Given article offers well checked up information to pregnant women who experience complexities in the first trimester of pregnancy because of typical pregnancy symptoms of a morning nausea and sometimes vomiting.
Pregnancy can become pleasant time in a life of the woman, but the first trimester can seem to you simply disgusting if you face a problem of a strong nausea in the mornings and even within all day. Presented below 10 steps can help to cope to you with a morning nausea:
1. Try to have always something in a stomach, let's to itself get hungry strongly. The empty stomach can lead to nausea strengthening.
2. Settle a stomach salty crackers so always have them near at hand can. They very not bad help since morning or even in the middle of night if you wake up with feeling of a nausea.
3. Abstain from the following food: food with the high maintenance of fats, fried food, a spicy food, sour food and heavy food. All listed is digested more slowly and can cause irritation of digestive system.
4. Peeping with the high maintenance of vitamin has ability to weaken a nausea so it is recommended to eat more than such food: raw grain, such as wheat or an oats, fish and seafood, fowl and animals, eggs, dairy products, such as milk and yoghurt, sheet green vegetables, beans and peas.
5. To adjust a stomach and to calm a nausea try ginger. The soft drink is especially good, if it to prepare from the present ginger. You can try tea or cookies, and even to use ginger at cooking.
6. As means against a morning nausea you can experiment with some natural preparations: enzim papayas, vitamin Б-6, massage of biologically active cages, or even yoga or massage.
7. Between meal necessarily consume a water considerable quantity. A good choice is soda water with a lemon slice.
8. To weaken a nausea it is necessary to take vitamins together with meal. Do not forget that the empty stomach in itself can lead to a nausea.
9. Avoid reception of additives of iron in the first trimester if only you do not suffer an anaemia. Iron can be acquired by your stomach very hard.
10. When you feel normally, try to eat healthy food, to be engaged in physical exercises and expect occurrence of your small kid. And coming nearer to the second trimester of pregnancy, remember that the present means of treatment of a morning nausea is time.