Preparing to pregnancy symptoms.
In the ideal world we would be to plan in a condition a life in the smallest details. In valid in which there lives the majority of us, the best plans give way unforeseen pregnancy symptoms. We need to accept and derive only it the greatest benefit from this, that to us it is given. But in any circumstances your child has the right to be born the healthy. And to take care of it follows even before approach pregnancy symptoms. Here some councils to the future mums.
Be carefully surveyed. As you, and your husband should be surveyed at the therapist, it will help to reveal all pregnancy symptoms which should be corrected in advance.
Visit the stomatologist. Pass careful check of a teeth, make all necessary procedures, for example, a X-ray of a teeth, sealing, tooth and maxillary operations.

Pass inspection in connection with planned pregnancy. Address to the gynecologist for the purpose of revealing of potential risk which can appear in planned pregnancy. If your anamnesis or clinical inspection reveals pregnancy symptoms during pregnancy guardianship of the accoucheur (or the corresponding expert) will be necessary.
Inspection and (or) treatment of deviations which could complicate pregnancy (polyps, kist, good-quality tumours, thyroid gland hypofunction, an endometriosis, inflammations of uric ways) is necessary also. If you had earlier such problems with pregnancy as an abortion or premature birth, discuss with the doctor of a measure of prevention of repetition of these symptoms. Even if you are assured, that you do not have the illnesses transferred sexual by, consult about tests for a syphilis, a gonorrhoea, a clamidiosis and a herpes. Make the test for a HIV (a virus causing AIDS).
Other inspections which should be spent before conception: definition of level of haemoglobin (for anaemia revealing), the blood analysis on a Rhesus factor (to find out what Rhesus factor at you: positive or negative), the urine analysis (to reveal fiber or sugar presence), etc.
If you are sick of a diabetes, an asthma or any other chronic illness, receive the consent of the doctor to pregnancy and be convinced, that your condition under the control.
Start to observe for pregnancy symptoms. Possibility to become pregnant when you want, will be considerable above if you have sexual contacts during a favorable part of a cycle. Precisely knowing when you have become pregnant, you can establish approximate date of sorts is easier.
Make inoculations. You should be assured, that are steady against krasnuxas (or having transferred this illness, or by an inoculation), that you have an inoculation (time in 10 years becomes). If there are no inoculations from measles and you never it were ill or concern group of high risk of infection with a hepatitis virus, that, probably, now it is useful to get this stability. Inoculations are better for making three months prior to planned pregnancy.
If someone from you or close relatives has genetic frustration, address to genetics. (You should be surveyed about genetic illnesses). The previous gynecologic problems (such as two abortions, a birth of a dead fruit, long time of barreness or a birth of the child with defect), and also marriage with the cousin or other near relation-too can be an occasion to address for genetic council.
Improve the diet. It is necessary to receive enough folic acid lack of an organism of mother leads to defects of a spinal cord at children. It contains in grains of a rough grinding, green vegetables. Exclude from a diet poor-quality meal and the refined sugar. Enrich meal integral grain, products with the high maintenance of fiber and calcium. Limit caffeine consumption (coffee, strong tea, cola). If recently you were on a diet, provide, that to pregnancy the organism has restored pregnancy symptoms (it is possible to consult to the doctor).
Take vitamins and the mineral salts intended for pregnant women. Certain researches have shown, that additional consumption of vitamins before pregnancy and in the first months of pregnancy is necessary. However if you accept any other food additives, refuse from pregnancy symptoms as surplus of vitamins can appear risky.
Care of a figure, but be not overzealous. Physical exercises will increase elasticity and a stretching of muscles, i.e. Will prepare them for carrying and a birth of the child. However avoid an overstrain: excessive trainings can damage. Do not accept too hot and cold baths.
Do not subject itself to influence of chemicals. For maintenance of the maximum safety you should avoid harmful pregnancy symptoms. Avoid influence on an organism of toxins in housekeeping.
Limit consumption of medical products. Before to accept any medicines, necessarily consult with the doctor about their influence on pregnancy and fruit development. From pregnancy symptoms it is necessary to refuse at least for a month (and some from 3 till 6 months) prior to the beginning of attempts of conception of the child.
Both parents should limit consumption of alcohol and stop to smoke. It is proved, that cancerogenic substances of tobacco and alcohol negatively influence sexual cages as men, and women. Still the worst action on fruit development renders the use of drugs. If exists pregnancy symptoms, it is necessary to address for the help to corresponding experts.
Remember that health and good care of self during pregnancy will yield the fruits not only to your children, but also children of your children.