strong coffee and tea. Try not to abuse chocolate and pepsi.
10. It is recommended to visit the doctor even if health does not disturb you at present. At careful studying of your anamnesis there can be disputable moments for which specification medical examination will be offered to you. Believe, it will not be superfluous. Try to visit the doctor-genetics (if you at him were not earlier).
Data ten councils are actual during all period of pregnancy. You two - two organisms and two persons. However to care of yours health, follows not twice more, the attention to the health should be A HUNDRED TIMES more than before!