The period of a bookmark of all internal bodies (basically from the third pregnancy till the sixth weeks) is considered the second critical period of development pregnancy symptoms.
On the fourth week of pregnancy the germ quickly grows, its size increases approximately three times. There is a bookmark of internal bodies: lungs, a stomach, a liver, a pancreas, glands. There are rudiments of eyes and ears. Placenta formation begins.
The fifth week is noted by intensive growth of a brain, development of bronchial tubes and lungs. Kidneys, a rectum, a bladder are pawned. By a weekend the top finiteness becomes lopato-shaped, and bottom - lasto-shaped. The length of a germ reaches 6 mm.
On the sixth week of pregnancy the person and fingers of hands is formed. Formation of an external ear and an eyeball begins. Intensively grows pregnancy symptoms, rudiments of its departments are formed. Genitals are formed.
On the seventh week of pregnancy the top and bottom finitenesses are formed, the child freely floats in nearby-plodnoj liquid, it can strike a leg, move a head. Its length makes nearby 2 see If it continued to grow as quickly as on the second month of a pre-natal life at a birth its weight would make 14 tons, that is it would be equaled to weight of two big elephants!
The nine-week germ to the full becomes the small little man. He sucks a finger, can seize a hand a subject, feels a pain. The length of a fruit makes nearby 6 see
In eleven-twelve weeks of pregnancy the child reacts to light, heat, noise, a touch. It is still so small, that could stand on a little finger of mother, its length hardly reaches 8 sm, nevertheless, it has eyelids, nails, it is definitively generated also all systems of bodies of the child have started to work. According to ultrasonic it is possible to define a sex of a child.
The third-twelfth weeks of pregnancy - the period of special sensitivity of a germ to medical products, and also to a virus. Last, getting to a germ, breaks formation of heart, bodies of sight and hearing, a brain. Alcohol also can lead to heavy infringements of development of a fruit.
Smoking and narcosis reception lead to oxygen starvation of a germ that is fraught with risk of an abortion or a birth of the baby with the lowered weight.
Since fifteenth-sixteenth week of pregnancy mother can feel pregnancy symptoms. (Term of the first movement of a fruit fixed by mother is very individual. It is considered, that giving birth women feel movements of the child earlier.) Physiologically fruit movements are connected with reduction of muscles-razgibatelej. Their frequency increases at physical activities of mother. The frequent or strengthened movements can specify on pregnancy symptoms. The period of the most intensive movement of the child begins from 20th week when it weighs already nearby 350 g at growth of 25 sm, and proceeds till 30-32nd week. In process of growth of the kid of space in a uterus for its movements remains ever less. In 32 weeks the child weighs about 1,8 kg, has length 40-42 It see still can turn over, but soon occupies correct position for sorts - a head downwards.
From twelfth week of pregnancy of pregnancy already existing bodies of the child increase in sizes, grow, thus continuing to develop - after all the child is yet capable to survive out of an organism of mother. Representations about viability, this border between a life and death of prematurely born child, have strongly changed lately, having come nearer to 20th week of development (not so long ago this border made 30 weeks, then 28 and 25). The case when premature birth has occurred on 19 week of the pregnancy is known, the born girl weighed only 510 grammes. It has survived, however within many weeks was in the special conditions supporting breath, a food and a body temperature.
By fourth month (the sixteenth week of pregnancy) the placenta (a children's place) is formed. It is similar to a flat cake in diameter about 18 sm and in the thickness 3 see Thanks to a considerable quantity of fibers, the placenta surface reaches 6 ΠΌ2. The placenta connects the child with a parent organism, provides an intensive exchange between blood of mother and a fruit. In normal conditions blood of mother and a fruit never mixes up: the placenta creates between them an original barrier. So, from mother to a fruit passes oxygen, and carbonic gas in the opposite direction arrives. If for any reasons from an exchange half of placenta is switched off, the fruit perishes from oxygen starvation. Through a placenta there pass water, glucose, salts, amino acids, hormones and vitamins. Antibodies of mother pass through a placenta and protect a fruit and just born child from infections. Permeability of a placenta is not only the blessing - it conceals in herself and the big danger, after all the placenta is vulnerable for toxins (including alcohol and drugs), viruses and the majority of medical products, and at damage can "pass" to a fruit and the microorganisms which are in blood of mother.
