Monday, July 12, 2010

Pregnancy Migraines

Pregnancy Migraines
Pregnancy Migraines

How to Treat Pregnancy Migraines?
There are the mechanisms forcing us busily to do pregnancy and migraines same and not to give of the value to invariable absence of desirable result.
Doctors treat and do not treat, and patients all come back and come back to them, and nobody sees in it of absurdity.
We spend fifteen best years behind study, and leaving during a life, are absolutely not similar on powerful, able to solve pregnancy migraines treatment all problems of people and experts, and nobody is interested, what for, in that case, we go to school.
We speak to children about kindness and force, and us does not confuse, that they from it do not become kinder.
In general, in the main spheres of activity, we receive effect is more often, return wished, and here it is possible to dissolve a lot of demagogy.
However, before our eyes constantly there are the people who have found ways to operate and think very productively.
Here someone has found out, that if to hunger and eat fruit any time, the body is cleared of slags, early pregnancy migraines.
Here another has found the educational technology giving guaranteed ability to apply received knowledge.
And here, any odd fellow has learnt to grow up for five months, yes so what to approach to a cage it is necessary once a week.
It is surprising, as we vigorously reject all productive. There are the mechanisms of mind forcing us to prefer habitual futility of unusual productivity.
Therefore, popularity of any progressive technology is limited to not numerous audience of the interested migraines during pregnancy, searching for a way to achieve results in it, right now.
How you estimate the real interest to meaningly to take out, easily to give birth and competently to raise the own kid so that it so also you, had no problems with health, mentality and intelligence from a birth and till the end of this life?
For this purpose it is necessary though something the nobility about it, truly?
The unaided sight at result (and my three children, including) shows, that the technology of "manufacture" of children accepted now in weight in much bigger degree oppresses and mental development the person, brought by us into the world brakes both physical, and.
post pregnancy migraines it is possible to consider as a product of this major activity full absence of problems of soul, mind and a body at the development overtaking an average level, during lives and the child, and mums, from the moment of thought occurrence to conceive and, at least, till six years of a life.
On idea, us at school should train very qualitatively the person, after all, this trade of very few people passes, - and God forbid! However, to this business, art of creation of the person, practically anybody and anywhere does not train.
That will lay down in a basis of all of ours treating migraines in pregnancy, is at us it come from morals migraine headaches pregnancy, instead of technology.
It is surprising, but the recipe of a new pie seems to the overwhelming majority of mums to more vital, than the recipe of well-being of their children.
Not applying on more, I have collected here all productive recipes treating migraines during pregnancy, known to me for today.
Certainly, I know not all! However, I write here only about those ways of actions (technologies) about which I precisely know, that they are productive. I have simply collected it in a heap. Much has tested.
Probably, unique result severe migraines during pregnancy perusals of it the essay will be your thought what to give birth to the child - really worthy employment, and it is not necessary to do it anyhow, and it is necessary to take an interest, at least, as it is better for making. Well, it will be good result.
2. Attention! The unique reason on which you can lose sense of the text lose interest to study, feel exhaustion, boredom or irritation, studying this text, one passed or incorrectly understood word is.
Our mind is arranged so, that after such word, in memory there is an empty strip. If it has occurred, it is necessary to find simply this word and to clear it. It is there where to you all was well clear.
3. Two main laws treatment for migraines during pregnancy, underlying understanding the person, the following:
Influence on an organism that defines the further life and development more strongly, than earlier it is made;
The body is to mentality derivatives (i.e., mind mechanisms). The norm of mind defines development of a body. If, of course, in it not poisons violently.
Here it is necessary to result one more what causes migraines during pregnancy:
The reason of the person is blocked and deformed by antenatal both lifetime physical pains and losses. The earlier the pain is felt, the the reason more powerfully here is blocked. Then, these distortions of reason influence a body, causing illnesses.
From this the important practical conclusion follows: it is possible to take out, give birth and bring up the kid so, that he will be completely insured from intellectual and mental infringements and from psychosomatic (that is, having the intellectual nature) diseases.
Differently, your child can repeatedly surpass you in all these parametres.
Many of considered processes are applicable to the person in general, irrespective of age frequent migraines during pregnancy, and yield positive result if them to apply.