In second half of pregnancy sensitivity of a fruit to pregnancy symptoms decreases. However last weeks a pre-natal life of a fruit carry to the third critical period just because the placenta already stops the growth, and the fruit considerably adds in weight. Any complications of a current of pregnancy during this period can be reflected in end of formation of some bodies. On all extent of pregnancy the child is protected from mechanical damages and is in the special water environment - in nearby-plodnyh waters. About-plodnye water fill a bag. The Amniotichesky liquid contains a quantity of the cages which are torn away from a germ. Therefore the analysis of the liquid received by a special puncture, allows doctors to investigate genetic features of a fruit and to reveal at it chromosomal anomalies. Amnimon it is broken off at sorts when waters depart. Known expression "was born under a lucky star" specifies in heavy complication in sorts when the child is born, stuck round by a cover. Earlier it quite often came to an end with destruction of the child (because of shortage pregnancy symptoms), therefore the person who has survived in such situation, considered successful.
On the fifth - the sixth month (20-28 week of pregnancy) the body of the child covers a germinal down. These gentle thin hairs drop out approximately one month prior to a birth, except for hair of a head, eyebrows, eyelashes. The child quickly grows, actively moves. First-born greasing - the white zhiro-like substance protecting the child in sorts is formed. A skin of the child red and wrinkled - because of a lack under it of a fatty fabric.
The seventh month (28-31 week of pregnancy) differs that at the kid the dream and wakefulness rhythm is established. He can wake up in the mornings together with mum and welcome its rough enough pushes. It is considered, what exactly from seventh month the child takes part in an emotional life of mother. By the end of the seventh - to the beginning of the eighth month the child starts to hear and see. Under a skin it is formed fatty fibra. The child swallows nearby-plodnuju a liquid, at times even starts to hiccup. Children who were born on the seventh month of pregnancy, survive more often.
On the eighth month (32-35 week of pregnancy) the kid adds in weight and growth; fatty fibra under a skin becomes more, the child "is approximated" to the child already rather small in a uterus, its movements are limited. It stops to "spin" and occupies position by a head downwards, preparing to a birth.
The ninth month of pregnancy (36-40 week of pregnancy) - time of definitive preparation for a birth. The head of the kid nestles on an input in a small basin. In intestines of the child the primary dust accumulates. In lungs the special substance is formed - which does not allow to lungs to be fallen down, - the kid is ready to make the first breath. By the end of the ninth month the skull has the greatest circle in comparison with other parts of a body, therefore on a skull circle define conformity of the sizes of the child and a basin of mother. It is important at the decision of a question on necessity pregnancy symptoms. Usually in 280 days after conception (40 weeks) there comes childbirth. Similar, what exactly the child «makes the decision» that is time to be born. It is ready to do a difficult way through patrimonial ways. Now the child and mother - not a single whole as it was within previous nine months. The child is capable to survive out of its organism, but a lot of time that will learn to live independently still is required to it.
Practically all life-support systems of the child will pass a stage pregnancy symptoms. So, the system of protection of an organism during the first half a year of a life uses the antibodies received with parent milk, and only by one and a half years the immune system starts to work «in full force». Deducing by kidneys of salts and products of an albuminous exchange becomes effective by the end of the first year of a life of the child, that is why so it is important to supervise quantity of salt and fiber in food of the baby. Liver function is definitively formed by two years. Formation of nervous system - one of the slowest processes in an organism. For example, intensive development of a bark of a brain comes to the end by seven years. The sexual system ripens on the average by 15 years. And by 25 years skeleton growth stops.