We use two minds solving problems of our survival very differently, and often clashing among themselves.
Analytical mind, as "processor", uses ocular migraine during pregnancy, and as working mechanisms - sensations, memory and imagination.
Function: the decision of problems of an infinite survival (prosperity as the individual, families, groups, a kind, live, all physics and spiritual) the person, as is objective meaning of the life.
Thinks distinctions: there are no two identical cats, Cossacks, Armenians, Jews, fascists. Everyone - is individual, and any generalisation reduces accuracy of an estimation.
Counts actions for life improvement for what collects the information, compares on value and on probability, and gives out the ready decision.
Works in present time. On the basis of the available information, accepts always only optimum migraine headaches during pregnancy decisions. Operates with results of actions.
Jet mind (attention: I give comparison with analytical mind!). Modular "intelligence" of cages of a body, the processor is not present. Uses mechanisms of sensations, memory and imagination for management of analytical mind.
Function: preservation of the person, as live organism (i.e., as bodies) from destruction.
Thinks identities: all snakes bite, all Jews - the sly fellows, all fascists - the enemies, all women - silly women, and muzhiks - swine. Not generalising, it is impossible to operate.
Does not count, and concerns. Accumulates the threat moments, excedrin migraine during pregnancy and unconsciousness, i.e., dangers to a body survival. All signs (sensations, phrases) the dangerous factor identifies with danger, and all signs of the protected identifies with protection.
Works out of time. Meeting in the further life something reminding signs of danger or protection, gives out emotional reaction, forcing us to think and operate according to emotional tone (the general sensation concerning a life, defined by fears of the gone through traumas, or their absence), instead of with real circumstances.
Is the is irritable-reciprocal mechanism. Operates with words, instead of actions.
Please, once again attentively compare these two minds.
Analytical mind scoops energy from aspiration to live, jet - from fear not to survive.
Product of analytical mind - decisions on how it is better to survive. A product of jet mind - emotions. Decisions - are conscious, emotions.
The problem of the person that jet mind is stronger analytical in such degree that it blocks and deforms the information for analytical mind - that more than more low tone.
In tones of antagonism, anger, the hatred, the latent animosities, fear, a grief and apathy blocking can reach 95 % therefore, the person makes productive decisions in one case from twenty.
We it see that, being under influence migraine headaches after pregnancy, we operate unreasonably, but the thinking always justifies our actions. We lose reason, testing negative emotions or, on the contrary, euphoria.
Now, all is simple. If in the early childhood the shaggy red dog has bitten, we all life will despise dogs, especially - big and red, and all red will cause feeling of discomfort.
If, thus, you were rescued"from destruction by the high brunette in points and a thick sweater (it held you on hands and spoke tender words) you will like high brunettes, thick a sweater, and you will wear for certain glasses.
Now the main thing: memory of both minds starts to work from the moment of egg fertilisation. It - is already closer to sew to a theme!
For 270 days of a life in mum, the kid writes down on the average some honeycombs of moments of a pain and unconsciousness.
All corporally-painful sensations can become the future illnesses.
All words and phrases become deep hypnotic suggestions.
Emotions of these moments become the emotions automatically reproduced in similar situations.
Bearing the child, we fill its jet mind, than rigidly we program its relation to ourselves and to an external world.
As a result, we receive the person of rather limited rationality and bad health.
It is possible not to trust in it, but returning during these moments, their comprehension and in bank of memory of analytical mind, does the person reasonable, healthy and cheerful, and the main thing - impregnable for these problems.
Practice shows, that all moments of a pain and unconsciousness are accessible to memory from the moment of spermatozoa penetration.
Thus, we are completely responsible for zombiing and illnesses of our kid.
Let's recollect two main laws.
The most powerful influence is rendered by records of the first days and weeks of pregnancy. The very first pain tested by an embryo, "includes" the mechanism of fear of a pain, thereby, including jet mind.
Only pains do possible to test negative emotions (i.e., fear) in the further life. It is important.
Than there is more than pain in the period it is, especially, uncontrollable, we depend on external factors, the person is irresponsible and unreasonable during lifetime.
The the jet bank is more filled, the in more degree the person is an animal.
The less it can use analytical mind, the worse and his life.
Look around: you constantly see it in surrounding people. You have uncontrollable habits and fears, liking and the antipathies, stirring to you to live: at the heart of them is fear of a pain.

Now it is necessary to know two things.
Your kid feels a pain and unconsciousness so, receives the next block of reason, distortion of mentality or possible illness of a body when:
At you - a hysterics, horror, anger, affect, a shock, strong excitation;
At you - a strong nausea, vomiting, a lock, you sneeze, strongly cough;
You feel a strong physical pain;
You receive blows, pushes in tummy area - fall, hit, you push; you jump, are strongly bent, strongly strain.
To your kid it is very bad also it it is braked in development, if:
At you - an indisposition, temperature, a disease aggravation;
You are upset, suppressed, are afraid, in depression;
You smoke, accept medicines, eat and drink any muck, without analysis.
Your kid has tested the strongest painful shock which will be to switch off during lifetime, literally, its consciousness or will make its invalid if there was an unsuccessful attempt of abortion.
You - its enemies for all life if you tried to get rid of it physical or chemical by. Please, draw conclusions.
In all cases listed in, please, be silent, as fish, and let associates also are silent and help you silently.
Any phrase, not important to whom it is turned, during such moment can pregnancy cause migraines becomes suggestion which can join during lifetime if jet mind "will see" a similar situation and then the person becomes dependent on this suggestion, and it and is components of any madness.
If you have got to a trouble, put a finger to lips! Do not include radio and the TV. At first you should cope with a situation. And then - laugh, communicate, speak any nonsense or sing, but only if with you everything is all right and if is not present - there should be a dead silence!
Now we can look more intelligently at dialogue and perceptions.

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